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Amnesia Kush.......Yum yum


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Good morning fine people. Welcome to the morning if day 57 of 63, yep were are almost there.

Been a busy day up to now, paid some bills and then hit the internet for some harvest goodies. Bubble bags and a pair of buckets are on their way. Oh and I upgraded my snips to a pair of fiskar micro tip and some ISO to clean the bags and my grinder.

Well time to enjoy a choc hob nob,might have enough time to roll a doobie.

One shall return from my adventures of the day with a picture update as it is flush number 3 tonight.

Live long and prosper

Edited by sy100276
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Nice to see the finish line in clear sight mate and looks to be a nice crop in store for ya :yep:

Love the ghetto hash making method too, more than one way to skin a cat eh? My last run of hash I only used 2 bags, just the 220 to mix then the 25 to collect the heads and it worked out pretty good, and much easier than draining and cleaning 8 bags.....I have just been making the hash into rosin anyway. Look forward to hearing how you get on with the bags mate :v:

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@@Devcal cheers my friend, let's hope it is a good harvest. In fact looking like another kilner might be in order. Thanks for the tip on the bags,I think I will do the same. Use the 220 to mix with the smallest bag to run the mix through. As the idea of draining bags might be a chore, and I don't think 2 plants warrant all the bags being used.

Well to day just keeps getting better, had 2 confirmation e-mails stating the fiskars and buckets have been dispatched.

Any how, time for a joint to celebrate.

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@@samhigh Cheers mukka,not there just yet mate,but here's hoping for a good one.

I am soon to be in the 2016 section with a diary,the strain race is still on. Only a few more days to go and then something is going swimming.

As always about this time,I get pretty excited at the thought of checking the girls out. Had a quick peek early this morning through the inspection hatch,looks like they are yellowing up a tad. It was hard to have a good look as it is pretty damn bright in there. As I were glasses, the sunglass option is out of the window. They joys if being short sighted. But I will be able to see what the situation is tonight when watering.

Oh and I just paid my weed bill,and he was quite surprised when I said I didn't want anything today. I do have this lump of hash to smoke,and I expect it to last a few days,so hopefully no samples till harvest.

Speaking of hash, off to roll an afternoon smoke.

Take care,it is a crazy world out there.

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@@samhigh thanks mate, I had ruled them out but with you saying that I will try some on in the grow shop.

Trust me mate I have used method seven glasses since they first came out and once you use them you will not go back. They block out all the hps lighting,you can get mh and led versions which work the same. They let you see your plant in a natural light :)

Very good product. I think you can get a cheep pair in the uk for around 15 quid :) these I've not tried

All the best and nice to see that you are getting back to you jovial self. I know this grow has been a bit of a battle but not long now mate :)

All the best


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@@Dinafem-Mark typical, just at the end I hear of method sevens,lol. Thanks for the feedback on them,I will pick up a pair with my order on Tuesday for the next run. It is very hard not to be happy at the minute...... What with a tent full of buddage,along with a bit of retail therapy for good measure, works wonders.

No news on the bags yet, but I have got my "I am having a party", line in Iceland when I get 10 bags of ice. As I am going to give the trim two runs. This chap is also planning some canna butter,going to make short bread as it uses a lot of butter. That way when I go shopping with my elderly friend. I can have have a Biscuit or two,lol.

Temps in the tent with the lights off today has been 69f-72f, humidity is 32-34%

Time to make a dent in this lump of hash.

Until next time.......Keep smiling, keep growing, keep smoking

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10 bags of ice, how much bloody trim you got bud?

That's a lot of ice bud. I only buy 3... lol

Not long til harvest now bud. Tidy... :stoned:

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It's the room 10 bags would take, the weight.. I wouldn't fancy lifting 10 bags of ice and water.. 10 bags for Two plants.. Ya nutter lol id Probably buy 2 bags then.. lol

We should have just left you do it and you reporting back saying help, 'i cant lift the bubble bags'.. just for shits and giggles thinking about it really.. . lol lol lol

I wouldn't do that to ya bud...


Edited by HazyDaze
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Good evening folks, and welcome to the last few hours of day 57.

This evening the girls had 3 litres of plain water with a small run off, they were also rotated. The ballasts were switched over from 600-400, and 400-600w.

Both plants are starting to yellow,one more than the other,some leaves had completely withered and were easily removed. Others that had gone more than 60/70% were snipped off. By the time I had finished there was a small Pile of faded leaves by my feet,and a sweet fragrance on my fingers.

I have a feeling that come day 63 they will be pretty much done.

Here are the girls,with a few bud shots for good measure....





Edited by sy100276
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