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the holy quran experiment

Guest bazzad9

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Oh aye, I'm not saying that all individuals who have beliefs in a certain God or subscribe to a particular belief system feel that way, but it is kinda part of the dogma of the major Abrahamic religions. E2A It's not the belief in a God that causes problems, it's the dogma that often goes with that.

Eagain2a God may or may not have created man (I dunno, like I said I'm an agnostic - I tend to think not, so I lean towards atheism, but I don't know for sure, that's the essence of agnosticism, not knowing or pretending to know), but man definitely created organised religion. And whatever the good intentions may have been, it has been used as a tool of control throughout human history.

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Oh aye, I'm not saying that all individuals who have beliefs in a certain God or subscribe to a particular belief system feel that way, but it is kinda part of the dogma of the major Abrahamic religions. E2A It's not the beliefs that cause problems, it's the dogma that goes with them.

I just meant that you were getting carried away and had actually just cast all organised religion there btw. Religion is a popular whipping boy & people appear blind to it for some reason.

Has it occurred that without actually taking part you may not actually understand their religion properly? Not stating it as FACT, just throwing it out there.

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Dunno. I was forced to go to Sunday School every Sunday morning (followed by church) from an early age, went to a primary school where Christianity was part and parcel of everything, and went to a C of E aided high school (compulsory prayers every morning etc), so I do kinda have some idea of what it's like to be a part of it. I rejected it at an early age, before I even got to high school. The simplistic carrot-and-stick morality of heaven and hell kinda struck me as ludicrous even as a kid.

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I think what the Jesus dude is claimed to have said is all good - be good to each other, don't hurt each other, help those less fortunate than yourself, treat others how you'd want to be treated, throwing the monylenders out of the temple, greed is bad etc is sound :yep: Good rules to live your life by, regardless of whether you believe in a God or not :)

It's just a shame that a lot of so-called Christians don't actually practice what Jesus preached. In fact if he was around today, saying the same things, a lot of so-called Christians (the appalling right-wing fundamentalist nut jobs) would nail him to a cross for being a pinko, liberal commie...

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Jesus actually came out with some blinders

According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed. When Jesus found himself alone with the woman, he asked her who were her accusers. She replied, “No man, lord.” Jesus then said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more.”
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Nearly a billion people have died (in recorded history) in wars that had no reason other than religious division. Most of these religions have as a central tenet, "They shall not kill"

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I also get kinda offended when people with beliefs (again I'm not saying all of them, but certainly some) think that just because I don't believe in their God (or any God), and their set of rules (or any set of rules laid down from on high), means that somehow I don't have a moral code. I do, I have a pretty firm moral code actually, it's just one that I've come up with myself, over the years I've spent living, not one given to me in a book written a couple of thousand years ago. And I do what I think is right because I think it's right, not because of some threat of punishment or promise of reward when I die.

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Ultimately I guess what I think is that having rules to live your own life by is cool, telling other people how to live based on your beliefs isn't. I'll let you get on with your life, believing what you choose, I just ask for the same consideration.

(as long as your actions don't harm anyone else - that's the only situation I think people should interfere with how other people live, if it harms other people, that's what laws are supposed to be for, though sadly as we all know the law doesn't really care about harm, things that don't harm anyone else, like taking drugs, are illegal, things that do harm other people, like greed and exploitation, are not just legal but encouraged - I'd perhaps suggest because our laws have their basis in dogma)

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Guest jacks lad

its all in our minds, there aint no substance attached to religion, its whatever we believe, sadly most of the worlds population never got chance of free thinking from birth.

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I'm not religious fwiw. But the "I was religiously abused so religion is evil" approach holds no water imo, it has an element of truth but no more.

It is equivalent to someone who has had little or unpleasant sexual experiences trying to repress the sexual activity of everyone around them.

Another way of putting it is that the religious council eg the synod could be negative or even malicious but many of its followers wonderful warm people. In my terminology that does not make the religion bad, as the people who practice are the religion, not those "in charge".

Just as we are the UK and not our government. Although many people on the other side of the world probably confuse the two.

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I agree.

As with religion, so with anything else - I like persons - individuals. I don't like people (as a group). I'm a misanthrope, but it's not individuals that I don't like, it's just people as a whole, in groups. In my experience the plural of persons is not people, it's a mob, there's something fucked up about us that when we get together we kinda descend to the lowest common denominator, we become less than the sum of our parts :( Be it religion, or anything else.

Unless it's a party with lots of drugs for everyone, then it's all cool :)

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I just want people to treat each other with respect. I just want to see those that have helping those that don't. I just want to see a world without greed, I don't want to see people with too much taking from people that don't have enough. There's enough to go round, if only we took our fair share and no more. I just want everyone to be happy (or at the very least content). There's enough to go round, if we only took our fair share.

Call it socialism, or communism, or just plain fantasy. But that's all I want to see. Nobody with too much, and nobody with not enough. Every billionaire is taking the bread from the mouths of other people, cos there's only so much to go around. I don't care about "I worked my whole life to earn my billions.", you worked your whole life fucking over other people, you worked your whole life to get more, more, more. Should I be expected to throw my life away getting more, more, more, just because you did ? Life's worth more than that, just because you threw your life away to die with the most toys (cos that's the thinking - he who dies with the most toys wins) doesn't mean everyone else should. Life is about more than that.

E2A Sorry, drunk and expressing that badly, but it's what I believe drunk or sober, I just think I could probably express it better sober :rolleyes:

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