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Rainy day sifting.


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So the containment sift i cleaned out using the screens turned into this glob of rosin.Going to do another sift run this time frozen to see what happens.

photo 21 copy 4

photo 21 copy 3

photo 21 copy

photo 21

photo 21 copy 2

Edited by Arthur Mix
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Did a bit more with the frozen trim this was the third run,its yielded quite well.

150mic sift

sift 420

uk420 sift




I also took some photos through my handheld scope at 40x mag,using my old generation i phone,at least it shows some clarity


90 micron sift.

Edited by Arthur Mix
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So i scraped up the sift and made a wrap from some plastic,placed the sift inside and taped it up so it did not come apart. I then double wrapped this in cling film so it did not split.I placed it inside my sock,put me boots on and went for a walk,which resulted in the sift coming out like this.

shoe hash hmm . lovely

eta i seem to get more yield from frozen trim . im not sure if its debit or more trics .

try the fridge next time maybe the fridge is a happy medium ?

Edited by catfish
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I had a bit of Ugorg1 trim so i thought i would run some quick..I had frozen it this time @@catfish ,i found it to be annoying having to go back and forth to get more out from the freezer.I found it came back up to room temp very quick,although there is a dusting of trich's left on the plastic container..

so on with some pics..

Box of frozen trim

Box Of trim


grade Of trim

You can see some of the sift ,this was the bottom of the box...

bottom Of trim pile

amount used Per pass

Dusting from 150

dusting 150


Gathered up to work later

150 trim

Gathered up to work later

150 unclean

and a scope shot pre cleaned


Edited by Arthur Mix
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@@Arthur Mix did you put it back in the freezer after you'd finished dry sifting it?

I'm tempted to give it a go with my frozen trim... but might just bang it all in the bubble bags and ice water extract it...

I've got a tonne of dry / curing trim that is already on it's second or third sift... maybe hit that one more time... Sifting is so long.

Nice efforts! :)

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@@Arthur Mix did you put it back in the freezer after you'd finished dry sifting it?

I'm tempted to give it a go with my frozen trim... but might just bang it all in the bubble bags and ice water extract it...

I've got a tonne of dry / curing trim that is already on it's second or third sift... maybe hit that one more time... Sifting is so long.

Nice efforts! :)

Aye the sift is back in the freezer,i do 2 or 3 passes this was the first one...This pass was quick prob 30 mins or so rubbing across screens in separate batches of about 5 mins each.I will have a weigh of it when me mate comes with the dreaded scales lol...

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Got a bit bored so i thought i would press some hash.I got a quick clamp the other day for when i do rosin,so i thought i would use this to press with.I also had some small loaf tins,which stack neatly inside each other,i placed the sift inside one tin with the other on top = a basic mould,also non stick lol .I yielded 32gms of sift from the other days sifting which made me happy.I still have to weigh the material used,but i have smoked some of the hash.... I used ten grammes to test with.

sift in a large jyarz

jyarz full

This is the clamp with the tins inside each other , used a piece of wood on the top tin to spread the loading.

quick clamp And tins

This is how it came out

small cake Tin press

hash pressed with tins


photo 39

test press

Its quite softly pressed,not brittle.It is malleable when played with.When smoked its an explosion of flavours,not to harsh..Quite happy with how this came out.. :oldtoker:
Edited by Arthur Mix
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So i used a D-Nail rosin press today,got some good results,using mainly 25u mesh as i was using Uncleaned sift 150u getting around 40/55% return .Seemed to get more out using a gramme at a time...


D nail copy 2


D nail copy


D nail

The maroc was more 60% return
Maroc pressed rosin

hash rosin copy

Maroc pressed rosin

hash rosin

Ugorg 1 sift rosin 150u uncleaned


rosin copy

rosin press

rosin sift chip

ugorg rosin

Cigar tube mesh trial

cigar press rosin

tube mesh

cigar mesh

Will get some photos of the finished rosin tomorrow ,when i have more time to upload pics...Now i off to have a dab. :oldtoker:

Edited by Arthur Mix
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  • 2 weeks later...

Did some more sifting last night ran the ugorg1 for a third time,yielded some more trichs,will prob rosin it as i had plenty of 150u larger stuff left over it yielded ok on the lower screens

First issue i have are me cats when ever i set up she just wants to be involved,as you can see she straight into the chair.. lol.

The helpful cat...Ugorg1 3rd run..

cats stopping Me work

ugorg1 3rd run

ugorg trim 3rd Run

ugorg1 3rd run

ugorg 3rd Run sift

ugorg1 3rd run

ugorg 3rd sift

After i did the ugorg1 u had the trim from the Killers,Cheese,Blues and Smottie rmx,which i mixed together as to much to do 4 separate runs.
So the hash is Cheese got the Blues and Smottie got Killed lol.
Killers,Cheese,Blues and Smottie rmx
Material used

killers trim copy 3

Material used

killers trim copy 2

Material used

killers trim copy

Material used

killers trim

Sift stuck to plastic container

killers container static

150U 1st run

killers 150 U

killers 150 U

killers 150  2nd

killers 150u

135 Screen working 1st run

killers worked 150JPG

killers 135 1st

Small piece of 135u

135 kill

2nd run

killers 2nd Run 135u

3rd run

ugorg 3rd sift

Bellow is the ugorg1 hash from the 3rd sift..


ugorg1 3rd sift 135


150 ugorg1 3rd sift


150 ugorg sift 3rd Run

135 u

135 ugorg1 3rd sift

The 135u i press into lumps,the 150 u gets rosined.
Bellow is the Kilers,Blues,cheese and smottie sift..

killers 135 sift..


135 killers sift


135 killers hard press


killers 135 pressed


135 killers.



And finally a small lump of 90u that fell through the screens passively.

90u passive fallen through pressed

Now to see if i can disassemble my hair straighteners and mout them on my quick clamp. :oldtoker:

Edited by Arthur Mix
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