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Another XXL adventure. Moby dick in mud


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Hi stoners.
here is my latest addition to the tent, she is a moby dick XXL.
I cracked her in water, then strait into the soil.
there really is no need for paper towels and all that bumph.
Anyway week 1 she spent in a 15 litre pot of pre-soaked verve soil, with about 15-20% perlite added.
I also added a flat handful of chicken manure (orjanic), a handfull of blood fish and bone, a small cup of dolomite lime, a flat palmfull of mychorizzo and i dosed the water with 2 ml per litre of root stim.

Now i know that a lot of people on here will say "oh you dont want to use all that in soil, feed them nopthin for a fortnite etc etc, and thats fair enuff, but this works for me, and im stickin with it.
I had over 13 ounce from my last 2 cheeses this way, and the moby is another heavy feeder, so im sure it will be ok.

I wanted to do her in a 25 litre pot, but they are all in use on my other tent, so 15's it is

here she is, just poppin out to say hello.
this was about 19 days ajo, and now she is a bit larjer.
here she is alonjside a autoultimate from DP, and as you can see, she is off to a flier.
first up ultimate, then moby

i wil LST them at 4-5 nodes, and they will hopefully start takin off in the next couple of weeks.

Wish me luck bredren

Edited by distracted
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  • 5 weeks later...

im a bad man, ive reglected my diary.

Wellmy moby is startin to bud up, but she isnt as XXL as i would like. I put this down to my lazyness, by not puttin the humidifier into the tent for the first 3-4 weeks.

My normal RH is about mid thirties, which is not ideal fro veg, but seems to be fine for flower.

I have treated her to a feed every time consistin of 1-2 ml grow, with 0.5 ml fulvic and silicone every second feed. i also miss every 4th feed and punt in some mollasses and water, which helps the micro herd no end.

she is now on day 35ish maybe, i cant remember exactly, and looks very healthy, with nice green leaves and the buds are forming nicely.

I do notice the lack of smell from her? Whats the crack with that then? Anyone else experience this?

Enuff of my rambling heres some picsgallery_87390_10292_4502.jpggallery_87390_10292_44031.jpggallery_87390_10292_18599.jpg

excuse the crappy iphone pics, but you have an idea how they look eh?

back in a week or so.

Any comments welcome

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Things look good but I would have thought more growth due too the xxl. As too why no smell?, you should be getting some smell from the flowers by now.. lets see what these next few weeks bring..

All the best and thank you for the update


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i can only think the lack of humidity and the smaler pots 15 litres, compared to my previous 25 litre jobs, may have held her back, but yeah she isnt exactly XXL.compared to my cheese XXL and blue cheese i did previously.

I tied her down as well, same as i always do, at 4-5 nodes.

As for the smell, another dude who did the moby XXL also said he noticed it, but also said that come chop that she was stinky then, so i will have to see how it does. It may just come later in flower, who knows.

Im happy with the colour of her leaves and the buds on her so far

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i can only think the lack of humidity and the smaler pots 15 litres, compared to my previous 25 litre jobs, may have held her back, but yeah she isnt exactly XXL.compared to my cheese XXL and blue cheese i did previously.

I tied her down as well, same as i always do, at 4-5 nodes.

As for the smell, another dude who did the moby XXL also said he noticed it, but also said that come chop that she was stinky then, so i will have to see how it does. It may just come later in flower, who knows.

Im happy with the colour of her leaves and the buds on her so far

15l should be fine lets just hope the smell, yeild and taste come too the final product..

All the best


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well the smell is comin now, and they are fattenin up nicely.

they aint huje, plants like the widow and cheese xls were, but the buds are fatarrow-10x10.png, and sticky.

they are on pk now alonj with base nutes and occasional mollasses

ill post a cuple of pics in the next day or so

Edited by bigbadbillybob
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well the smell is comin now, and they are fattenin up nicely.

they aint huje, plants like the widow and cheese xls were, but the buds are fatarrow-10x10.png, and sticky.

they are on pk now alonj with base nutes and occasional mollasses

ill post a cuple of pics in the next day or so

Will look forward too the picture update and glad that the smell is coming into it now.

All the best


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shes fattenin up now.


another couple of weeks to do.

Looking stellar mate.

Thank you for your update

All the best


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yes mate, she is comin at it now.

I still have a few beans and will do one in the 25 litre pot, otr maybe the 40 litre one, that ive been itching to try.

I will also do a O g kush auto diary when my current crop is done.. Big pots of course...........its the future

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Do you start them in the big pots? Just it reads that you Germinate and stick em straight into 15L pots

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I put them into some pre boiled water (cooled obviously), then when the tap root emerges from the seed shell, In usually just punt them straijht into the big pots, 25 litres, but this is only a 15 litre one, as i had no big ones left..

I dont bother with paper towels etc. waste of time IMO.

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