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A friendly LED debate. split from PARABOLIC FIRE HAZARD


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I stated it at the end of the grow on page 4... 0.947gpw


And what did you get when you dried it? :D

Just joking thats a great result :yep:

i would love to see someone do a side by side grow on here, 2 tents the same, 2 extractions the same, 2 lights one HPS and one LED of the same wattage, same cuttings and then we would really see if they are as good as each other :yep:

Edited by ELO
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@@Badders what did you grow the plants in your gallery under between 2005-2009? The pictures seem to contradict your claims about being a new grower. I've asked, and Arnold Layne has asked. You're not coming across too well...

I did already state what I grew in my previous reply but for you I will reiterate.

Top44. 5 x 20W CFL. No carbon filter. no extract.

If you want to pretend im Oldtimer masquerading as a troll go ahead, you will be disappointed.

@@Badders dunno if you remember but about a year ago we had a member here called doozy. like you he was hooked in by the led hype but had never actually grown. he was involved in every led debate on here at the time, hitting us with all the statistics, graphs etc.

he kept promising us a diary but for whatever reason he got banned before he started it. he did however take his diary to another forum. ive been following it and it follows the typical led diary pattern, starts off strong in the veg phase, doesn't perform too well in the flowering stages then suddenly the grower is too busy at work to update and the diary almost grinds to a halt. well he updated his diary yesterday with a final yield of 0.4gpw. 2300w of led he used, bet that wasn't cheap.

im not gonna quote exactly what he said in his post yesterday but it seems he is now planning on moving to hid lighting. if only he had listened to the uk420 growers in the first place.

Right dude! Can you answer me a few questions?

For example;

What LED emitters was he using? What driver was he using.

LED has a stigma attached to it. I'm trying to dispel that and demonstrate that they are a viable option or growing.

Please read my other posts, I spent along time constructing them. The reply you just made just implies that you haven't read or understood the content I put up previously.

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LED has a stigma attached to it. I'm trying to dispel that and demonstrate that they are a viable option for growing.

Surely you can only do that by showing a successful grow, not by listing specs and theory.
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Not even getting into this, I'm out, very little truth here

Edited by Superdedupity
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Surely you can only do that by showing a successful grow, not by listing specs and theory.

Yes, Yes I can and will.

But in the meantime, by looking at the datasheets I can make accurate suggestions.

May I ask you what would be (for you) the 'perfect' grow light? tell me about its features.

The proof is always in the pudding but we dont always need the pudding. How do you think things get designed in the real world? do we order all the parts put it together, and then wait for a few months to see if it works?

Or do we use the data and information available to us to make decisions. to buy the most suitable products

I want to go on record as saying that in 5 years you will be apologizing to me for being so short sighted and negative.

Please, like everyone else, go back. Read what I wrote, examine the 'useless' charts and graphs, and then reply.

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I want to go on record as saying that in 5 years you will be apologizing to me for being so short sighted and negative.

Please, like everyone else, go back. Read what I wrote, examine the 'useless' charts and graphs, and then reply.

One day undoubtedly that prediction will be correct. I concede it might be you who gets it right too. However, please don't tell me to read back what you've read. As many people have stated, we'll simply wait for the evidence and then consider trying it.

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Why will I be apologising? All I've said is that currently, on the actual real world evidence available, leds don't offer anywhere near enough advantage over hids to justify the cost for the vast majority of growers.
Maybe in five years they will, but as I said a while back the future is not now.
When I joined up here over 5 years ago, after a few years off from growing, leds were being touted then as the future and tbh if we search back through the site we'd probably find someone making the same grand statements that we'll all be eating our words in five years; ie now. The fact is it hasn't happened, and while there are growers out there using leds they are still nowhere near replacing hids.
If you want to be part of the vanguard then fair enough, but the only way you'll convince the rest of us is with documented grows resulting in big fat healthy looking frosty buds.

Edited by ~nobody~
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Can't believe I missed this lol

I got your back bladders.

screw the naysayer!! :yep:

Edited by mrchang
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Ground hog day again !

I've herd it before 5 years ago still running hid.

Now put the graphs to one side and start this dairy and while your at it do some graphs and PhDs off your own not copy and paste

Proofs in the herb


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@@Badders you come across as confident in your understanding of the technical aspects of growing under artificial lights and the research you have undertaken. However all research, if possible, has to make the jump from theorising into practical experimentation to be proven true. As others have suggested, get the seeds popped, get a diary up and we will all be able to see if you get the results that a proficient HPS grower expects by default or as ~nobody~ puts it: "big fat healthy looking frosty buds"

Either that or it will join the ranks of half completed LED diaries :wassnnme:

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