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Strawberry Amnesia & Sweet Deep Grapefruit Diary.


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Cheers for the comments guys, all's still going well in the BigJohnny tent. I'm now on day 14 of 12/12 and the stretch seems to have calmed down, which is good because if they get any bigger I'll be struggling for head room. They're still on just plain ole water (@@Dinafem-Mark, not right from the start, only since they were potted up), and they are going well. They're still under the MH, I'll switch to the HPS in a week or so.

Things were getting a bit cramped so I've trimmed a lot of the side branching that wasn't reaching the canopy and a lot of undergrowth off, there's a bit more room now.

The best part of the grow is now approaching - when the buds start to form and then watching them join up - so that's it for another week or so. In a bit.





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Nice one mate. Unfortunately my 2 blues are a bit smaller than the others because they were opted up a bit later than others. They still look good though. Good luck with yours, hopefully they'll be ready for Xmas.

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@@BigJohnny coming along nicely mate, I reckon you got the trimming bang on :yep: I will try to be that brave next trim

I was stoned and I just kept chopping...

eta: Didn't mean to go all Forrest Gump there!

Edited by BigJohnny
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They look great! Nice amount if underbrush taken out which will boost the energy to the remaining plant and the lowers get very little light so imo you've taken just the right amount off.

Will be looking forward to seeing these in full bloom

All the best


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They look great! Nice amount if underbrush taken out which will boost the energy to the remaining plant and the lowers get very little light so imo you've taken just the right amount off.

Will be looking forward to seeing these in full bloom

All the best


Cheers Mark, I'm chuffed to bits with how this grow is going so far, they are so unfussy and respond to everything that's chucked at them. They've been in these pots for about 4 week now so I think when I water them tomorrow I'll start introducing a small amount of PM Bloom nutes, maybe just 1ml/L to start off with. I've been known to over fert in the past so I don't want to do that again...

I think the stretch has stopped now - they haven't got any bigger in the last day or 2 - which is good, my light can't go any higher and I didn't fancy having to super crop considering how full the tent is...

I'll also be taking the MH out and putting the HPS in tomorrow, I think I'll have to stick with 400w because of the distance between light and the plants.

The fun starts here, can't wait to see those buds forming and joining up...

I'll get some more pics up in a few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm now on day 27 of 12/12. Things are still going well. I'm nearly out of PM Bloom so I've ordered some more nutes tonight, I've gone for Biobizz this time for a change. Some of my plants look like they're suffering with a bit of N def so I've also ordered some fish mix to give them a boost.

Last week I changed the bulb to a 600w HPS so unfortunately the pics I'll take a bit later won't be great. My lights on temps are around 30 but I need to do something about lights off, they are really low maybe 12-13. I have a tube heater I could stick in the tent but iirc it's a bit shit and does fuck all. I'll give it a go though. I can't afford to have my heating on when I'm at work...

So yeah, pics to follow later...

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Hey BigJohny. You must be around halfway through flowering - just a month left. By my experience, you will most likely be able to chop down the SDG a week before the SA. Your lights-off temps do seem very low, this is also what is causing the leaves to turn yellow or the deficiencies, imo. Try to fix the temps, before putting more nutes into your feed, because that could cause other issues, such as further lock outs. Perhaps a tube heater or a radiator on a timer, just to warm up the grow room during lights off - no need to heat up the entire house. Good luck :v:

Edited by AustrianTokker
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You have way to much of a drop in temps I find that any thing more than a 12oF drop then you will get problems especially with nutrient uptake or lock out. Your temps are in C so that is way more than a 12oF drop :(

I would do my best to get the temps up during lights out :). I agree with AT the sdg will be done 7-21 days before the strawberry amnesia (pheno dependant). I hope you can get your temps up you will see a drastic increase all around :)

All the best


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Cheers for the replies chaps and the advice re temps. I never thought about lockout but it's only 1 plant out of 8 that seems to be suffering. I've had my heating on low the last couple of days and now lights out are around 18-19 which is an improvement, I've just stuck a tube heater in there now so I'll see if that raises the temp a bit more. I'll go easy on the nutes though, I'm only feeding them 2.5ml per L of OT Bloom at the mo. I may try a bit of fish mix with the one that's going yellow in a couple of days if things don't improve.

I've been reading up on Blackstrap Molasses and might have a go with that. Am I right in think Tate and Lyle black treacle is suitable for this?

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I also run a "cold" system and know how hard it can be to maintain nice temps. The symptons of a cold system is usually yellow leaves, but the buds tend to be a lot denser. :D
What is the reason behind the blackstrap? As far as I'm aware, many organic nutes use molasses as their base, even the OT Bloom - but i could be wrong. Just found a topic on the subject https://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=301231&p=3253685

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  • 1 month later...

Right, sorry for the lack of updates, I've not had a very good few weeks but I'm back on track now.

I suffered with low temps lights off for the last few weeks and they suffered for it, as suggested before I think they had nute lock out. I got a lot of fan leaves yellowing and dying off, but they persevered and continued to bud up OK, although I think yield has been affected. I chopped the 3 Sweet Deep Grapefruits last Tuesday, which was day 58. I didn't get the trichs but they seemed to have stop swelling and they had about 80% brown hairs. Really easy to trim and the buds were nice and dense. They definitely have a citrusy/pineapple/grapefruity smell to them. All 3 plants were pretty uniformed so it doesn't look like too much pheno variation.

Tonight I've vaped this quick(ish) and uncured bud...

Sample SDG bud.

Upon first impressions I like it. Obviously it has that new-weed-novelty factor but it appears to be a tasty strain, it hits you in the head at first and has some euphoria - a bit smiley if you like - then I found myself day dreaming a bit before feeling nice and relaxed. Everything looks a bit brighter as well. In all honesty, I was hoping for a bit more of a narcotic effect as I expect the Strawberry Amnesia to be a cerebral/heady weed as it's supposed to be more sativa whereas the SDG is supposed to be more indica. Saying that, I'm not disappointed so far. I'm gonna have another vape now.
I chopped my Blues at the same time and I have found the odd seed in both the Blues and SDG but not loads.
The Strawberry Amnesias are still going, they are now on day 64, I reckon they'll be ready within the week.
I'll update some more after a cure and do a proper smoke report...
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