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Strawberry Amnesia & Sweet Deep Grapefruit Diary.


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Firstly a quick apology for leaving it so long before starting this grow, my current grow was intended to be finish a few weeks ago as it was supposed to be a 12/12 from seed grow but I ended up vegging them for 5 weeks... Anyway, seeing as that's coming to an end now it's time to crack on and get this up and running. Thanks to @@Dinafem-Mark for the seeds, I hope to do them justice.

Here's a quick list of the equipment and then a brief outline of the plan (haha like I ever stick to the plan!).

~Secret Jardin DR90t tent. It's a twin chamber with the bottom 90x90x150cm so not a lot of headroom after the fan and filter goes in, and the top chamber 90x90x60cm. Naturally the top is for propagation/early vegging and the bottom for late vegging/flowering.

~1 x T5 (2 bulbs) and 1 x T5 (4 bulbs) in the prop tent

~1 x 6" fan and filter

~1 x dimable ballast, 400w MH for late vegging then 400/600w HPS for flowering

~Plant Magic soil, nutes and beneficiaries (root stim/bio silicon/granules/bio wetter)

~The other usual bits and bobs.

I've popped 3 x Strawberry Amnesia and 3 x Sweet Deep Grapefruit, all fems, straight into soil in 1 ltr pots (along with 4 x UGORG Blues and 2 x OT Lot #5 Evo regs but this diary isn't about them) and into the prop tent and with a bit of luck I'll have a total of 9 plants depending on germ rate and m/f ratio from the regs. I plan to top them all early (maybe after 4/5 nodes appear) and possibly again later on if I'm feeling mischievous... If things go to plan I'll flower in 3.5 ltr pots, if not and I have fewer plants than I intend, I'll flower in 6.5 ltrs.

So that's it for now and I'll be back when there's something to report, cheers.

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Thank you for getting a diary up it is very much appreciated :). We did not expect you to start straight away as you would probably been midway through a grow so now is great :).

There is not to many grow logs on our strawberry amnesia so ill pull up a chair with great anticipation as from what I have been told you are in for a treat :)

You cannot go far wrong with the plant magic (pm) line of nutes and there soil is a great mix which I use regularly :) have only used the pm oldtymer organic range but herd great things about there silicone and granules

All the best with the grow and again thank you for the diary :)


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Thank you for getting a diary up it is very much appreciated :). We did not expect you to start straight away as you would probably been midway through a grow so now is great :).

There is not to many grow logs on our strawberry amnesia so ill pull up a chair with great anticipation as from what I have been told you are in for a treat :)

You cannot go far wrong with the plant magic (pm) line of nutes and there soil is a great mix which I use regularly :) have only used the pm oldtymer organic range but herd great things about there silicone and granules

All the best with the grow and again thank you for the diary :)


I've got about 10 grows under my belt now and I've used the Plant Magic range for all of them apart from my first grow and had good results although for the last couple of grows I've noticed I've needed to use a bit more of the Bloom than in previous grows. Anyway, those SA's sound nice, hopefully I'm in for a treat.

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Nice to see another SA grower! :yep: Blues and Sweet deep grapefruit to go along... sounds like you're in for a good smoke at the end.


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Right chaps, 4 days after planting the seeds we have life. 100% germ rate on all the seeds so that's pleasing to see, none of this faffing around with wet paper towels needed...

I'm gonna try and update this diary on a weekly basis unless I run into any problems but I tend to forget but I shall do my best.

My current grow is nearly due to come down which is a 7 strain multi-grow so I'm looking forward to having a nice selection to smoke again, I'm down to just one strain in the jars now...

All being well, this grow should be done by Xmas so that would be a nice crimbo present to myself...

No pics at the mo because there's not much to show but I'll get some up for next weeks update. Laters.

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Nice to hear about 100% germination ;) will look out for pictures when you have action! :)

All the best and thank you for the update :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 14 in the BigJohnny tent, things are looking good which means there's not much to report. They're still under the T5's and they're keeping nice and stocky. I reckon they'll get topped in the next week or so... I'm going for short and bushy.

So here's a few pics, I don't think they are looking to bad atm...

Sweet Deep Grapefruit and Strawberry Amnesia.

Sweet Deep Grapefruit and Strawberry Amnesia.

Sweet Deep Grapefruit and Strawberry Amnesia.

Edited by BigJohnny
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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 23 in the BigJohnny tent. So I've potted the SA's and SDG's up into 6.5L pots with PM granules, I've gone for the 6.5's as opposed to the 3.5's as the smaller pots were a bit of a nightmare drying out especially as I work away a couple of nights a week, hopefully the larger pots should see me better. I've also changed soil, instead of PM supreme I've gone for B and Q verve multi-purpose, picked up 125L for £6, but fuck me it was heavy... not potted up the Blues or Lot #5 evo's yet, that's tomorrows job...

So here's a couple of pics, the Dinafem's are in the bigger pots, I reckon I'll have a busy tent soon...

eta: forgot to mention, they were all topped about a week ago.



Edited by BigJohnny
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Day 23 in the BigJohnny tent. So I've potted the SA's and SDG's up into 6.5L pots with PM granules, I've gone for the 6.5's as opposed to the 3.5's as the smaller pots were a bit of a nightmare drying out especially as I work away a couple of nights a week, hopefully the larger pots should see me better. I've also changed soil, instead of PM supreme I've gone for B and Q verve multi-purpose, picked up 125L for £6, but fuck me it was heavy... not potted up the Blues or Lot #5 evo's yet, that's tomorrows job...

So here's a couple of pics, the Dinafem's are in the bigger pots, I reckon I'll have a busy tent soon...

eta: forgot to mention, they were all topped about a week ago.

@@BigJohnny thank you for the update it is much appreciated :)

Both strains look to be coming along very well, can't wait to see the sa in bloom :)

Again Thanx for the update

All the best


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So on day 26 and 3 days since the pot up (and 1 day since the second topping) things are looking fine and dandy, they *seem* to be loving the new soil...


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