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L.E.D vs H.I.D .. Which is the best ?


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Hi all,

Now i expected this topic to have been covered more times, but using the search function brought up 0 results, and a manual search going from page to page only gave me one close topic, and it still didnt answer my question

Which is better, an LED light, or a HID light? I assumed that because most growers were running HID with MH and HPS bulbs that this explained itself. But on further investigation on youtube, it would suggest the vast majority of tests on cannabis plants between the pair show the LED setups that replicate the similar power of the oposing HID light, to come up with much better quality yeilds and more actual finished product,

I stayed off any of the youtube channels that had LED systems r us etc in them as they are just trying to sell you stuff, and watch the actual growers diaries ..

Can someone with actual experience or solid knowledge clear this up for me? I read MRCHANG is the LED expert but i went on his profile and couldnt work out how to send a message to him... Im planning to run a 600-800w room, would LED lights replicating this power be more efficient ? i like to bare in mind cost to run, heat output and signature, as well as the best yeild.

Cheers guys


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Research does show that Led lights give off a "better" spectrum of light but hid are cheaper, well established and work wonders for many of us so I'll stick with hid. I'm not saying led are bad by any means as I've seen exellent results from some top growers using led but hid makes more sense to me right now. I would like to try led but only really when they are more affordable. You just can't really say which is better, "better" is a loose term. My 2p. I'm sure someone will come along with a better opinion. Oh yeah and you can't message other members until you have 50 posts.

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Cheers KB

Ok so Led lights people are saying are crap, how are the videos ive seen showing otherwise? or is it just personal preference ??

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there's a lot of shit leds out there, and the 'good' ones are very expensive when compared to hids. They're also a more diffused light source so don't have the penetration of a single point light source like a hid and certainly don't gave any 'spread' ie the light the area beneath the panel and that's it.

There's those that swear by them but not many experienced growers tbh. a lot of the led users seem to be relatively inexperienced. Until I see them being taken on by more old hands and stocked by more trustworthy shops I'd stay clear myself. Of course, you can choose to be a fact finding pioneer if you've got the money to burn.

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LEDs work...

MrChang isn't an LED expert he's a naysayer who makes it his business to poo-poo anyone's claims of success with LED..sound about right @@mrchang?? lol

there's lots of stick in the muds who don't want to or can't accept that technology moves on,but LED and HID growrooms are different kettles of fish,and it's almost like comparing apples with giraffes....comparing street lighting to lighting designed for plants,and useful PAR.Once again,apples and giraffes

edited to add,I'd consider myself an experienced grower,having grown indoors for 15 years and outdoors for longer,I use LEDs..

Edited by The lone stoner
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Cheers KB Ok so Led lights people are saying are crap, how are the videos ive seen showing otherwise? or is it just personal preference ??

No one said led are crap mate. They do give good results. I think ~nobody~ made a good point. And when Vince noir rock n roll star said they don't grow shit, take that as sarcasm cos he is an led user. And gets great results if I do say so.

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"I read MRCHANG is the LED expert but i went on his profile and couldnt work out how to send a message to him.."

lmfao - Mr chang is patent holder for L.E.D boot grow light

Anyway go for HPS not LED.. not much love for them over here

Edited by anongrower
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honestly they really are shit ..i mean look at the resin on this ...there could be way more ...


truly astounding how led has managed to get this far ...


i really dont recommend them


oh ..oops

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there's lots of stick in the muds who don't want to or can't accept that technology moves on,but LED and HID growrooms are different kettles of fish,and it's almost like comparing apples with giraffes.

edited to add,I'd consider myself an experienced grower,having grown indoors for 15 years and outdoors for longer,I use LEDs..

Can you please explain how they're different? :unsure: Both are being used to flower plants and should be compared by the results they give, all the LED grown buds I've seen look shite, tiny and shit and tiny compared to HID grown buds. :smug:

I'd be embarrassed uploading some of the photographs of LED grown buds I've seen recently, pure shite given that the equivalent wattage in LED costs 10x more than HID :wassnnme:

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LED.....not good enough.....yet...unless you want to spend stupid money and I mean stupid, HPS is best for now.....

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I certainly know one thing that doesn't work and thats the search function on this site, come on joolz get a grip...... :rofl:

This subject has been all over the boards for months if not years so you should have had loads of hits.

The answer to your question is to take a look at what others are using and make a judgement on that

LED is heading the right direction but its not quite there yet otherwise most people would be using them.....they 'aint!



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