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Spraying cuttings and proporgator

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Be carefull the prop doesn't cook them... Have you checked the base for hot spots? They normally need something in the bottom to spread the heat.

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Checked this morning, half of them have slightly brown top leaves. Which usually means the rest of them will go downhill pretty quickly. I have brought new propagator, scissors, blades, clones, sterilised everything and in still getting the same problem. Temps were between 22 and 25, i only sprayed the dome the first day of taking the cuts. I have the nicest KS mother that ive found in 4 packs and cant get cuts from her. Pissed right off and going back to fem seeds by the look of things.

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Checked this morning, half of them have slightly brown top leaves. Which usually means the rest of them will go downhill pretty quickly. I have brought new propagator, scissors, blades, clones, sterilised everything and in still getting the same problem. Temps were between 22 and 25, i only sprayed the dome the first day of taking the cuts. I have the nicest KS mother that ive found in 4 packs and cant get cuts from her. Pissed right off and going back to fem seeds by the look of things.

Keep going :yep: You'll find what works for you/your cuttings and then everything will take.

I experienced temps of 25-30C, and was spraying them when the leaves dried off, this lead to lots of rotting. I turned the heated prop off and only sprayed when a few of the outer leaves wilted, I a taking to lid off every 2 or 3 days to keep them humidified. I also use Nitrozyme very weakly in fresh water left to sit for a few mins, and they seem to love it. Hardly getting any non-rooters. Try not to keep the plants wet, just moist.

Be carefull the prop doesn't cook them... Have you checked the base for hot spots? They normally need something in the bottom to spread the heat.

Good question. I put my small tray of cuttings (in rootriot cubes) onto a crumpled up layer of damp plastic bags, it took the temp down a few degrees, but once I turned it off and kept it in a veg room that sits around 26C, almost everything is rooting.

Hope this helps and I hope your Killers set root soon!

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Here is a little guide I made using jiffies a few yrs back.

Nowadays I just plant straight into soil in small pots, using the same method to take cuts.

Try not to get stressed about this cloning lark, once you get your own method perfected in your environment there will be no more of this talk!

"Pissed right off and going back to fem seeds"

This is what moved me to post. Reply!

Practice Practice, then practice some more and don't Molly coddle them, nature has a way of protecting her own and any drop of life usually persevere.

Good luck

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Thanks for the replies ! :)

Here are a few pictures of the cuts that are left. Although they look ok at the moment, there is slight browning on a few of the top leaves. It always starts at the very top of the plant. I have also added a picture that i found online to show what happens if they are left. I cant find many pictures that show the probl.




Edited by DuBBuD
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Those are some massive cuts mate! maybe try taking some smaller cuts - they also look yellow not brown and look rather hungry!

Cuts should be able to survive on the humid air in the prop! is it steaming up inside it or just showing the mist you sprayed on it?

Can you try giving them a weak foliar feed?

I have just took my first ever cuttings I snipped them off no where near the node just very small single node cuts on the bottom of the plant so all I had was one node and a little stem.. I didnt cut it at 45 degrees or near or node or use clonex - Simply snipped banged them into moist root riots and kept my eye on them

Placed them into root riots and for the last 13 days I have been keeping them on the window ledge during the day and at night in the kitchen under a massive cfl on the roof roots finally appeared out the sides of the root riots this morning

48 hours in I left them on the Window ledge and the Window closed so the heat from the radiator turned two of the smaller ones a REALLY dark green they all turned into floppy bits of cabbage that where lying down on the root riots and looked totally fucked! Sprayed them for a few days after this with just plain water and they bounced back.

Finally are you measuring the temp inside the prop?

My feelings are

1. Cuts are too big and are hungry

2. Temps have been too warm (20 is totally fine for cuts to root in a few times mines got lower than that)

3. Not enough moisture if they are going yellow?

Let me know if any of this helps and I will see if there is anything else I can think.

I am by no means an expert or even slightly clued up on this shit - I am only on my second grow and this is the first time I have taken clones but all has been well so far for myself so thought I would attempt to help where I can.

Hope you get it sorted soon - Such a shame that you have a lovely mother and cant get the cuts from her :(



Edited by anongrower
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Ok when I see this a few things spring to mind, it's a fungus or mould attack through either the environment they are in ie too cold &/or too humid, or the environment they were in, (mother plant).

I don't mist any cuttings unless it's mid summer indoor or out, I just make sure the soil/rockwool/jiffy is moist.

I open the prop once a day and rinse off the lid and base in hot water, I feel it's good to change the air inside also, then I leave them under a100w cfl for a week. Start 2nd week I open flaps on prop lid. 3rd week no lid.

Fresh air is a must!

The state of the mother plant is also very important, she needs to be clean of pests and disease and have vigorous healthy growth,

I try not to chop or shorten the leafs on the cuttings too much as to prevent infection.

Trail and error, try and keep everything clean and I wish you all the best.

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They are big for cuts. I wouldn't be surprised if the stems are a bit woody on the bit you cut which will make them harder to root. The stemshould iideally cut where the stem is still soft and supple. The cubes are quite big too so it will take longer for roots to reach the outside and be visible. Yellowing normally means they are starting to grow and using its stored nutrients to make new growth, but if your cuts are too big or the light too strong they will be growing faster than the roots can support (if indeed it has rooted at all) leading to yellowing and death. As suggested above, try a weak foliar feed, and also, what light are you using?

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Mate from the picture i see you try , undr what light are they? Cut the dead/brown parts of leafs from your present clones and let them a bit longer. Rockwool seems damp which is ok if temps are above 25c , maybe its just to cold;does rockwool seems ice cold on touch?

Never ussed a heated prop. i usually just add another bulb if its to cold or get the prop up on the t5 s. I am having cold problems to at the moment ,raised the up to the bulbs last night and i hope they root before they burn, ill spray on first sing of humidity droping or rockwool drying,and removing and dead. It has been 8 days i took cuts , spayed once when i took them.



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They are big for cuts. I wouldn't be surprised if the stems are a bit woody on the bit you cut which will make them harder to root. The stemshould iideally cut where the stem is still soft and supple. The cubes are quite big too so it will take longer for roots to reach the outside and be visible. Yellowing normally means they are starting to grow and using its stored nutrients to make new growth, but if your cuts are too big or the light too strong they will be growing faster than the roots can support (if indeed it has rooted at all) leading to yellowing and death. As suggested above, try a weak foliar feed, and also, what light are you using?

I agree with the woddy part i fix that by slightly cutting part of stem that goes into rockwool with razor,i do it on the surface of the stem and very genty so i dont cut trough the stem it self ,i do it from 4 sides alowing more places from root to emerge.I also do it under water so no air comes to the place i originaly cutted wile am playing with razor.

I dont agree with the rockwool to big,i went for larger with those size cuts and smaller and had them root out, even his cuts in jiffy look spot on,they look a bit yelowish dou i dont now if these these are fresh taken cuts on pics if not give mums a fish mix dose next time before you cut her.

Does stem gets tight in rockwool?They are not loose if you now what i mean?

Edited by Herbal Kint
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Only took me one quick look to see that you cubes are to wet and those clones are dying out from to much moisture. :)

DONT SPARY the lid ever! :) I re read what you had said. The cubes being wet alone is more than enough moisture. I have rooted in clones my whole life and I pack them side by each and fill a tray and have zero death. :) I used to have whole trays go like that :( .......so you are not alone lol

I fill a tray with cubes. I Add two litres of warm water. Not PH' d', no nutes, only left for the day. I leave it on its side until no more water drains out. I then leave it over night Open....The next day I fill the propagator with 96 cubes as that's what it takes to fill it and clone away. Once finished I cover them. I open the lid only if I see a lot of moisture over day. I wipe the moisture OFF the lid. Never add any after the initial amount. You should be able to squeeze a cube A WEE BIT and have no water come out.

Strong plants will root in a week. Most will take a week and a half and can take to three weeks. Depends on the strain.

So...you're dealing with to much moisture Mr. Guaranteed from the looks :)

Hope this helps.

Edited by gb1
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The cuts in rockwool are not mine, they are the ones i found on the net to show the colour that mine turn after a few weeks. The 2 pictures in jiffys are mine :)

They are not woody, they were all very supple. The mothers are still going string with no signs of infection, bugs or anything else.

Edited by DuBBuD
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