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Newbie here with problems with my seedlings - pls help!

Guest subwax

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If you have roots and are going into DWC then its time to transfer them,

Keep an eye on them, you may have to hand water until the roots hit the nutes.

For future ref, I put the cube directly into the mesh pot with pebbles, in

the system, then put the ungerminated seed in, once it roots there is

no need to move it until harvest....works for me



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Quick update - I was overwatering them, as has been suggested here. I have left them yesterday without watering them, and they have perked up remarkably. Not going to water them today either. Going to wait until they tell me they want watering.

The SB is still a bit iffy, but I expect that with the nutes I have been giving her. Its back to PH water and thats it.

Such a newbie mistake to make - I was 100% aware of how easy it is to overwater them, yet I still did it. Its all good - learning loads now. Not expecting a lovely big yield this time - I will be lucky if I escape without turning one or all of them hermies, due to the stress I have put them under, I will do things different next time, and will hopefully get a better result then.

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Can I say mate with out sounding like a dick if your having problems like this now and you are doing dwc your first time this will seem mild compare to what could happen further in to your grow with the dwc it's totally unforgiving mate no second chances you should go get yourself some coco or sum decent compost plant what you have now in it and give that a bash for your first time get a feel for it mate instead of just jumping straight of a cliff.....just a recap coco or compost you won't be dissappointed chap.

ATB hec

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But I like jumping off of cliffs.

I like learning, and I think I'll be doing lots of that. I am not ruling out going to soil - I have a soil grow on the go too, just in case. I am happy at the moment, so will continue with the DWC.

He who dares, Rodney ... he who dares!

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I really hope it works out pal and hope I never come across lyk a dick....just want you to have a successful first grow m8 it can be soul destroying first go going wrong and believe me I no all to well as mine didn't go as planed but plenty help hear m8 got a cracking group of lads and lasses will to help and offer any adivce if and when needed

Good luck pal

ATB hec

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You're not being a dick in the slightest - certainly not as far as I am concerned. I appreciate your input, as do I everyone's. I am very thankful of your offer of help - I am certain I will be calling on that offer soon ;)

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