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Newbie here with problems with my seedlings - pls help!

Guest subwax

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Thank you for taking the time to read my first post.

After spending a while reading and learning, I have now dipped my toe into the growing scene, and its not going too well, to be honest. I have 4 seedlings which were germinated with the wet kitchen towel method, which seems to have worked well - after that they were dropped into RootIt cubes and placed in a propagator. Once I saw significant growth and a full set of proper leaves, I moved them into my X-stream propagator. The issues I have got are as follows:

Sharksbreath seedling:

This one is really dissapointing - it was growing like something else, but has just recently stopped growing. The leaves have turned skywards, and the colour has turned a lime green. I have tried increasing the humidity, to no avail. I add PH balanced tap water at regular intervals which she was happy with, until the other day. I germinated the seed and then put the see into a propagator on the 29th of December. I have a feeling I didnt leave the seedlin long enough in the propagator to start off with. Yesterday I mixed a very mild solution of Sensi grow A & B, as well as Voodoo Juice and B52. It does not appear to have any effect on it.

Blue Mystic 1

Grew the same time as the SB - growth was not in the same league as the SB. It is very slow to grow, The leaftips point down and its a pretty sad sight. Tried giving it some nutes, but it has not reacted well, went light green. I stopped the feed and returned to the PH'd water. No real improvement.

Blue Mystic 2

Planted about a week after BM1 and SB - similar issues to BM1 - gew well to start off with, then has just stopped growing. Leave ends are pointing down, and its a sad sight again.

Easy Kush

Germinated at the same time as BM2. The seedling is very small indeed, and I cant see any growth at all. Its nice and green, just not doing much at all.

I am growing the 4 seedlings in an X-stream propagator. I have wasted my money buying this, I feel. As I will transplant as soon as I see lots of roots, whats the point of having a misting system when I never plan to use it. I have moved all the seedlings back into the standard propagator now, to eliminate an issue with the X-stream.Also having issues with the RootIt cubes - they are drying out at a rate of knots - I have to water them fairly often. Also, I had a non ocsillating fan blowing on them 18 hours a day - have moved that now as I think this is an issue too.

Any advise would be most thankfully received - I am very new to this, as you can probably tell, so any advise or comments will be great.

Thanks guys.

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Should have said - the light I am using is a Plant Photonics 90W LED light on the veg / high setting. They will be moved to my 140W Plant Photonics LED light / Alien Hydroponics RDWC setup when I see any roots, if I ever get that far!!!

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Hi and Welcome, with seedlings there is no need for a propagator....You will only need one for cuttings..

This is probably the root (excuse pun) of the problem

Some pix would be helpful if you can get them up



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yer your x stream is for rooting cuttings/clones, you was right to crack the seeds then put them in cubes, then into a normal prop. but you take them out when you see the seedling coming out the cube, or as soon as they have shed their shell, and put them under your light. crack the vents open on your prop for 24-48 hours them take them out mate, good luck.


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Yeh no need for extreme. I'd try doin shit basically instead of these methods made for an experienced grower. Germinate plant in soil or coco mix then water every few days. They don't need nutes or overwatering. Plus cfls are better, dunno about starting seeds with LEDs either, back to basics bro

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Thanks for your replies, guys.

I think the X-stream will be moved to the loft until I have any need for it - I am not planning on taking cuttings yet.

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I have just taken some pics - just trying to work out how I upload them onto the site, if indeed I can at all.

One thing to note - the SharksBreath has got roots poking out of the side of the cube. Not even an inch long, but I can see them. Would this be the cause of her strife?

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I've ended up putting a drain in my X-Stream and am currently using it as a bubble-bucket. Definitley only for clones, but I don't even like the fan of water it sprays at the nearest clones, all those really gently fragile (wtf?) initial roots can't take it. I prefer bubble cloning. I have to build a new one soo, so I'll do a step-by-step maybe.

The others have all said the important stuff, all roots need oxy to use water, so they need to dry out a little before getting wet again. This applies to seedlings as much as big ladies. Good luck with it. Post some pics, and you'll get even more valuable advice mate. :)

E2 remove foolishness. tssss.

Edited by Sun Tzu
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