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Top job all involved in the comp jools you've excelled yaself and a massive thanks to all the sponsers now i gotta sit like my 3 year old getting more excited by the minute waiting for the results

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Good luck to everyone that entered :) and a massive well done to all the

UK420 team that put such a cracker (lol) of a comp together !!


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Just want to echo everybody's sentiments.

Huge thanks to everybody involved in the competitions, I felt like a little kid opening my advent calendar every day.


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Aye, was a good comp. Hats off to everyone involved, whilst I was stuffing my face with food someone was on random.org picking all the winners

Merry Christmas everyone


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Oh boy... what an amazing way to celebrate the festive season :D

Awesome competition, thanks to everyone involved Christmas is coming twice this year...

Now.. the wait.

ATB :v:

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I never actually entered any of them. I've got a big move on in feb and a ever increasing stash of seeds that I want to start when I get up and running in the new place so didn't need any more seeds/goodies until I know what I'm up against in the new place.

So the best of luck to all those that entered and a thanks to all the vendors that partisapated in the comp allowing joolz to put on a great chrimbo giveaway.

Cheers tico.

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Glad you are all enjoying the competition and I hope you are all having a great Christmas :santa:

I can't accept all of the credit for this though, much of the hard work was done by Distracted, it was his idea and mostly him who arranged for the donation of prizes so a big thanks to him please and another massive thanks also has to go to our various friends and sponsors for providing such a generous amount of prizes for us to give away. :yinyang:

In my mind at least, this is exactly how a community should work, people supporting the people who support them so a big thank you to everybody involved :yinyang:

The winners from the first days comp by Attitude will be announced at midday and then just to add to the suspense a little bit more the winners of the other days comps will be announced at half hourly intervals :D

Good luck to all who have entered :yep:

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