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Senator Challenges Theory of Gravity


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So what is the christian alternative theory of gravity? Just that its gods will or whatever?

The Good Book teaches us that we remain glued to the Earth’s surface because Satan is forever sucking in his breath, pulling us closer and closer to the fires of Hell below. It is only by the grace of God that He chose to cover the molten core of Earth with a crust, thereby creating a layer of salvation between His children and eternal damnation.
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Guest Rex Mundi

come on then Rex, i for one want to hear it

e2a, you do know it`s been proven in space with particles of salt i think, they clump together in zero gravity, i`ve seen the film of this, it`s quite amazing

cant find the film but here`s an article about it



I'll study that article, but I have no doubt I could explain that with an alternative theory.... not that I'm going to, this thread is not about my theoretical beliefs.

This article is about big G gravity versus big G god, as it says, “Allow both sides of this debate equal time in the classroom and let the children decide. It’s the American way.”

I have a third option, and I know of others too.

To me big G gravity is not proven.

I look forward to you proving it to me :)

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Guest Rex Mundi

So what is the christian alternative theory of gravity? Just that its gods will or whatever?

no, it is an alternative theory to gravity, not of gravity, before Newton there was no gravity.

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I'll study that article, but I have no doubt I could explain that with an alternative theory.... not that I'm going to, this thread is not about my theoretical beliefs.

This article is about big G gravity versus big G god, as it says, “Allow both sides of this debate equal time in the classroom and let the children decide. It’s the American way.”

I have a third option, and I know of others too.

To me big G gravity is not proven.

I look forward to you proving it to me :)

It's silly arguing about this. It's from a satirical news site. Their stories are made up. :rofl:

Taken from the site -

"JUST ENOUGH NEWS…Newslo is the first hybrid News/Satire platform on the web. Readers come to us for a unique brand of entertainment and information that is enhanced by features like our fact-button, which allows readers to find the line between fact and commentary.

Newslo’s “No Need to Satirize” brings you completely factual stories that are so ridiculous, they don’t need our trademark touch."

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before Newton there was no gravity.

yes there was, he just discovered it/gave it a name ;)

Edited by ratdog
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no, it is an alternative theory to gravity, not of gravity, before Newton there was no gravity.

No, before Newton there was no theory of gravity. Gravity still existed.

I think even Einstein recognised the existence of gravity, Not as a force, perhaps, but as a distortion in space-time.

Or do you know more than Einstein ?

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Guest Rex Mundi

Correct Booojum, he gave us the theory of gravity, or as ratdog said, he gave it a name.

That still does not prove that gravity actually exists, as a force, either before or after.

I did not say I know more than Einstein, but I believe differently than Einstein. I don't need his space-time...

but also, the space-time stuff of Einstein contradicts Newtons gravity, Einstein called it curvature of space-time, not a force at a distance.... which he didn't like.

so please feel free to use either Newton or Einstein to prove to me that gravity, big G, exists.

edited typo

Edited by Rex Mundi
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like i said Rex, i`ve seen footage of film of particles clumping together, again and again, from space experiments and that`s convinced me beyond a doubt, it was quite a revelation tbh

so, what`s your explanation?

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I think Robert Pirsig put it better: :yep:

"I believe in ghosts too." Now John and Sylvia look at me peculiarly. I see I’m not going to get out of this one easily and brace myself for a long explanation.

"It’s completely natural," I say, "to think of Europeans who believed in ghosts or Indians who believed in ghosts as ignorant. The scientific point of view has wiped out every other view to a point where they all seem primitive, so that if a person today talks about ghosts or spirits he is considered ignorant or maybe nutty. It’s just all but completely impossible to imagine a world where ghosts can actually exist."

John nods affirmatively and I continue.

"My own opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn’t that superior. IQs aren’t that much different. Those Indians and medieval men were just as intelligent as we are, but the context in which they thought was completely different. Within that context of thought, ghosts and spirits are quite as real as atoms, particles, photons and quants are to a modern man. In that sense I believe in ghosts. Modern man has his ghosts and spirits too, you know."


"Oh, the laws of physics and of logic—the number system—the principle of algebraic substitution. These are ghosts. We just believe in them so thoroughly they seem real.

"They seem real to me," John says. "I don’t get it," says Chris.

So I go on. "For example, it seems completely natural to presume that gravitation and the law of gravitation existed before Isaac Newton. It would sound nutty to think that until the seventeenth century there was no gravity."

"Of course."

"So when did this law start? Has it always existed?"

John is frowning, wondering what I am getting at.

"What I’m driving at," I say, "is the notion that before the beginning of the earth, before the sun and the stars were formed, before the primal generation of anything, the law of gravity existed."


"Sitting there, having no mass of its own, no energy of its own, not in anyone’s mind because there wasn’t anyone, not in space because there was no space either, not anywhere...this law of gravity still existed?"

Now John seems not so sure.

"If that law of gravity existed," I say, "I honestly don’t know what a thing has to do to be nonexistent. It seems to me that law of gravity has passed every test of nonexistence there is. You cannot think of a single attribute of nonexistence that that law of gravity didn’t have. Or a single scientific attribute of existence it did have. And yet it is still ‘common sense’ to believe that it existed."

John says, "I guess I’d have to think about it."

"Well, I predict that if you think about it long enough you will find yourself going round and round and round and round until you finally reach only one possible, rational, intelligent conclusion. The law of gravity and gravity itself did not exist before Isaac Newton. No other conclusion makes sense.

"And what that means," I say before he can interrupt, "and what that means is that that law of gravity exists nowhere except in people’s heads! It’s a ghost! We are all of us very arrogant and conceited about running down other people’s ghosts but just as ignorant and barbaric and superstitious about our own."

"Why does everybody believe in the law of gravity then?"

"Mass hypnosis. In a very orthodox form known as ‘education.""

"You mean the teacher is hypnotizing the kids into believing the law of gravity?"


"That’s absurd."

"You’ve heard of the importance of eye contact in the classroom? Every educationist emphasizes it. No educationist explains it."

John shakes his head and pours me another drink. He puts his hand over his mouth and in a mock aside says to Sylvia, "You know, most of the time he seems like such a normal guy."

I counter, "That’s the first normal thing I’ve said in weeks. The rest of the time I’m feigning twentieth- century lunacy just like you are. So as not to draw attention to myself.

"But I’ll repeat it for you," I say. "We believe the disembodied words of Sir Isaac Newton were sitting in the middle of nowhere billions of years before he was born and that magically he discovered these words. They were always there, even when they applied to nothing. Gradually the world came into being and then they applied to it. In fact, those words themselves were what formed the world. That, John, is ridiculous.

"The problem, the contradiction the scientists are stuck with, is that of mind. Mind has no matter or energy but they can’t escape its predominance over everything they do. Logic exists in the mind. Numbers exist only in the mind. I don’t get upset when scientists say that ghosts exist in the mind. It’s that only that gets me. Science is only in your mind too, it’s just that that doesn’t make it bad. Or ghosts either."

They are just looking at me so I continue: "Laws of nature are human inventions, like ghosts. Laws of logic, of mathematics are also human inventions, like ghosts. The whole blessed thing is a human invention, including the idea that it isn’t a human invention. The world has no existence whatsoever outside the human imagination. It’s all a ghost, and in antiquity was so recognized as a ghost, the whole blessed world we live in. It’s run by ghosts. We see what we see because these ghosts show it to us, ghosts of Moses and Christ and the Buddha, and Plato, and Descartes, and Rousseau and Jefferson and Lincoln, on and on and on. Isaac Newton is a very good ghost. One of the best. Your common sense is nothing more than the voices of thousands and thousands of these ghosts from the past. Ghosts and more ghosts. Ghosts trying to find their place among the living."

from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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The word theory is key here, and it usage.

In scientific use its definition of a theory is something based on careful examination of facts. Oh another key word... Facts

Not to be confused with the standard definition of theory, derived from 'theoretical',

This senator twat needs to understand the difference and look at the facts, he probably promotes intelligent design too and Scientology

Bell end

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Guest Rex Mundi


If that footage is sufficient proof for you, fine by me...

I'm not asking you to believe me or my beliefs, and I don't mind if you think I am a fool for not believing in gravity.

But as this article is a spoof, apparently, I see no point in going further on this thread.

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