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The 'see'ers versus the readers and textuals.

BiPolar Dave

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Guest grandad

its hard to imagine people like myself, my thoughts move along at pace, i speak what i'm thinking but my thoughts change so quick the wrong words come out my mouth, every second thought of mine is a daydream, i can lock onto this once i'm high so that half my life is unreal the other half just wants to joint in. i cant read more than a couple of lines before i become very agitated, so i still have the words of a child. we can be wise inside our heads but unable to express it without knowing the words, i constantly meet older people, older and more educated than myself, i see the way that society train peoples thought, words put into their brain from birth directing their path through life, they can write a million words and very few will be theirs, they have never had free thought.

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here's some images...

words do subject us but we have had 200 years of visionaries and they do have a tendency to burn books, words being inconvenient to them. SO I'd counsel some caution.

I would suggest that these characters are not see'ers at all, but merely people claiming to be so for their own ends. A political subterfuge if you will.

Nobody has suggested the banning of words, nor the burning of books. However the harassment of those with communication problems seems to be a popular sport in our society. By definition, it is difficult for them to defend themselves with words :wassnnme: .

You are familiar with the concept of "writers block" ? Couldn't that be because they are partly see'ers, rather than workaday hacks (eg second rate journos)?

Edited by wildbill
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Guest grandad

i think different because i am inattentive, not only can i not do reading, i cant listen, i cant take instruction and i cant take orders. i was gobsmacked when i saw right through what they do to us. they have been using words and other means of mind control against us, they try to take our will away from us, only to be replaced with theirs. my abilty to read and listen worsened as i aged, it left me by myself inside my head, i can see it all, i can see right through all the words and actions of our would be controllers.

i cant mix well with others, i cant bond mentally, everybody thinks its me who is out of step, and rightly so i am, but i do my own thing be it good or bad, and the bad i have done was only bad in your society not mine, my society usually end up in jail.

i often get slated for using songs , i use the words of a song trying to express myself, using others words to speak for me. one day there will only be me in my world.


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I disagree with book burning, history is vital, even if its bollox u can still learn from it cause it tells you where u made errors.

The fkin romans burnt it all. To reset the system, and so here we are. Lost.

Ive had to spend a lot of effort working out what they burnt and why....


Another thread...


Never well intended.

Brave New World they lock past knowledge from the masses, its only available to the world controller. To control history is to control the present moment and then the future is yours.

Book burning was never well intended. It was about non truth.

Gnostics were the last 'free' men. Spreading good. Light, enlightenment. The opposite of Christianity and catholicism.

Which are both control methods.

Opps....danger opinion leak.


Charlatans, jokers, controllers.

Mutton dressed as lamb.

Times such as these should be documented so future cultures can look back and say.....er...u might think these are great times, future generations wont...they will have awakened....

So they will relate to 1750 till 2100 as the insanity stages.

'they polluted, destroyed and had no mass thought for the the air they breathed, the seas they ate from and swan in, the skies that gave them rains, the lands that fed them, this truely was the most dark period of human history, lets not repeat...'

Back to target target?

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said,…"it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."


Edited by BiPolar Dave
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To divide people into see`ers and readers is way too simplistic, i know i`m easily capable of doing both as are many others here

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Manic disorders. Shamanic nervous disorder. Manic depression. Nervous disorders.

These are the see'ers friend' excess energy drives adhd etc, same thing, its the energy that powers the minds eye. Launch ramp, nearly all see'ers i know have battled manic highs and lows, they arent mankc depressives unless they want to be...well...its the kundalini cycle, awakening, death, rebirth and on till u wake up fully....if u go back past medicine that is, the real symptoms....not just needing a label for some of 'us'...

They account for just 1% of people. Maybe 3 or 4 percent now drugging makes money which makes more sufferers, plus society is gone bad etc.


Jesus made a blind man see?

Maybe he saw anyway?

He just showed him how to 'really' see.

The manic or energetic disorders are primary in early awakenings.

Right, err.

Edited by BiPolar Dave
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Expect alot more manics now, lol, awakenings galour. Most scooped up on medication mid rise and suspended in psychiatric nomansland till physical death? They know its happening, the drugs are a control method to keep us down...stop Mass awakenings by the awakened, through exposing lies and truths, shut em up....

Then ratty is right, everyone will evolve into a see'er and we will arrive at heaven on earth. Thats what happening, higher logical and reason is breaking through ego.

Since i came here, u, ratdog have changed alot, u are poised, u are changing and waking up. So u can see a bit, and will see more, compared to how u were uve come on along way in 12months. Good one.

I mean that in the kindest way. Ur in halfway house, dip back, step on, step off. Like a fledgling, i still go back but i jumped nest really.

Ur right in a way ratty, its a scale and everyone is on it, somewhere between the eyes of god or the godhead, whatever cosmic conscious 1.0...

the top..

.that is...

and the bottom? That is the eyes of consumer culture mindset version 566.8765abc rev1.345c.

Between is all man.

So its not black and white, duality is a past concept indeed. Everyone is on a scale between two points really. Its not a fixed 'in there' or here, it changes daily even for a see'er, u get blocked and have to pull more bricks down. There no end or beginning just growth and evolution?


Edited by BiPolar Dave
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my favourite writer who was defently a visionary and didnt sensor what he wrote was william burroughs, in one or more of his work he said that WORDS ARE A VIRUS

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For someone that thinks....

Words are a disempowering blinding device.

You can sure churn it out Dave.

Are you trying to disempower and blind us?

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Is that ungrammatical gibberish a product of visionary trance?

I thought your lack of speech and giggling like a school girl was more likely the product of a trance weed_g :wink:

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