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The 'see'ers versus the readers and textuals.

BiPolar Dave

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Words are a disempowering blinding device.

This sums up the two groups on this forum.

I spend all my time with see'ers and find 'wordies' outmoded and utterly disconnected from the ever evolving now, which one must grasp with the eye to ride on the crest of evolution.

Dont need books I witness my ideas and others finding in the visual way. Seeing patterns, and whatever. Details.

Terrence sums it up well.

In laymans terms.


Getting the blind out the left hemispheres language prison and getting them back in with images and mother on the right lobe is an ancient game as old as the prison. :skin_up:

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But how do you pass on wisdom and knowledge without the use of words ? :unsure:

If everyone saw the total reality of all things we'd just sit quietly in peace. Like buddhas?

I didnt say they were valid, just one can see nothing and be very good with words.

If one can see, one can use words correctly.

If one cant see one just uses someone elses concepts, words and whatever to reinforce the status quo, that is....


A see'er or visionary arrives and redescribes the situation as to give the blind wordy a jump in mental evolution past the regurgitations of another wordy who got his ideas from a textually able see'er?


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Very trippy vid, McKenna sounds like Brent Spiner (Data) appropriately enough lol.

A difficult thing to express, but I am familiar with the concept.

Like when you draw from life. 90% looking 10% drawing :yinyang:

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Just struck me.

The folks i engage with are always trying to put huge things into words. Struggling.

A wordy will never bend u or take u on a ride of visionary freerolling description of reality....but a wordy can repeat facts all day, probably stuff u already understood from a visionary angle but they have to waste ages wording it up when u just see what they mean. They can teach u nothing, nothing that u couldnt already grasp bar someone elses news, ideas or book quotes, research etc. They are teachers.

We see'ers are educators, we learn u good.

When i sit wth uncle nick or seawood i get brain fucked as they take me on image trips using words as triggers to share universal concepts between our minds eyes, we interpolate images through word triggers, so to make big visions of concepts in the minds eye....its just information thats released by triggering universal laws of our perceptional and shared experiences, the universal database etc. The feminine stuff. The alphabet verus the goddess?

Images dont convert well to a wordy, lol

We speak a funny langauge to share images almost psychically, why? Well...as we all share the same visions behind our conscious filters, a see'er uses higher aspects of the mind, the minds eye, it makes my observations and i put this into stupid words to relay my visions of a situation....but a wordy doesnt have a minds eye, so the images we attempt to trigger in his mind dont flash into his minds eye...so we are talking shit that just seems like a word salad?


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If what you're saying is true then doesn't that render your words a waste of time?

Just a thought. But I don't know what you're on about, wish I did as it seems you've put quite an effort in with this one.


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If what you're saying is true then doesn't that render your words a waste of time?

Just a thought. But I don't know what you're on about, wish I did as it seems you've put quite an effort in with this one.


No effort at all. Its just description. I could go on about a hundred other things like this and do it without any thought, its a huge vision im just giving snippets off. As easy as pie. The only effort is typing these fucking useless words on this unnatural ipad keyboard. Thats effort. The words are flying out 16hrs a day.

Waste of time.

Depends how one is interacting with time?

How one is for time?

If one has the time?

How long one has left?

Whether time is money.

If time is eternal as my experiences would suggest...


Ive all the time in the world.

So its no waste of time and its no effort. :trumpet:

I intend to be educating u for the next 1000years and beyond in whatever format i can manifest with my mind by the time my physical is beyond use.

I got all the time in the world.

I'll sort the problem one by one.

So its never a wasted effort.

U keep chippin away youll break down the wall.


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Re: the other side of the waste of time...

Its never a waste of time to use open arenas to make the blind see.

Many people here do 'see'.

When a see'er agrees with my vision, it gives it weight against the wordies denials. The wordy will eventually crumble as his word based delusion falls at the feet of public opinion giving up on outmoded word based bondage and so heads off to follow the visionary tale the rational see'er describes on his magical mystery tour... :trumpet:

More bricks gone, more vision, more wordies jump ship or become see'ers etc. they actually evolve. lol

Happens all the time, through history.

Its how the status quo gets dynamited and the chess board is reset from a new perspective and the wordies then use your visions as they get upgraded by the fact they represent a dying consensus with no actual sense, vision in this case...

We are in a period of going from wordy bolox to visionary clarity right now.

The dynamics of this forum are changing....

Unless u dont 'see' that.


Im a driver.


Edited by BiPolar Dave
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I think the world is going through a big change, I don't know the reason, but I think good things are going to happen, a better world awaits us, there may be pain on the way, change can be painful.

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I think the world is going through a big change, I don't know the reason, but I think good things are going to happen, a better world awaits us, there may be pain on the way, change can be painful.

It is, very fast.

Im not denying it.

So I'm riding with it.

In tune.

On the edge.

Wave riding reality on a mercury surfboard.

U wont see shit if ur conscious mind denies it.

Ur subconscious sees all. Its just waiting for u to wake up and rejoin the point of being in the now, just living the evolution.

Its splitting us up atm.

The big splat will happen in scalular levels according to each humans disparity or delay with the cosmic upgrade rollouts due to brainwashed minds and ill bodies and mental denial..the evolution gap, playing catch up will hurt, best to "roll with it".... everyone who fails to keep pace....is getting left behind, they look ill as they are on the old vibrational wifi conscious signal. 7htz it was, now 12.

They are detuned ever more.

If ur rolling with it you get to literally pause aging atm while the detuned radios decay.

So much going on....

Its gonna be good, "mother nature does it all for us".

Its a miracle....

Its a miracle.....


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Guest grandad

i have my own thoughts and visions, i dont have words, not knowing words means they will never hurt me or fool me.

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I think the world is going through a big change, I don't know the reason, but I think good things are going to happen, a better world awaits us, there may be pain on the way, change can be painful.

Personally, I think you are right Lake. I just hope to live long enough to see it. Even the Roman Empire fell eventually; Everything passes, be it good or bad :yinyang: .

The Chinese and the Greeks both understood that we should be ruled by the very brightest and the best, true visionaries. Not the richest and best connected (lawyers), which we seem to be in danger of straying towards now imo.

To those already fallen, RIP :yinyang:

Edited by wildbill
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Guest grandad

if we as a species have never known peace, if we have always fought and killed each other, we are no more than educated animals and words have no meaning or truth.

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here's some images






words do subject us but we have had 200 years of visionaries and they do have a tendency to burn books, words being inconvenient to them. SO I'd counsel some caution.

Edited by Ishmael
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beyond the once remote distance with linking chains of assistance when right minds align across all space & time . .. . . to here now & sublime. ~loba

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