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NORML UK AGM, Bristol, 18-19 May 2013


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There is an ex-chief constable and an ex-detective inspector in the speaker line-up.

Thus far no bobbies have bought tickets to come, but they would be more than welcome, since they might learn a thing or too.

Possession or supply of cannabis may well be "illegal" in the UK, to protest against cannabis laws is not.

Why put 'illegal' in quotation marks in this context? Possession and supply is illegal. If you were being watched by the fuzz for intelligence purposes, they wouldn't come wearing uniforms. It's nice that there are ex-police etc wanting to help, but what matters is what their message is, all we get is this nihilism about reducing drug harms and how people who are 'anti-drugs' are pro reform. Then no doubt we will have a procession of medical users, whatever that means, AFAIK all uses are 'medical' yet we will hear calls for more entitlements for patients as opposed to people.

The issue for me is that peaceful drug use is an important and a private matter - the last thing we want is people like Branson and various other people getting on the bandwaggon that says drug users need to be diverted into medical treatment, counselling and therapy. That might be a good idea for real problem drug users, but those people are very much in the minority. What is needed is more understanding about what drugs do and how the law is being misused arbitrarily, and then we have to get people to want to rescue their freedom of peaceful choice, their freedom to be how they want, to think what they want and to have controls applied proportionately and without favour.

PS - I'm not botherred about people saying who I am, unless they are doing it out of an ill-conceived spite.

Edited by sunshine band
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May I add that we all agree on far more than we disagree on, and that schisms in left-liberal movements have often been terribly destructive? As I said before, the schisms classically occur when we start arguing about what might happen after we are successful in our immediate campaign. We are attacking an unjust law, not playing at being legislators - who after all, are simply servants of the will of the people.

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May I add that we all agree on far more than we disagree on, and that schisms in left-liberal movements have often been terribly destructive? As I said before, the schisms classically occur when we start arguing about what might happen after we are successful in our immediate campaign. We are attacking an unjust law, not playing at being legislators - who after all, are simply servants of the will of the people.

If the law was applied according to itself, we would be fine. I think it is vital to expose that the MDA is being used as a tool of social control to curry favour with vested interest groups. Yes we are not legislators but we are not playing, we are fighting for justice.

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I will be making a presentation at the Breaking Convention conference in early summer, and that conference will be hosted and attended by serious people who know a lot more about the whole business of cognitive liberty and freedom of thought.

I"ll be there :)

The 1st one was great!


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There is one thing I can rely on it is that Dr Hemp with throw an upset whenever anyone critiques his plans, which believe me regularly need commenting on. I can usually talk him round after he blows off for ages, and then he is full of praise for my input, but we always have to go through this stage where the ego takes over and everything that is said is just a reaction to being commented upon. Its the same line of up speakers as I encountered when I first got into this and was asked to speak at an SSDP conference many years ago - same people, and I blame many of these people for where we are today. As far as the respected groups go, well, suffice to say they have not challenged the central issue in the slightest, ever. If Hemp can show me where the libertarian credentials are with these great and good speakers I would like to see it. It's almost become a gravy train professional circus of official activists. Rupert George said at the SSDP conference in Manchester that liberty was OFF the table completely; comments like that really piss me off. Liberty and fighting for freedom is all we have, instead we have book promotions, T-shirts and the merchandising accompanying a feel good backslapping event no doubt where the issue of reform in some US states will be presented as highly important to us.

I have rarely been an armchair critic and have presented many cases in courts across the country as well as disseminating vital information that the likes of Transform and Release have frequently sought to trash. Sadly the importance of our theoretical work eludes many, and now I find Hemp posting on the Drug Equality page stupid comments like 'free da weed', presumably because he doesn't actually get it and wants to wind me up (although it was different when Norml asked me to draft their mission statement etc). What I say is only negative if we assume what he and Norml is up to is truly positive and getting the true message out there, actually its just a neutral observation about this conference being decidely low brow on real content. I have nothing against Marks, but he perhaps isn't the person to communicate the real issues at stake here. My gripe with the HASC was that it became celebrity obsessed and trotted out the great and the good, some of whom just repeated the same nonsense they gave in evidence to the HASC over ten years ago. I am sorry but I simply do not think Transform are working in a direction I can truly support 100%. We need hard hitting ideas like pushing the public to acquit people in court charged with peaceful activities, imploring people not to contact the police if they suspect someone is using or growing, perhaps an amnesty for drug users. Jeff is different as he is hands on and grounded in experience, he knows about cannabis. The double act of Transform and Release at the HASC was a complete embarassment and it is their failure that allowed the HASC to come up with such drivel that the Home Secretary was bound to dismiss the report as it is built upon completely nonsensical ideas that carry no political currency at all.

I will be making a presentation at the Breaking Convention conference in early summer, and that conference will be hosted and attended by serious people who know a lot more about the whole business of cognitive liberty and freedom of thought.

... yawn, they are not my plans, I can't be bothered with you, think what you like Darryl. - Chris.

Edited by DrHemp
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Bloody hell a event thats not a 10 day camel trek away I'll be going too this one if walking ok sounds like a good crack this can't argue about the band as not got a clue who they are .lol

TS :skull:

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IMO most of these so called activists do more harm than good and would be the last people i would want representing me :headpain: grow your own and pass on the knowledge and forget about legalisation :yes::spliff:

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Guest HailCannabis

grow your own and pass on the knowledge and forget about legalisation

All well and good, but if we want our children, our grandchildren et alia to live in a fair and just world then someone has to bear the cross I'm afraid :smokin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mr Ditchfield in attendence? last thing i remember he told NORML where to go and demanded you remove his picture from your site, something to do with spouting pretty much the same old shite that PR's last mob did. I think of cannabis activism like voting for a political party and i'm confident that if it made any difference they would have banned it by now :-) But if it buffers up a few EGO's with the feel good factor who am i to complain eh? Do you still represent only the views of your fee paying members and exclude the opinions of everybody else whilst claiming to represent the views of all the cannabis smokers and growers in the UK or have you stopped charging people now?

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Sorry but it started well but everyone is running with the baton without any proper theoretical basis for the group, no one strong enough to curb the nonsense. Now we have this group trying to stick it all together, religious, spiritual, medical and recreational groups and inviting these hopeless groups to the AGM when these are the people I blame for where we are; they have done nothing to resolve the human rights tragedy at all. They rapidly need to stop doing what they are doing and get a grip.

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I bet most of the NORML committee members have never grown a cannabis plant in their life, its not a political party but a self serving private members club regurgitating the failed ideals of their predecessors because they don't have the gumption to do anything different , I think the popular terminology is " sheeple"

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