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You're right that the mind is tuned into this kind of thing.

The mind has evolved to excel at pattern recognition. To the extent that it 'recognises' patterns that simply aren't there. Hence the propensity for conspiracy theories. Synchronicity is no different - you don't notice the millions and millions of events that happen and have no pattern to them, no personal significance or significance based on a coincidence of patterns. But the odd one that happens appears significant because the mind is built to recognise patterns, so it imbues random coincidences with significance. It sees a pattern that simply isn't there.

Perhaps I'm a de-evolved member of our species, but there is no pointless denial - that's how our own basic mental processes work :)

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It's in the conspiracy section; That's why David Icke was mentioned I guess, lol and why Bobbit brought up a load of random loon stuff.

Automatic hetchman are rife all over, they act for the western world without even knowing it, promoting the act of dumbing down, they go around forcibly denying anything that's not born of "me or i". You know the sort...I'll just go and post in the loon section for no reason, why? cause I don't respect people who post there, they are easy targets, they no right to a sensible discussion so I'll just fuck it up cause I'm a selfish cunt, the people in the loon section must be really thick anyway, thicker than me? so I can just waltz in there and take command, mostly using bullshit arguements that aren't even factually correct or bare any relation to the terminology against these pond creatures, they won't even notice I'm holding no hand at all, they are mad.... I can use David Icke against them har har: kinda pointless waste of gas and air but here we are.

Some bullshit was linked to sychronism? Is that how we got here, the trail via bobbit seems to link an honest concept to a load of bolox so there is history I am not aware of? Synchronism was linked to some 7/7 9/11 11/11 bollocks?... someone wasn't smart enough to realise this ability to notice patterns and pick up on them and use them to build mental images of situations is a basic mind process and confused some cunt making up bolox for using synchronism, the imagination and sychronism are two different things, the imagination of bobbit allows them all to be connected though?, who was on the verge of madness again?. Synchronism and the fact someone made up a load of bullshit connections between events to backup some theory doesn't relate in reality, they are two things, that is bullshit and a mental process, lets not confuse the issue.

The persons thinking this subject is open to debate are confusing the conspiracy loons use of bullshit numbers and patterns they MADE UP and the act of the mind using genuine sychronisity to link events, see events, make connections etc. The fact the process and the events/details have been confused into one issue shows why education in this land has to improve.

The first thing brought up is always David Icke, that arguement is a redflag lol to discredit anything people find mentally uncomfortable, stuff to do with anything about anything about this kind of thing, it's discreditation by loose association and I mean loose in this case. To use this as a method of discrediting sychronism displays an almost incredible ability to miss all chances to think and just blat out some unconscious loosely connected conspiracy based jibberish in what should be a reasoned thread.

The behaviour displayed just couldn't be more unconscious, it's almost scripted at times, maybe it's sychronism driving it subconsiously? :unsure:

This post kinda replies to Boojums too, The issue of this process and conspiracies.

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You're mixing a lot of things in there Dave.

I confess I do post in the conspiracy section, and occasionally I do throw the David Icke accusation in there - but only when someone is going on about the Illuminati and the Masons and the Jews and posting crap verbatim from the Icke kind of websites without bothering to research any of it for themselves. THAT is the thing that pushes all my bad buttons, people who repost any old shit because they've read it (mostly from some conspiracy website) without actually bothering to check the facts themselves. And then having the fucking cheek to call people who actually have checked the facts 'closed-minded' because they don't simply accept any old shit without bothering to do a bit of research.

As far as synchronicity goes, I refer you to my previous posts. It's how the brain works, pattern recognition. Even when there's not actual pattern there.

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Guest bobbert

The 5th and final studio album by The Police was titled Synchronicity. It included the track "Every Breath You Take." The lyrics of that track sound like the scary thoughts of a weirdo stalker. Weirdo stalkers sometimes beat the people they are stalking to death. Sting post-Police makes me want to beat him to death 5 times. Synchronicity ? I'll leave that to you to decide.

Sting wrote that song shortly after seperating from his wife.

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At what point does a coincidence become so unlikely it's almost impossible and yet it happens? Getting a call off someone you are thinking about is just a coincidence IMO but what if you think of a person for the first time in 40 years and then get a random call/email from them? Is it still a coincidence?

I'm at work now so will ponder this one some more when I'm home and more importantly, stoned . :rofl:

Some really strange co incidences have happened to me , and moreso lately , or this past year . I have heard of some amazing co incidences ..Far off the odds of a million to one . Perhaps you think it before you see it ! A sixth sense ...

I'm not going to mention the latest . I had a shiver up my spine it was so eery but I keep moving into houses and the previous tenants grew cannabis !

Someone here had a parcel ran over after a courier dropped it from his van and the driver that ran over it was the recipient of the smashed up parcel !

I was on a lake fishing a few years back and a guy with me was telling me about his old pal from school and just then we were going over to a wind sail boat to pull it from the rocks and the person who he was talking about was in the sail boat ..

I also fished a competition and was asking the boatman on the oars if a trout were to pitch himself and land in the boat , what would he do ? He said he'd knock it over the head and flip a coin for the fisherman .. A minute later a trout threw himself and clipped off the rim of the boat and landed back in the water .We were shocked .His body shaking made a slithery noise and only two other people saw it no one would have believed me .. Or the fact we'd just brought it up in conversation . :smokin:

Edited by SilC
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Guest bobbert

Dave... "We're right, everyone who disagrees is an idiot" is a deeply flawed approach, as is presuming that your interpretation of your experience is correct merely because you experienced it, and that those who disagree simply haven't experienced it when in fact many have and just concluded differently.

Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility they might be right, rather than assuming you are. It's a much more intellectually honest position to take.

This shouldn't be in the conspiracy section that is the intellectually honest position, someone used this term in a conspricacy of something, to link events? is that why it's here?

A move is needed to the metaphysical section, a place where the apes don't often venture and so we can be free from billy-boy-bobbits and his penis hacking girlfiends mindless snides.

This action is needed so to turn this thread into one worth adding something towards the future of, for sychronism is a basic mind function of the subconscious, the 3rd eye, minds eye, read up for Christ Sake. People have known this for over 10,000 years. If people are so disconnected from their own minds to deny it's own basic function then sadly I can only assume we have de-evolved to our lowest ebb. Is Bobbit man the unconsious salesman for someone who's dumbing us down, a heavy for stupidity, a bouncer for bumbrains, he's selling the "snub" that will finally put out the remaining pilot light on any ability for us to regain our lost functionality and power of mind, I don't see any point in him posting here, he asked a few questions I'd like to have answered but his post said he was a closed book so I will take the approach of just playing fire with fire, he's here for no reason and serving no use why does he have rights to be protected? He doesn't have any rights in my world, only to constant free self improvement and education.

If this was in the right section we could have a decent debate without de-evolved members of our species pointlessly denying their own basic mental processes, as hyterical as that is to watch....

You really are presumptuous arnt you?

At first I woulkd have thought you to just be very open minded, now I realise you are exactly the opposite.

Minds eye? 3rd eye, 10.000 years? What people? read what to read up on 10000 years of someone with a 3rd eye?

he's here for no reason and serving no use why does he have rights to be protected?

Rights? Protected? What the fuick are you on? Protected from what? Weirdoes like you? :rofl:

self improvement and education

Education? Then please educate me , especially about the 3rd eye, minds eye that people have known about for 10,000 years,

If you really think a set of circumstances that seem to have a connection are the inner workings of the universe and you have been enlightened, born again , 3rd eye minds eye whatever then you really are in no position to try and belittle someone who lives in the real world, and if you write about this kind of rubbish in public in the way you have done here then you shouldnt really be surprised if some of us normal people think A. you are really just having a laugh or B. you really do believe everything you write and are slightly tapped in the head. I believe it to be the latter.

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Far off the odds of a million to one . Perhaps you think it before you see it !

...of course, million to one odds (precisely a million to one, mind) succeed nine times out of ten. ;)

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Guest bobbert

At what point does a coincidence become so unlikely it's almost impossible and yet it happens? Getting a call off someone you are thinking about is just a coincidence IMO but what if you think of a person for the first time in 40 years and then get a random call/email from them? Is it still a coincidence?

I'm at work now so will ponder this one some more when I'm home and more importantly, stoned . :rofl:

Some really strange co incidences have happened to me , and moreso lately , or this past year . I have heard of some amazing co incidences ..Far off the odds of a million to one . Perhaps you think it before you see it ! A sixth sense ...

I'm not going to mention the latest . I had a shiver up my spine it was so eery but I keep moving into houses and the previous tenants grew cannabis !

I have had thinmgs like that happen in the past, pull into a petrol station to see exactly the same car, same colour as mine at the pump in front with the same radio station playing, meet somebody who I cannot place only to find they lived in several of the same places I have lived in over the past ten years in the same order etc etc.

Perhaps people who think alike do the same things? Perhaps it's just our brains putting connections together and attaching emotion to them?

Perhaps every car in that petrol station was listening to the same station? Perhaps there were hundreds of people living in the same places as me in the same order over the last ten years and I only got to meet one of them?

Perhaps we cannot explain things so we attach a sense of mystery to them and say things limk 3rd eye, different dimension , etc etc because we think we can get away with it without people thinking we are weirdoes who need some sort of counseling to get our feet back on the ground, who knows?

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Perhaps we cannot explain things so we attach a sense of mystery to them and say things limk 3rd eye, different dimension , etc etc because we think we can get away with it without people thinking we are weirdoes who need some sort of counseling to get our feet back on the ground, who knows?

Nah man ,it's the spirit world .Telling ya bud I know what I'm talking about :russian::wassnnme:


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Some really strange co incidences have happened to me , and moreso lately , or this past year . I have heard of some amazing co incidences ..Far off the odds of a million to one . Perhaps you think it before you see it ! A sixth sense ...

I'm not going to mention the latest . I had a shiver up my spine it was so eery but I keep moving into houses and the previous tenants grew cannabis !

Hi SiLC, Perhaps subconsciously, and with a possible sixth sense, you are naturally drawn to the homes of fellow members of UK420? lol

Edited by Mr Bond
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I always see 420 everywhere but I know it's just coincidence. Other numbers appear places too but don't mean anything to me so the event is quickly forgotten.

When I was a child at school the teacher was collecting information about what bus stops the kids got on / off for school. I happened to get off the bus at a pub called "The Bell". At the moment I replied "The Bell" someone had set the fire alarm off and they thought I knew something about it!

It took a long time to convince them that many people said many things in earshot of the bell, it would not be too unusual for someone to say what I said at that particular time. :)

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Whilst not adverse to the 3rd eye thing- I'm definately someone who has his mind open about such things, sometimes to the point it freaks me out it is undeniable that ven things that are many millions to one do sometimes happen. That's the way the world is. There are fucking billions of us doing billions of things all the time. It would be more unlikely that crazy stuff didnt happen. That coupled with what Boojum has mentioned about the the way our thought processes and brains have evolved to deal with our existence means that not only does stuff happen but we are wired to notice it when it does.

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Guest bobbert

On a universal scale , one million to one odds are not really all that great.

We are wired to see things that matter to us, when we drive around in our volvos we tend tonotice a lot of volvos on the road, sell it and buy a fiesta then all of a sudden we notice a lot more fiestas on the road that we never noticed before.

For every coincidence that we notice I bet quite a few go by undetected.

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