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Just opened UK420 in my browser whilst listening to Chris Everard (Down the Rabbit Hole July 6th 2012) and scanned the forum headings. "Conspiracy Theories" it said, at the same time Chris Everard said "conspiracy theory".

Even more bizarre - just as I was typing Chris Everard above first time, the host said "Down the Rabbit Hole July 6th 2012" and I typed it straight away.

Damn this shit is cool when it happens.

The best example is something trillions to one...

Was driving listening to the radio, the radio host said "Mind your P's and Q's" and I was behind a car with a Q number plate (kit car). I have to wonder.

Being a stoner just compounds this. :book:

I am in some sort of "Truman Show" ??? It must be boring for the viewers. :yawn:

lol: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-11-24-truman-syndrome_N.htm

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these type coincidences happening in synchronised fashion happen around me every day, some days are almost a never ending stream of them,

when i first noticed them many decades ago they seemed isolated from each other to some extent . . .after some time they began to show patterns, after more time they linked from one to the other so as to display a high intelect behind them, yet more time & they became part of a system of communication, teaching me many things i would not have realized without. . .

them happening to you as you describe, suggests to me that you may be about to embark on a fantastic journey, & the seas therein can get VERY high, & are VERY deep, metaphoricaly, just like the rabbit hole.

. .good luck Toasted.

. .~loba~ . .

edited to add:> hah, yes, it does feel a bit like being the star of the "Truman Show", . . as though everyone knows all about 'your business' in a frighteningly detailed way.

Edited by Flobalobalobalot
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At what point does a coincidence become so unlikely it's almost impossible and yet it happens? Getting a call off someone you are thinking about is just a coincidence IMO but what if you think of a person for the first time in 40 years and then get a random call/email from them? Is it still a coincidence?

I'm at work now so will ponder this one some more when I'm home and more importantly, stoned . :rofl:

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It has happened to me a few times listening to Alex Jones. I could be reading something whilst he is talking and he could say the most under-used word ever, just as I read that same word. I mean a really weird word like "obfuscation" or something.

Where AJ doesn't say the word in 10 hours of talking and whatever I am reading only says it once on a huge website of hundreds of pages.

It happened the other day with Everard as well, I thought about something and he said it seconds later, but maybe that was a talk I had already listened to and subconsciously knew what was coming next.

The kit car one was the best, I have heard the phrase "mind your P's and Q's" probably once or twice in my entire lifetime. I have been behind a Q reg car once or twice in my entire lifetime. What are the chances of both happening at the same time? Billions to one? Trillions?!

The problem is I never win my football accumulator at the weekend. Maybe I should take up "live betting" lol. £1 on Rooney to score in the next... 2 seconds. :smug:

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edited to add:> hah, yes, it does feel a bit like being the star of the "Truman Show", . . as though everyone knows all about 'your business' in a frighteningly detailed way.

Haha, that's it exactly. lol.

The link was interesting, lol. Exactly my experiences when I was super-high on manic. I assumed all my family, friends, TV, Media and the whole country were watching my progress through the "trip" I've been on since I ws born, I was some social experiment; when I left the house to start a new life the first time I assumed I had passed that test lol.

In a way we are all social experiments and everyone does know your business cause we are all being engineered, created, adjusted and bent by the same external forces, reverse the mirror you can see the reality of your creation, people in mental ward just struggle with reality lol... we are all lab-rats, just us "mad" ones realise this when we are high, we try to make sense of what went wrong, what made us this way cause we feel much better how we are now, the only conclusion is that you are a walking experiment, which you are...aren't you.

I've gotta watch this film now, I've not seen it.

Subconsiously we are all the same and our business is identical.

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An essay published in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis analyzed Truman as

" A prototypical adolescent at the beginning of the movie. He feels trapped into a familial and social world to which he tries to conform while being unable to entirely identify with it, believing that he has no other choice (other than through the fantasy of fleeing to a far-way island). Eventually, Truman gains sufficient awareness of his condition to "leave home" — developing a more mature and authentic identity as a man, leaving his child-self behind and becoming a True-man".

Sums me up too. :wassnnme:

It's the same shit I keep banging on about lol. Another day another sychronistic linking of prophesies lol...

One day the picture will be so obvious everyone will get it. I await that day.

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Taken as individual events the chances of a single one happening are very low, it's true. But taken over a period of, say, a year (which is made up of millions of single events) the chances of apparent synchronicity rise dramatically until over the course of a lifetime it becomes a certainty that one will experience instances of apparent synchronicity occasionally ;)

Edited by Boojum
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Truman [...] True-man

I can't believe I never saw that before. That film just took on a whole new meaning and relevance.

Taken as individual events the chances of a single one happening are very low, it's true. But taken over a period of, say, a year (which is made up of millions of single events) the chances of apparent synchronicity rise dramatically until over the course of a lifetime it becomes a certainty that one will experience instances of apparent synchronicity occasionally ;)

This. :)

The one that interests me most is the "think of someone and they phone/email you" classic. The multitude of times every day you think of someone and they *don't* get in touch go completely unnoticed and unremembered as they are insignificant, non-events. The only ones you notice and remember are the moments of coincidence, which soon starts to stand out.

I have a side-theory that the more friends/family a person has and the more active their social life, the more frequently such things would happen.

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Reemeber some professor or something being interviewed on some progaramme a while ago- I think it might have been Richard and Judy. Anyway, this guy had written a book on stuff like you describe, mental coincidences, apparent prescience etc.. He had with him a bloke who was one of his stories in his book. This bloke had broken down on the motorway at night, he then walked to the roadside phone and just before he got there it began to ring. So he answered it and to his surprise it was his wife- who had dialed the wrong number. Now thats a bit batshit.

Anyway, the conclusion, as I remember, was if it can happen it will. People get struck by lighting and win the lottery all the time. All around the world right now absolutely ridiculous things are happening to people- both bad and good, no matter how unlikely they might be.

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some things are just coincidence, but some aren't.

the secret is being able to decipher which one's are.

not easy when you're working 27/7, struggling to make ends meet, and cant see past your debt, i know :russian:

red indians, aboriginals, shamans live thier life by what we call coincidences.

i'm finding it easier and easier to distinguish between the two, but i'm cutting myself off from the restraints of work etc. my path is being layed out befor me, i can't miss the signs at the moment, and i count myself as truely blessed

Tigs :yinyang:

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red indians, aboriginals, shamans live thier life by what we call coincidences.

Yes, spot on, it's a whole new world of thinking for the average westener, the mechanism is that re-connection to true freedom of mind which leads to both the ability to see more symbolism and event based reality and actually take action to skip from stone to stone as the stones appear. You miss all the opportunties in this society in two ways, one your 9-5 life means you never make waves in the world of the present moment, making and using the effects of making big meaningful waves in the sea of present time. This is hard to do in the ways needed to get results if you are always projecting to the future in a myriad of ways, both to get home at 5 and to your pension date in 2045, thats one way to miss entirely the events of the moment, the true moment to moment ability to grasp experience is gone as the experience cannot truely lead to change or action as the future is set by tomorrow being groundhog day, you can't swing branch to branch like a walking alien experiencing a new way if you are bound to anything - to just flow and form between opportunities of the momentis dead hard, death of it by lack of waves being made in the right ways; due to rigidity of life system being used / causing lack of action outside the normals of society/trends, nothing new appears from the same input usually, makes you a dullard in truth, you also you miss the opportunities presented as your life stands as a barrier to just fucking off to x-y-z in x-y-z way to experience something truely unique and new, your ego hates this stuff to as it's out of the normal, the ego is timid thing likes to build irony towers to live inside and bloat out to infest the entire mind with it's constant past, future and desires/wants and fickle needs. It's hard to experience true synch with events in realtime and this just skins the surface of the problem.

When I am high I could go out with my life in a bag and just flow from event to event taking my gut instinct as my soul decision maker, that's fun, you can really explore yourself and the world in that mode of mind. Sadly the sheep aren't ready for that yet and will call the quacks or you'll end up in trouble with the limits of the minds of the normal people. Down from there is useable day to day, month to month, year to year use of this type of thinking/seeing things, it's a mind's end on events from a place which really knows what it wants but society isn't ready for people exploring it in the streets yet, at moment to moment, fully present intensity...

Either way your chances to be synchronimous to events most people don't even see or miss totally (like inception)/ experience true synchronistic events are quite low unless you are open to them and free to experience them.

When you are 17 you can just go with the flow, that's important here.

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Guest bobbert

Yesterday I was washing my car, as soon as sponge hit metal it started to rain.

Man that freaked me right out.

Then one day I was eating breakfast, and guess what? I looked at the clock and it was morning time,now that really did shake me up, whats the odds of that happening?

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Then one day I was eating breakfast, and guess what? I looked at the clock and it was morning time,now that really did shake me up, whats the odds of that happening?

Probably depends what shift you work. It'd be freaky as hell if you're on the graveyard shift and eat your breakfast in the afternoon.

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As i said, for the last few decades my life has been comprised of massive patterns of interwoven events .. making it obvious (to me & a few other people) that so called 'reality', is in its-self a 'system or tool set' for teaching people whom have been awoken to this fact ..

how &/or why some people are given these type of experiential insights, & not others,(currently), i can only guess at . .

So .. here's an abbreviated set of 'coincidences', some of them also displaying 'synchronus' aspects . .& several recognizable patterns . .

.. aimed at those amoungst you whom are talking from an 'experiential' state of consciousness as regards meaningfull coincidence &/or synchronicity ..

. .rather than anyone voicing opinions of such-like experience based on their *LACK of experience* of such like . .

. .takes all sorts ehh .. .dhuu..

i've left out a large amount of the patterns, synchronistic, & coincidental events or i'd be typing many many pages, i may expand on some of these events at some point, though for now, you'll get some idea from what i've left in. . . so . .>>>

After attending his schools 'prize night' to pick up his award for being the then best gymnast there ..

.. one of my younger brothers 'Kev' was knocked off his push-bike at his schools gate on the 31st of the 3rd . .

by a by a car driven by a drunken driver . .. he was thrown somersaulting high into the air & landed some distance away at the opposite side of the road with his cracked open head bubbling blood along the curbside gutter, he died 13 hours 13 minutes later, he was 13.

About 13 years later . ..

(i'm not 100% sure it was 13 years, but calculating back, it likely was) . .

i was a couple of hundred yards away & coming up to a hospitals main gate on my mo-bike & noticed as the three or four cars in front of me went near to passing the entrance their rear stop lights lit. . as they turned their heads to the road side opposite, & stared as they past by what i eventualy noticed to be someone led with their head in the curbside gutter, blood bubbling out & running several yards down the slope towards the hospital entrance , .. i pulled over & jumped off . .

he'd clearly got a broken skull, he was purple-blue & wasn't breathing, i opened his mouth & could see he'd swallowed his tongue, though i couldn't get a finger in far anough to pull it out,

so i got the keys from my bike & used those to hook it out, soon after i did there was hissing, then signs of his lungs moving.

i ran into the hospital grounds, raised alarms, & out again, ..

within a few minutes i was joined by a host of nurses & equipment, then seeing he was going to get the help he needed, i carried on my journey. . .i was in a rush to keep an fairly critical appointment . .& i didn't hear anything more about it, until. .

Several years later, someone in a local pub came to me & said

"are you the person who saved S _ _ C _ _ 's life outside Rib hospital?",

'perhaps' i said, i had helped someone there years ago, .

i then asked if they knew anything more about him, as i didn't . . & so they told me several things they knew of him . .

. . for whatever reason, one of the things they told me that stuck strongly in my mind was "he lives just at the side of the school gate".

Moving on a few years again & i've now been asked out by a girl from a nearby city . . . .around 4 years previous to this point,'coincidence/synchronicity' told me i would meet this girl, with very exacting details, all of those details proved to be so with 100% accuracy ..

A few days later she asked me to visit her at home, & described where that was,

"just outside the school gate" she said, .

. then told me she had just bought the place from someone called C _ _ , . .. .*YES, it turned out to be the same people*.

follow-on coincidence came thick & fast . .thousands of them . .

. ..the above is just a small portion from the interconnectedness of my everyday experience . .

. .~loba~ . .

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