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Yesterday I was washing my car, as soon as sponge hit metal it started to rain.

Man that freaked me right out.

Then one day I was eating breakfast, and guess what? I looked at the clock and it was morning time,now that really did shake me up, whats the odds of that happening?

While your post is batently a piss take I still have to reply to reverse the piss take back onto you.

Thats just coincident/ces.

When trying to be a smart-ass one must try harder to understand the word used in the thread title...helps you to take the piss then by using correct examples, otherwise, let me inform you that it fails. Atleast to the eyes that realise to be more than a coincidence things must happen with more than 2 inputs and must manifest beyond the initial coincidence.

If you want to appear funny/smart atleast use a synchronimous event lol.

I find it's often a coincidence that stupidity and ignorance go hand in hand. I won't complicate it by adding a 3rd layer, we'll stick to 2 dimensions.


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Guest bobbert

Yesterday I was washing my car, as soon as sponge hit metal it started to rain.

Man that freaked me right out.

Then one day I was eating breakfast, and guess what? I looked at the clock and it was morning time,now that really did shake me up, whats the odds of that happening?

While your post is batently a piss take I still have to reply to reverse the piss take back onto you.

Thats just coincident/ces.

When trying to be a smart-ass one must try harder to understand the word used in the thread title...helps you to take the piss then by using correct examples, otherwise, let me inform you that it fails. Atleast to the eyes that realise to be more than a coincidence things must happen with more than 2 inputs and must manifest beyond the initial coincidence.

If you want to appear funny/smart atleast use a synchronimous event lol.

I find it's often a coincidence that stupidity and ignorance go hand in hand. I won't complicate it by adding a 3rd layer, we'll stick to 2 dimensions.


I often find that people who believe in such rubbish need to get out more, or smoke less.

Yes , lets stick to two dimensions for now Dr Who, when I find a third I will let you know.

Over and out.

My post might have been a bit dry but I wrote it as an example to show anyone can link two or more events together if they try, it isnt difficult, it isnt magic, it isnt some other dimension and before somebody steps in it isnt aliens either.

Its just you making a connection and attaching emotion to it.

Here is an example pulled of wiki.

The French writer Émile Deschamps claims in his memoirs that, in 1805, he was treated to some plum pudding by a stranger named Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, the writer encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him that the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turned out to be de Fontgibu. Many years later, in 1832, Deschamps was at a dinner and once again ordered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friends that only de Fontgibu was missing to make the setting complete — and in the same instant, the now senile de Fontgibu entered the room.

Its simply an association between a man and plumb pudding, he might have ate plumb pudding everyday of his life , sooner or later this association would reemerge.

Edited by bobbert
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them with eyes to see will see.

them with eyes to scorn will scorn

i'd like to add devolving into the thought processes being carried out.

while some of us are becoming more aware and more in tune with what IS.

there are millions of others that are doing the exact opposite and a million degrees between those 2 imagined points.

only the braindead can and do perform some of the idiocy that we hear about & witness.

i have had so many near brushes with death(and life) that i can only advise that synchronicity is not to be ignored.

and doing anything that you know is morally repugnant because you were 'ordered to' is a sure fire way of a crash course in devolution and a couple million more incarnations as a knobend/victim.

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Guest bobbert

them with eyes to see will see.

them with eyes to scorn will scorn

i'd like to add devolving into the thought processes being carried out.

while some of us are becoming more aware and more in tune with what IS.

there are millions of others that are doing the exact opposite and a million degrees between those 2 imagined points.

only the braindead can and do perform some of the idiocy that we hear about & witness.

i have had so many near brushes with death(and life) that i can only advise that synchronicity is not to be ignored.

and doing anything that you know is morally repugnant because you were 'ordered to' is a sure fire way of a crash course in devolution and a couple million more incarnations as a knobend/victim.

No body is ignoring it, we are simply trying to get to the bottom of it.

From where I stand , to think that a coincidence can spell out the workings of the universe or give you an insight into some third dimension may be a tad hard to swallow for some including myself. All this stuff about being enlightened, or more aware with what IS (What is 'IS' exactly?)I generally leave it for David Iche and Co to 'believe' and look instead for a more down to earth and realistic answer. Perhaps some of us are so detached from the real world that anything you read makes a connection and thus presents itself as a realistic possibility.

A weak mind is an impressionable mind, people like Iche rely on this to sell books and make a living while his victims believe they are ''enlightened'' and run around on the verge of insanity.

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The human brain is hard-wired to see patterns,its in our very nature and one of the reasons we evolved to the top of the food chain.I constantly see 11:11 on bus tickets,clocks(even out of time),reciepts,I managed to purchase some glasto tickets,guess what time(11:11),I just passed my driving test on the 3rd attempt,guess what time,yep 11:11.It started to get worse,I was seeing numerical patterns everywhere and to top it off my daughter was born on a palendrome.Spooky yes,well no,not really.After noticing a few coincidences,numerical or otherwise,the brain starts to look for more(subconciously) and of course being the wonderful lump of grey offal that it is,it finds them!You google 11:11 though and you will have peeps telling you its invisible faries looking after your well being or some kind of doomsday prophecy.I have that feeling of being the subject/specimin of some observation/experiment occasionally and during a mushroom trip a few years ago actually convinced myself i was truman,ditched my mates,give away all the possessions i had on me and walked down a busy street waving at cars thinking'everyone was in on it'.Soon realised the next day(when i hadn't crossed into the'real world',that i was stuck in this shitty one and the trip had gone a little sideways due to my slightly paranoid/narcissistic nature :doh: Still one of the best trips ive ever had though :rofl:

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I've related it before here, but I'm drunk and in a posting shit mood (or, rather, a posting even more shit that I usually do mood) so I'll post it again. Hallucinogens and synchronicity seem to go together, and there was one occurrence that really messed with my head. Me and a couple of mates had been out all night tripping our balls off around a fire up on the sandstone trail (a ridge of hills in Cheshire overlooking the Cheshire Plain, our regular tripping spot in the summer) and were driving back home just after dawn on a killer comedown, and managed to get lost.

Jon says "Where the fuck are we."

I say "I think the Red Fox pub is round the next corner."

We drive round the corner. No pub, but a fox in the middle of the road.

Coupla minutes later Jon says "Where the fuck are we ?"

I say "We're just coming up the the Pheasant Inn."

A few seconds later there's a fucking pheasant in the middle of the road :eek:

Proper head masher.

lol Then Mark says summat like "We're just coming up to the 3 naked nymphos inn." lol Sadly the road was empty :frown:

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When i was a kid, i was watching children's tv on BBC1, back in the days of Phillip Schofield and Gordon the Gopher in the broom cupboard, and they were coming to the end of the show. On BBC2 was a program called the Adventure Game which i loved to watch so when Phil said they were finished i leapt up and ran across the room to turn over, back then we only had a push button tv. As i was about to press the button Phil shouted 'NO, NO, don't turn over yet!'....

Another time a mate and myself were watching foootball on tv and there was only seconds left with the scores level at 1-1, as the guy runs on, i turn to my mate and say, 'wouldn't you feel like a prick coming on with no time left?', he replied, 'Not if you scored', as we turned and looked at the tv, the said sub was putting the ball in the back of the net...

Just thought i'd share lol

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how much point is there in an inexperienced person telling experienced people that there is no experience to be had?

mind bogglin . . .. don't know about the rest. .but . i'm hanging on your every word bobbert. .. duuu

" to the void to be destroyed . .. . or through the astral door" ~ Neil Pert

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I often find that people who believe in such rubbish need to get out more, or smoke less.

Thats just a stereotypical automated reply to a "mental 404" error" / does not compute failure.


Sad, but true. lol

how much point is there in an inexperienced person telling experienced people that there is no experience to be had?

mind bogglin . . .. don't know about the rest. .but . i'm hanging on your every word bobbert. .. duuu

" to the void to be destroyed . .. . or through the astral door" ~ Neil Pert

Whenever you are beyond a trancers "level" or understanding, the 404 error appears in their heads and so comes the ego's automatic unconscious replies, they always appear from the intellectualy challenged, idea is; to shut you down, like bullies at school, the IQ is 5 but they are right, take you down to their level again through public humilation eh, these unconscious opinions come like automatic doses of ignorance they are - from the subconsious psyche of fools, it's a just a reverse projected service denial, does not compute, I'd let them ride it out.

Does NoT Compute, attack, attack, downsize these people who talk funny, get em back down to my level they gives me a 404.


I was 66.6 kilos this morning.

Edited by distracted
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Dave... "We're right, everyone who disagrees is an idiot" is a deeply flawed approach, as is presuming that your interpretation of your experience is correct merely because you experienced it, and that those who disagree simply haven't experienced it when in fact many have and just concluded differently.

Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility they might be right, rather than assuming you are. It's a much more intellectually honest position to take.

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I believe in synchronicity..

and if I remember rightly I exchanged a few PM's about it a couple of years ago with a few friends on here.It concerned people that didn't know each other but died roughly on the same date and around the same age but were not expected to die of the illness that killed them.

Bit complicated but basically my father left my mother when we were all quite young,I was 4 and my eldest sister was 9 or 10,and he left and made a new family and had 2 children,a boy and a girl.

Long and short of it is that we had an extremely hard time growing up and our mother drank herself to death at the age of 44 and we lived every minute of it whereas his children had a nice life,she with horses,and he being feted by local football teams and generally being considered the 'Golden Children'.

Both his other children died at the age of 44,several years apart,of drink related illnesses and both in the same month as our mother.

Funny thing is I'm now old enough to feel sorry for him.


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The 5th and final studio album by The Police was titled Synchronicity. It included the track "Every Breath You Take." The lyrics of that track sound like the scary thoughts of a weirdo stalker. Weirdo stalkers sometimes beat the people they are stalking to death. Sting post-Police makes me want to beat him to death 5 times. Synchronicity ? I'll leave that to you to decide.

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Dave... "We're right, everyone who disagrees is an idiot" is a deeply flawed approach, as is presuming that your interpretation of your experience is correct merely because you experienced it, and that those who disagree simply haven't experienced it when in fact many have and just concluded differently.

Perhaps you should open your mind to the possibility they might be right, rather than assuming you are. It's a much more intellectually honest position to take.

This shouldn't be in the conspiracy section that is the intellectually honest position, someone used this term in a conspricacy of something, to link events? is that why it's here?

A move is needed to the metaphysical section, a place where the apes don't often venture and so we can be free from billy-boy-bobbits and his penis hacking girlfiends mindless snides.

This action is needed so to turn this thread into one worth adding something towards the future of, for sychronism is a basic mind function of the subconscious, the 3rd eye, minds eye, read up for Christ Sake. People have known this for over 10,000 years. If people are so disconnected from their own minds to deny it's own basic function then sadly I can only assume we have de-evolved to our lowest ebb. Is Bobbit man the unconsious salesman for someone who's dumbing us down, a heavy for stupidity, a bouncer for bumbrains, he's selling the "snub" that will finally put out the remaining pilot light on any ability for us to regain our lost functionality and power of mind, I don't see any point in him posting here, he asked a few questions I'd like to have answered but his post said he was a closed book so I will take the approach of just playing fire with fire, he's here for no reason and serving no use why does he have rights to be protected? He doesn't have any rights in my world, only to constant free self improvement and education.

If this was in the right section we could have a decent debate without de-evolved members of our species pointlessly denying their own basic mental processes, as hyterical as that is to watch....

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