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DP Test Auto #1 and #5.


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Hello, and welcome.

It must be a fascinating place to work. A cannabis breeder sits at his lab bench concocting recipes that confuse and confuddle and then he throws that away because "it is not ready for public consumption". So he starts again, and again and eventually he says sorry for taking so long but he is now ready to give the public his new creation. HOLD ON says the boss man. "how do we know it is a working creation?" "Has it been sampled by Joe Public yet??"

And this is where we come in. You must have noticed that there are a great many members of Tony's Testing Team on the boards. Our beloved leader is throwing his beans around like confetti and we grow them with relish.

Message received asked "Hey hip, can you run some auto's for us before they go on sale? We have no name for them yet but.!!???". Of course I can SIR.

So here they are. A packet arrived and when opened looked like this; tn_gallery_54925_4866_65414.jpg. Again, well packaged and VERY stealthy.


I use the paper towel method of germination, BUT, I use the blue checked cloth type and cut a strip off that. It seems to hold the moisture better and I have had almost 100% germination rates.

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They were then placed in jiffies on the 31st and on the 3rd they looked like this; (apologies for the poor pic quality but my other lens broke)




One of the five has since given up the ghost but the other four are doing OK. They were potted up into their final 6 L pots yesterday and they are under the 250 w as the 400 is otherwise engaged.


Next update will show them in the new pots. All the best folk and stay safe out there. The weevils are indeed there.

Cheers :smokin:

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good luck with the grow hiphip hope you get some fat buds

So do I gee mate, so do I. Stay safe gee. All the best mucker.

Good luck with the grow, mate - has Tony indicated what to expect from this one?

Mr. T :pimp:

Hi Mr T. No mate, Tony has not given me much detail really. They are NOT the ones that Joint Doctor is working on but anothyer one all together so end results are unknown. Stay bonkers mate.

lucky you my friend!

i bet that smurfy got some to...

all the best...


I think that the evil one has got some Dark Delight, rather apt I think :rofl: :rofl:

Good luck dude.

Thanks Bude mate. Stay secure and full of love.

All the best Hiphip :skin_up:

Muchos gracias SilC mate and reciprocated.

Pics later of them in the 6L pots.

Cheers :smokin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

easy mate best of luck am sure you,ll do a fine job


Salutations Sir. Stay well and safe mucker.

Good luck with these HipHip :lucky:

Thanks my friend. All well in your land?? Be good.

Quick Update.

So it is now two weeks since being planted. The 4 are in 6 L pots and are all at the same height of about a foot. Very small pistols are appearing at the nodes.

Here is one of them. I will do an individual update next time, however they are being given 3ml/L of PM GROW and a dash of root stim at this time.




Cheers :smokin:

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Yo Hip!!

All sectret squirrel around here fella ;o) But cracking looking plants thus far and seem real tall for autos at 2 weeks, you must be doing an amazing job matey...

Glad i'm here from the start and Good Luck with the grow Hip

Astro :alien:

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Ooooh test grows I like test grows all lookin healthy an happy so far HipHop pics ain't quite up to yer usual quality but we can forgive this as im sure some blue sabotage has been taking place behind the scenes here.

Good luck wi the rest o the grow mate.

Hazy :skin_up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo Hip!!

All sectret squirrel around here fella ;o) But cracking looking plants thus far and seem real tall for autos at 2 weeks, you must be doing an amazing job matey...

Glad i'm here from the start and Good Luck with the grow Hip

Astro :alien:

Hi Astro, they older than that mate as, being conservative, it is 5 weeks tomorrow. They are quite tall yes but as you will see, they are totally devoid of buds. Stay well mucker.

they look a healthy shade of green, lovely Hip.

Green is good Tony mate. What's not good is the development of the "buds". I.e. There are none. I will give them another week and then they will go. Keep trying they say :rofl: Keep going mucker.

Ooooh test grows I like test grows all lookin healthy an happy so far HipHop pics ain't quite up to yer usual quality but we can forgive this as im sure some blue sabotage has been taking place behind the scenes here.

Good luck wi the rest o the grow mate.

Hazy :skin_up:

I like test grows as well hazy mate. Usually like. I am sure that the blue one will not interfere with these mate, he is learning when to attack and when to defend. Thanks for the visit.

Lovely shade of green Hiphip. Very nice looking leaves, looking very happy! :guitar:

As above mate, wait and see, eh?? Be good.

hi hiphip how are these doing mate i seen the pic you put on another dairy looking good

Hi Gee mucker. As you will see, they are lovely and healthy, standing well and full of green. There are NO buds as of the now. Like I said to Tony, I'll give the #1's another week and then they will go. I have today put the #5 Test Autos into pop mode. Stay sane gee mate.


As related above, they have been in 18/6 for 34 days now and there is no buddage at all. They are under the 250w and are on 3ml/L of PM grow with a dash of root. I do not want to give bloom feed yet as there is no bloom.

Anyway, pics say it all eh??









As you can see there is NOTHING bud like on the plants at all. The leaves are very green and healthy, tn_gallery_54925_4866_142715.jpg so I am at a loss as to why there is nothing yet occurring.

Perhaps the TEST AUTO #5 will fare better.

tn_gallery_54925_4866_1579.jpg tn_gallery_54925_4866_96956.jpg

Next update will be in a week. Unless dramatic changes occur :rofl: :rofl:

Cheers :smokin:

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Hey hiphip mate hows it going cant believe that test auto 1 is not budding it looks nice and healthy though and you never know it might be a photo strain lol keep up the good work lad.

as for that pack of test auto#5 you have it looks like its be tampered with as this is what the test auto#5 pack looks like :wassnnme:


peace KDOG

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