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Power of consciousness.

BiPolar Dave

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Consciousness isn't thought and intelligence, it's not always earned in books for it is an energy or a range of frequency / vibrations that you can only dial into if you earn the right to use the dial and so this energy through perfection of the way you use ego and mind; if you are Jesus, Krishna or Buddha you are at a conscious power of 1000, all available consciousness and energy is yours, you are as empowered as anyone who ever lived. By constant if you read the Star, vote for the BNP and work as a binman living on council estate you might pickup a power level of 50-75.

Average joe is conscious to the level of around 50-100.

The power of between 50 and 1000 isn't a 20th.

One person energised to pure light energy based consciousness as in Jesus etc is more powerful than everyone else on earth dimensions. Everyone. 7,000,000,000,000 people can ride under the command of one man. You can be duped by rare dualistics like Hilter who effectively subconsciously work for light and dark attractor patterns, low and high energy fields of attraction.

There are no longer any people of this power, pure light consciousness, 1000. I could explain why as it's a multiway attack, at your level - your life prevents you making any jumps bar maybe 5-20 points in your entire lifetime, from 50 to 55 or 70. I know I get automatic trips from 10 (full depression) to 600 and peaks of 800 (calm mania) +.

One could say for example that these people of high energy are very rare. 1,000,000 normal people for every person over 500. Say at any one time a list of 12 people exist globally who resonate over 700, that's all, these people who manage this via gift or ability are very rare indeed, they manage to sustain constant energy and are energised all the time, they change the world, they are your real leaders, 700 is the best you can hope for at this time, 700 constant.

These 12 people are so enlightened and off the bat they would be able to control and develop the conscious of everyone if they joined forces through crushing the current mindstate by talking from over it, it works to shift ages. You have to understand these people at 700 have no power in the reality of those even higher and they cannot do anything in the power of someone of 1000. This is cause the view seen from this energy level of 1000 is pure god consciousness, pure consciousness, god head, call it what you want it's ultra-rare and it superceeds and overrides all imaginary states of mind that proceed in the lower levels.

The lower your level the more of a delusion you live in and you cannot even see it cause you cannot comphrehend what it is. People of 600-800 they can bent your entire mind and perception through the power of their own advancements past your own limitations, they break your limits automatically purely by exposure to their teachings. You just have to be around them, someone of 1000 will heal you at all levels without even having to do anything other than be near you, that's the power and I cannot explain it to you, you can read it in thousand ways in a thousand cultures bar our own.

Sadly these 12 will never work as a team as the system isn't in place, but this type of format will run all of soceity with a new form of consciousness hirachy (natural order) with a pure being at the top, the pure divine incarnation of all that is Isis. This is the pure basis of all previous cultures, the shaman is the healer/guru/divine/ the higher being by virtue of being the one who is gifted and resonates the highest energy level of all people and so gets the clearest perception free of mind and ego.

It is only the divine connected that deliver the news that is actually worth listening to, they hand it down without any ego or deception of mind involved, nor motive or any low mind states interference.

The shaman gives things in pure form to others from a new perspective, one that constantly changes so to form to the true reality of any moment in time, it's also free of ego and mind limitations, the greatest human on this scale thinks from the highest CPU rate possible, higher quad core processor power than anyone else and so he can process the biggest concepts in way different to all others. He does this symbolism and pattern processing to emcompass all current issues from the source, the source! Source is not the human perspective, not from the mind or ego and so for millenia people sourced out the shamans to get the best answers to all questions they didn't know how to ask. He keeps an eye on things and works for the good or all things, he hands down his findings to others as he feels they are needed, he's like the non-human minded version of a global simulation model keeping an eye on all current issues. His database of consciousness is from beyond the mind and ego and so it wasn't created by a human mind was it? As this information comes from source it is not bound by limits, such as is anything from the human mind.

These huge concepts and visions can be handed down and worked on by the ones who are more reasoned than the shaman - shaman doesn't control anyone or anything, he's a guider a spokes person for all that is, so the world is totally safe in his hands, that's why he's worked in every culture since the start, we've lost him and that's why we are fucked and fucking our planet, we became disconnected from our source. The shaman has no motive or needs/desires and does nothing much at all bar think...he just gets answers from the other-place to questions you don't know how to ask yet or why you need to. :)

This news is worth listening to, the shamans news from the subconscious database is really worth listening to --- WHY???? The news that the shaman or person with a worth-view powered by conscious energy in the 800s is delivering to you, it comes from outside of the mind for christs sake!

You can't think clearly using your fucking mind! All that reasoning is a mind function, a DELUSION!! You can change the entire basis of reality listening to a shamens reports and do it daily to adapt your plan to the changing mass of everything that makes the present moment, that's how the shaman correctly steers the tribe and you don't get into dead-end societies, there is no dead end in reality, just your mind as you run our of logical reasons for the illogical nature of reality.

You get pure consciousness from a shaman, worth up to 500-1000points. You get an automatic dose of fear with our medias "news", ITN and SKY, ABC etc resonate at about 50 conscious points.

The information I am typing here is atleast 500, if you can grasp the concept you have upgraded your mind, the TV you watch makes you dumb as fuck.

We need an archaic revival fast! Welcome to the jungle.

The average global conscious energy hit 200 in the 80's, not due to all folk being over 200, far from it, but due to some (very few) people raising their own power enough to setup postive attractor patterns that over-ride the negative and so they drag up the of the conscious of all.

There wil be more of these people appearing now, lots of them, they are going to reshape your mind and you don't have to do anything. That's what happens when you rise, others rise with you subconsciously or they wither and die in stasis. We are at phase change right now, it's 2012, not the end of the world but an age change, an energy jump, universal energy is high atm, photon related? There is GREAT opportunity at the moment to rise, I'd grasp this opportunity.

200 is the base level where your life isn't lived in mindless guilt, fear and pride like the other 95%, 85% barely reach pride 175, a sin lol, this is a trivial mindstates you take as real and live inside, pride ffs is all some people are, just junk. While 85% of people are stuck in the lowest levels of consciousness and so thought there is little hope for us unless we get the masses to give up negative attractors.

If you spent time around someone over 450-500, ie high level thinkers like Freud, Enstein, Hawkins you cannot fail to elevate yourself, they effectively heal your stupidity/lack of vision.They setup a HIGH postive charge, it's called an attractor field, your true self just taps into it , postive ones are much more powerful than negative, and so a massively postively charged person over-rides the negative fields that are all around you, you just heal.

The corperations feeding you news, drugs, food, clothes also setup attractor fields that are negative and de-empowering, the opposite of whats needed.

Films, coffee, sugar, caffiene, all brainwashing shit that lowers your consciousness. The opposite of corperations and the current system is enlightenment, this comes from postive energy fields. We can crush the entire corperate world in a hand stroke by simple seeing of the negative attactor patterns we are drawn into by being shown them by those that are "high" enough to have cut the strings holding them down. You start to see more over 200 and you might see them yourself at 600 as you have risen above the person creating the reality you were inside, get it yet? At 200 things become clearer, a platform for development of the self, this is cause 200 is the base energy level of life itself, god help those below it... external events inside this "system" we take as reak are in a way constructed to keep you down in fear, guilt, pride and desire et,c, de-empowered living in fear or everything, that's almost everyone I know. You need to give all that shit up to get power and happiness from inside.

The modern society is a trap. Corperate reality is ONE FUCKING HUGE negative attractor pattern, a vortex to the subconscious energy, a black hole thats consuming all the consumers. Get the idea? You spend time around great people that's why it rubs off, you spent times around corperations you get ill, fat and braindead. Dark vs Light. Postive, Negative. Associate purely with light and postive charges and learn to cull the dark energy dragging you down in fear.

I am giving you the ticket to free you mind.

Sadly 500 is also the level of reason, hense scientists are often at this level, their reason obsessions lead them to denial of access to 600 or more as they are too reasoned and logical to understand what is beyond the ego/human mind and so they are forever enslaved by reason, this why we end up at so many blanks with science :) Science is a load of bullshit viewed from the higher conscious right sided thinking :)

The process of intelligence is a very easy to handle and see when you move beyond blindness.

It's up "there" that all the secrets reveal themselves. We need to be lead by people of high conscious not egotistically pride infested turds like the current politicians, Cameron is below 200. Churchill clearly 450+. Real leaders of men do so automatically as that's what happens at 700+, people just follow you.

Our leaders bicker and argue, what drives bickering and arguements, it's low mind states, these aren't leaders, what the fuck is a person living in "pride of opinion" doing running anything other than their own deluded existance. GROW UP.

Hilter had UBER charisma, his attractor field was both light and dark, I could write about this. That's why he was so fucking powerful, people just bent before his overwhelming presence. Noone will again be scene with that level of attraction? Only a walking reincarnation of Jesus himself.

Bible teachings were at 1000 before the adjustments in the middle ages that allowed the bible to justify war and retribution, modern religions teachings are now so perverted they are often almost cults, levels under 150, almost as bad as watching sky news to understand reality. Hinduism is the best at 800, it's retained purety of teaching, modern catholism etc is not what it once was as it became a cult, it's enslavement now not empowerment as it once was.

BNP is about 75.

Pure Facism is 150.

Terrance Mckenna is talking at 500.

A shaman in the jungle 600-1000, infinately wiser than Enstein.

This is a slice of how things are actually working behind the bullshit, a layer of another system, another paradigm of the hologram of reality.

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Concept is a blur of Hawkins's "power vs force", combined with Tolle's "power of now" mashed up with various spiritual concepts and readings about past cultures / religions topped off with 16years of my own experiences.

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BPD, i see where you're moving,

. .myself. . as i recollect, this year is the fifty-first since my first given glimpse/insight that so-called 'reality' wasn't quite fitting in with all that i'd been taught or experienced previous to that sustained glimpse, . ..

. .. in an instant my awarness was taken way beyond the confines of the illusion surrounding me uptill then .. .& showed me how i somehow played a part in a much greater 'confine of reality' .. .

. .how 'i' seemed to be 'represented' in some respect by the very reality i was being awoken into .. .& started to see these 'representations' almost everywhere, . .

..good luck Dave .. .each contact can spin us higher

"realisation & liberation are simultanious" ~The Tibetan book of the dead.

.. ~loba~ . .

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Each contact does indeed create a motion/energy/pattern that effects everyone around you. I've been sectioned when very high indeed and become a sort of walking prophet/healer/icon for all the other patients, I sit and next thing they are gathering around me, they look at me as a frontman against the staff and seek my guidence on their life issues, happens every time, I am seen by other "unhinged" folk as a sort of god? Totally out of it / lost minded individuals show great interest in me, I can se the eyes of a totally "mad" person fixate on me like they see something...only when I am high though... it's not attention I seek, I'm a quiet person, it's all weird but I know the system that is linking these people on the edge of sanity to myself and will write about that sometime.

I wish I could stay like that indefinately cause it's something I wish to study!

I don't profess to know much or take any claims for my writings or experiences; this stuff very much comes from somewhere outside myself I am just an inspector/detective trying 24/7 to piece together my experiences based on past cultures, motivation comes as I believe the reality we are inside at the moment to be little more than utterly stupid, we've no shamans or hallicinogens to sort out / awaken the masses from this dreamstate we are in. The journey to enlightment is a life-ling trial of challenges and barriers to be surmounted and then kept in order.

The less I associate with what I took to be myself, my fake self, my created self the more connected to the oneness of all, true self, bare unprogrammed consciousness I become I better I feel and the more empowered my mind is; as I risen above the thinking/consciousness format that programmed the mindstate of fear, guilt, pride and desire we are educated to live inside.

On the book front I am just trying to work out where to go next. You can go wrong with a bit of Terrance Mckenna for starters. That "food of the gods" book gives a wonderful insight in plain english about the past, present and future development of mindstates and a platform of manifesting further angles to read on and grow consciousness/knowledge in a new direction and so pad out your reality a bit.

Take care.

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I am reading Tolles New Earth currently and it has strengthened that search.

I am determined not to loose myself any longer, only a small window just now but I will not loose sight again.

Is there any other books you could point me towards?

Do you meditate GreenFloyd ? If you find Tolle inspiring,check out Bhante Henepola Gunaratana's 'Mindfulness in Plain English'.

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Meditation when I am on the high side of my manic experience is something truely awe-inspiring. The open and closed eye visions day and night/constant night time astral projection opportunities, the feeling of hot and cold energies flowing into and out of my body, feeling like my body is half it's normal weight, feeling like my head has blown off and connected to something infinate, the fact people gather around me.

I find "normality" very very boring incontrast :)

I do find meditation or having 20-30mins a day of thoughtless concentration on nothing at all very cleansing, a cumulative effect that can be built on day to day,training your mind/self to SHUT THE FUCK UP and so gain more access to source :)

Edited by BiPolar Dave
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Welcome to the jungle.

Namaste :)

What took ya so long bro?

Great post you wrote there, very statistical but interesting.

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The first sentence, is that meant to be learned in books or do you mean earned in books? second to first

e2c: second to first

e2a: are you talking about what eastern people would


Amazing post 25% through! Done another 5% will read later as with the bible I got to a certain point and didn't want to know any more then Danial. And it is difficult sifting the truth from the lies

in that book.

I cheated and read John, Apocalypse, revelations first.

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The first sentence, is that meant to be learned in books or do you mean earned in books? second to first

e2c: second to first

e2a: are you talking about what eastern people would


Amazing post 25% through! Done another 5% will read later as with the bible I got to a certain point and didn't want to know any more then Danial. And it is difficult sifting the truth from the lies

in that book.

I cheated and read John, Apocalypse, revelations first.

Earned, to expand one could say this is like levels of a game or a role play with Ultima series, you want to be powered form within, wise, calm, have real brain power, you gotta work on raising your form in general through many slight adjustments of many things. Gains are hard earned like an athlete. If you do the same thing all the time and it doesn't work it will always have the same outcome, that's insanity.

Work on feeling one-ness; spiritual health in general. Keep adding in the improvements in the life system combined with knowledge and self awareness you'll start to hit higher levels of potential. It's tough to grow consciously you tend to make jumps or get given opportunities when stuff falls into line, same for finding IQ (whatever that is) raising jumps in mental power/thinking/knowledge, to move on from what were perceived limits is earned.

I know lots of people who can learn loads of facts from books but they are dead as a door nail spiritually.

Consciousness and awareness and so intelligence in general are all earned for sure, not learned, you gotta have the right mind, loose and easy; a combination of high energy level in general, sensitivity spiritually, mental "disorders" can give windows of ease, learning, experience and a natural ability to tap into higher energy patterns and stay positive.

Not sure on the Karma. I could use a good read up on Karma to get a bigger idea on it.

Thanks Tony. I'd expect some huge posts in the winter time when the twinkies come out more easy.

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not so very long ago i would have read this 1st post and said "nutter" i dont pretend to understand it all but i get it. i lost the plot about 15 years ago, thankfully missed the self destruct button and sought help, the help i got was basic but so was/is the system. being asked to draw pictures of how i felt and breathing in tune to a candle was beyond me and cbt training was just common sense once you understand whats going on.

anyway i ended up medicated for the whole 15 years, in the past 2 or so ive seen in myself patterns of moods from external sources, media, society... that affect my health in general, i suspected the meds for a time then found out the dangers of them including the conspiracy theorists theories.

i know im saying a lot and being cryptic, its for protection etc but im now 8months off the meds and not only see the mood patterns but can predict them, fear, apathy etc.

ive done a bit of conspiracy and objective research and understand the truth is hidden but still have the fear of ridicule so dont discuss it much. im still waking up and its all jumbled up in my head, feeling impatient riding the predicted moods with the big red button always in sight, i could easily deliberately press it as "normalizing" is just accepting our perceived reality. when on the meds im that clouded ignorance is actually bliss!

you know your stuff and although this is a weed forum and i may be coming at you from a different angle but understanding your writings above which ive never seen or heard before, and at the risk of feeling exposed, im intrigued!

whats next for people like me?

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The brain is weird, that is for sure.

As far as I'm concerned, this borders to religion. I'm a science kind of guy.

I'm sure everyone has experienced this: FLYING at 80 miles an hour only inches above the ground, stitting comfortably in a fucking arm-chair! I'm of course talking about the common car.

Which is the result of science, the result of religion is mostly blood.

Science is even what makes you able to post this very message to thousands of people. That would sound like MAGIC only a few years ago.

In case you did not catch this, I'm just saying Dave's claims is about real to me as religion. And I'm even bipolar too (as if that matters :-)

But I enjoyed reading it, it was interesting and I try to have an open mind.

I have no idea why I wrote this, like I said, the brain is weird. Most of what we actually do is unconcious (like YOU THERE that just streched your arms, did you think about it and then decided to strech out your arm? or did you just do it?), but I'm rambling.

Edit: I do hate modern society (civilization). It's like it's designed to make us stupid drones.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had brief spells where ive dialled up to probably about 600. :yahoo:

I'm now firmly back down at <100. :blub:

Can't help feeling that I've lost my way again, Maybe I've still got a lot to learn :oldtoker:

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