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wow! big grow.


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wonder what gave them away, grassed up or a large barn in a field humming like a bastard :rofl:

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Awesome setup, but how could you ever get away with buying hundreds of lights and shit loads of extractors in the first place not to mention the rest.

Wonder how many grows they got out of that before being rumbled, do ya think from the air it looked a bit warm in those hay barns lol

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Awesome setup, but how could you ever get away with buying hundreds of lights and shit loads of extractors in the first place not to mention the rest.

Wonder how many grows they got out of that before being rumbled, do ya think from the air it looked a bit warm in those hay barns lol

Fuck the room what a waste a bud.....

Getting the gears the easy bit companies like Spam will sell direct to you for pound notes. :wassnnme:

Edited by Owderb
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  • 1 month later...

that setup is mental and makes me worry less about heat footprint of 2 600watters,can only imagine the heat running off that setup

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Cheap bastards were using cooltubes lol No way they were getting GPW :wassnnme: Maybe they bought budget CF's too? lol

Good effort though, shame it all went to fuck lol


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How do you know they were probably growing shit weed?

By the look of it, they'd put far more effort into their grow than 99% of the members do on here!!

And where exactly did you get your weed from before you started growing it yourself?

uninstall <rant mode>

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Dealer weed is shite?

Yeah, whatever!!

When I run out of weed I have to get some off dealers, their weed is as good as anything I've grown over the last 20+ years. And they've usually got several kinds of good Hash too. Real Hash I mean, not Soap Bar poison.

Those guys operating that grow have my utmost respect, they're doing it properly. They aren't using victims of people trafficking kept as prisoner to run the grow, they aren't trashing someone's house and risking a fire by tampering with the electricity, they're just taking care of business.

It always amuses me when people on here think they've got the moral high ground by slagging dealers off, when in fact, if it wasn't for a dealer you wouldn't even be growing your own weed in the first place.

Nobody on this site woke up one day and said, "I'm going to grow weed so I can smoke dope!"

They all got their weed off a dealer before they started growing.

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My grow?

Haha, no. But if I was a big time grower like that, I'd definately do it like that and not in people's houses destroying them.

You mentioned good growers on here, yeah there are some good growers on here. In fact, there are some excellent growers on here, but there are an awful lot of terrible growers on here too :)

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Anyway, the point I was making is, that is an awesome grow. It's just a shame growing is illegal, cos that place could supply an awful lot of medicine for people who couldn't, or don't want to grow their own.

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