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White Widow (sensi) 37 days

late compared to the other, but not so bad, all considering.

I give the WW. a bit more nutes (biogrow, bioheaven from biobizz)

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White Widow (Sensi) 37 days

a bit late compared to the others, but its not an outdoor strain

all considered not so bad

I give the WW a bit more nutes than the others (biogrow and bioheaven from biobizz)

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WW (S.) 37 days

a bit late compared to the other but it is not an outside strain

not too bad anyway. I give the WW a bit more nutes (biogrow and bioheaven from biobizz)

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I am trying to delete two of these three similar posts, but I cant, How can I do it ??

I am new in this forum thing. Help !

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I'll add, because I grow all this on my terrace, that in Switzerland from jan 012 you can legally grow up to 4 plants whithout questions.

at least in four (out of 22 ) cantons, the french speaking ones ( GE, VD, NE,...)

If you are 2 adults in a household = 8 plants !! (provided both water them!)

I really hope that this trend is for the rest of Europe. What a better way to cut down organised crime profits.

Good luck to you all.

Yes - that is commonsense at work and I hope for all the UK growers that there one day the UK gets sensible policies like Switzerland

The plants are looking great, perhaps they will be Ok for another week or two before repotting them.

Boom Shankar indeed my friend, I hope you have a beautiful balcony of Swiss/Dutch ganja in a few months !

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I'll add, because I grow all this on my terrace, that in Switzerland from jan 012 you can legally grow up to 4 plants whithout questions.

at least in four (out of 22 ) cantons, the french speaking ones ( GE, VD, NE,...)

If you are 2 adults in a household = 8 plants !! (provided both water them!)

I really hope that this trend is for the rest of Europe. What a better way to cut down organised crime profits.

Good luck to you all.

Yes - that is commonsense at work and I hope for all the UK growers that there one day the UK gets sensible policies like Switzerland

The plants are looking great, perhaps they will be Ok for another week or two before repotting them.

Boom Shankar indeed my friend, I hope you have a beautiful balcony of Swiss/Dutch ganja in a few months !

Thanks Tony. I'll repot them in 8,5l.in a week or so, then 13,5 and may be a final 20l (7 gall.)

last year i had a grow of skunk=1 ( my first grow ) but let it finish in much too small pots. Still once dried and cured for a few

months quite a sweet smoke. This year will be much better.

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I repost a pic from ww 37 days as it got deleted by my fault. I am learning through trial and error

how to handle these posts correctly.

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I topped two of them ( sh. and ww ) couple of days ago. They respond ok. Last night I let them out soaking a nighlong

medium rain. It made them a lot of good, some pure water. Now they need sun. A few more days I'll repot them. Rootmass

still have some space to occupy. Slight signs of overnutes, have to scale down. Pics in a couple of days.

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hi Pier,

It all looks good. I am sure a lot of UK growers would love to legally and openly grow a few plants like you do in Switzerland. Please keep the photo's coming, it looks like it will be a nice summer project for you

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Thanks Tony. This morning I repotted the biggest of my Frisian in a 8,5 l.pot. They all look good, just a tendency of the

lowest tier leaves to yellow, but I guess it's normal. Have got mostly sunny weather these last days. Pray it lasts...

Photos coming soon.

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My shaman at 37 days

so I finally repotted most of my babies in 8,5l.

lower tier leaves tend to yellow. Not lack of N, heat ?

Edited by pier09
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frisian dew at 37 days.

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Passion at 37 days.

not yet repotted.

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I'll add, because I grow all this on my terrace, that in Switzerland from jan 012 you can legally grow up to 4 plants whithout questions.

at least in four (out of 22 ) cantons, the french speaking ones ( GE, VD, NE,...)

If you are 2 adults in a household = 8 plants !! (provided both water them!)

I really hope that this trend is for the rest of Europe. What a better way to cut down organised crime profits.

Good luck to you all.

I have to rectify my post about growing legally in SW. In fact the 4 plants law adresses only plants with very low thc content.

If you grow discreetly the cops wont come after you on their own. Only if a complain against you on grounds of smell or dealing

has been deposed against you, then they'll act. As far as nobody complains you are left alone ( of course this doesnt include grows

on industrial scale ). The authorities justify this by the fact that they dont have either the means nor the manpower to go after

every pothead with a few plants, inside or out.

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