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casual non-sex..lazy sensimellia production


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had to get this diary started somehow..

pics are of girls going into 6L pots at DAY 21..all been fed with only 1ml of PM Bio-silicon, had PM Granules and PM Soil at each pot up..(0.5 < 1L < 6L)..were sat under a 125w CFL blue up until then..

Kush replaced a no-show Ganesh and so is a few days behind..

have been sat under a 400w HPS since then..will be 28 days on saturday..will post more pictures then..will flip them then too, if roots look appropriate..girlies love that HPS let me tell you..

roots at DAY 21 :


Ganesh girls in new pots :


Ganesh 1 :


Ganesh 2 :


Psico on the left, Flying Dutchmen Nepal Kush on the right :


Psico :


Kush :


here's to neighbours without noses..(last grow on this filter) :yep:

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Hi mate!

Welcome again :)

The plants are looking good, I'm sure they will be very happy now with the new pots :yes:

I'll keep passing by to check it out, keep it sweet :yep:


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thanks Tommy and Rabid..

preeeeshhhhyuaaaate that.. :yinyang:

DATE : DAY 28..6L POTS..

jungle and roots..



DAY 28..1 week in these pots..fed nothing but water..tent smells dry damp-ish..(30c regularly, 30-40's rh)..

Roots on DAY 28 sample..the tallest bean..


the jungle of all four..tea-green..


the smallest and dark purplierest is distinct from the other on the leaf..the other likes pale green to carry on..







i remember humidity from my 420 days..

no..oh, go on then..yeah, i just remember 420..



'paste'..what's that all about..?..sounds gritty..



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Hey man, good to see you still up to old tricks hehe. Will be watching your grow again as usual, good luck and enjoy :)


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:cowboy: hey..

hey BC..had a good read of your diary before your current one the other 20 minutes..funny for a while..hope you're well dude..

the appearance of the 'G'..lawks..right the ship lads..!!..heave to..empire-ical..regards dude..

hey La Viva..fair play dude..thanks for looking in..i'm getting a system with them pots..as you can see it's a lot to do with newspapers..and efficiency i find..but with enough of my body to muck about in dirt.. <_<

hey Lesley..went hunting after a diary of yours..sure i've seen one flow past on the boards one time, but no link in the bottom of your post space i find..hope you're o.k..

PICS : temps 20-27c..rh..30-40-70..Water only..35 DAYS in VEG in that PM Soil..

girls have been tied down for canopy effect..will be flipping maybe at 39 days for roots to be good enough..no best reason why for that..and then i will strip off not just low growth but weak stems the height of the plant i think..

Tea-green boat..


Kush :


Psico :


roots at DAY 35..Ganesh sprinters hide their roots so..


feed levels..


feed levels 2 :


:cowboy: Fort Wendy guard reporting sir..

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Hello TUM. Plants are lookin nice and healthy, really bushy. I'm subbed dude :yep:

Good luck with this grow and the comp,

Cannabis Kid :eat:

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  • 2 weeks later...


hello there Scroger..loving your name by the way..yeah, the kush is leaading the way with the dark green leaves..very lush..one of the Ganesh girls especially is turning out a lot paler/hungrier..which is a suprise to me..would have thought it's sat-dom genetics wouldn't have made it hungry..thanks for looking in dude..

hey Budelaire..thanks my man..we do things on an arts & crafts scale this end dude..one spinning jenny and a wonky-legged yokel..that sort of thing..nice to have you in dude..

welcome Hiphip my friend..An Attempt to Regulate Delicious Varieties of Animating Recreational Kingdoms.. you know how it is..stay safe my dude..

hey CK..nice one dude..have to get in to your diary to see your ladies soon..hope all's well in that triangular haven of yours..

yo Serps..thanks for sticking your head in dude..again, have to get into your diary mate..wonder if the bell tolled for your no-show Sweet Special yet..?..a non-auto in the land of the Autos..?..don't fancy the chances of that much..you saty safe there dude..

So..the pictures are of the ladies the day before the flip, which was a week ago...one of the Ganesh girls is proving hungry and so has been getting 1ml of BB Fishmix last couple of feeds..everyone else has been on plain water..

the Kush is the darkest of the four, which i remember from last time..a really nice green, and the Psico is looking like it might be more productive than my last Psico lady..

so these pics are a week old..will take some more tonight..haven't seen much of them really other than watering..like i said, a lazy grow..plants at DAY 38, pre- and post- strip..

Ganesh 1 pre-strip :


Ganesh 1 post-strip :


Ganesh 2 Pre- :


Ganesh 2 post- :


Kush pre- :


Kush post- :


Psico pre- :


Psico post- :


all four, ganesh girls on the left, Kush front right :


all four in tent, Psico front right, Kush front left :


:cowboy: fort wendy over and out.. :yep:

Edited by thisUncoliingMortal
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