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Blueberry her


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Hi Dutchpasion, welcome to the site :)

Just wondering if your blueberry is still hermie Prone?

Hello Kushty, are you ready for some good old fashioned honesty?

Blueberry is a special strain on 2 levels. Firstly she will be prone to hermies if she is subjected to stress, we have been aware of this for many years and short of completely trying to re-breed her there is little we can do. Having said that, the other thing we will say about Blueberry is that when treated well she will produce some of the best marijuana that you can get.

For the lowest chance of hermies you may prefer to use regular seeds rather than feminised, Blueberry is one of our legacy strains where we still produce regular, non-fem seed. Other strains do have a somewhat wider latitiude to stress and will take more abuse without stressing and hermie-ing. It could well be something in the distant genetic history of Blueberry which is responsible. That said, we had one of our top guys do the breeding process for Blueberry. You may have heard me mention his name before, Freddy. We got the fore-runner to our Blueberry from top-breeder DJ Short. Blueberry came into our hands many years ago and we put her through a selective breeding process to optimise potency, taste, flavour etc. Freddy is as good as they come, he was the guy that gave us Mazar, Orange Bud, Passion#1 and others ....so he knows his stuff.

For this reason we have never promoted Blueberry as a beginners strain, she is a better match for the experienced grower who has a stable and established growroom. In the right, really optimised, conditions she is actually a good yielder too.

So how strong is this tendency to hermie? Here in Holland there are some people who grow Blueberry on a very regular basis from feminized stock and they have never seen her hermie, she is a solid strain and even today you see her in the coffeeshops. But some of these are growers that have been growing decades and have every aspect of their grow from temperatures to soil type fully controlled and unchanging. We also have lost of experienced hobby growers who grow her with great results. So the hermie-ism is not a show-stopper, and never has been, but it is something to be aware of. And it is a reason we would advice newer growers to go with a wider-latitude strain until they gain more experience. I know that was a bit long winded but I hope it helps you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest funkfarmer(sb)

that IS refreshing honesty...,many breeders have real problems admitting their plants will herm even in stress conditions

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Hi Tony

DP Blueberry was the first strain I ever grew , one of them produced a few hermies low down late in flowering and I kept the seeds, which produced good plants with the same slight tendency to produce a few hermies late. Then last year five all hermied on me profusely and early, I had to chop them all.

I hope you understand that I feel strongly disinclined to buy any more fems, but seeing as you do regs and in light of your candour here I might go for some regs sometime in the future, I miss the stuff

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Guest komodod

does the blueberry actually smell like blueberry??

ive often wanted to take the plunge but there always so many peeps saying they hermie bad. the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

but thanks for your honest answers

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Hi Tony

DP Blueberry was the first strain I ever grew , one of them produced a few hermies low down late in flowering and I kept the seeds, which produced good plants with the same slight tendency to produce a few hermies late. Then last year five all hermied on me profusely and early, I had to chop them all.

I hope you understand that I feel strongly disinclined to buy any more fems, but seeing as you do regs and in light of your candour here I might go for some regs sometime in the future, I miss the stuff

I think honesty is the best policy. yes Blueberry is a quality strain but she will not cope with stress at all well. Regular seeds might be the best bet if you love the strain but want more latitude during growth. Good luck with it and I wish you success

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does the blueberry actually smell like blueberry??

ive often wanted to take the plunge but there always so many peeps saying they hermie bad. the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

but thanks for your honest answers

Different people will give you different answers on exactly which fruit she smells like. Some say Blackberry, but the distinctive blueberry aroma and taste are pretty special. Some people only grow varieties which give them the flavours and tastes they want. For what it is worth we get good feedback on taste, aroma and flavours with AutoBlueberry

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Guest funkfarmer(sb)

the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

DJshorts blueberry seed is FAMOUS for its hermaphrodism issues,and high mutant rate...and DJshort used to work with DP,in fact he left them his entire delta-nine collection and they became the only EU distributor of his seeds,the original DP blueberry IS djshorts blueberry...and seeds from either source would have been exactly the same until DJ released his rework true-bluberry..

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Guest komodod

the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

DJshorts blueberry seed is FAMOUS for its hermaphrodism issues,and high mutant rate...and DJshort used to work with DP,in fact he left them his entire delta-nine collection and they became the only EU distributor of his seeds,the original DP blueberry IS djshorts blueberry...and seeds from either source would have been exactly the same until DJ released his rework true-bluberry..

ive seen alot of dj shorts but not alot of hermies, respect but i wasnt asking you. im sure he can speak for himself and his company

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the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

DJshorts blueberry seed is FAMOUS for its hermaphrodism issues,and high mutant rate...and DJshort used to work with DP,in fact he left them his entire delta-nine collection and they became the only EU distributor of his seeds,the original DP blueberry IS djshorts blueberry...and seeds from either source would have been exactly the same until DJ released his rework true-bluberry..

ive seen alot of dj shorts but not alot of hermies, respect but i wasnt asking you. im sure he can speak for himself and his company

You clearly know nothing about him or his blueberry. He has spoken himself about this a fair few times.. it is even mentioned in his own book. (you read it?, I doubt it) It comes from the chocolate Thai side of the blueberry..(Thai is renowned for hermaphrodites). Also the DP blueberry has the exact same Thai parentage. I have grown DP and DJs blueberry. They are both hermie prone.

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Guest komodod

the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

DJshorts blueberry seed is FAMOUS for its hermaphrodism issues,and high mutant rate...and DJshort used to work with DP,in fact he left them his entire delta-nine collection and they became the only EU distributor of his seeds,the original DP blueberry IS djshorts blueberry...and seeds from either source would have been exactly the same until DJ released his rework true-bluberry..

ive seen alot of dj shorts but not alot of hermies, respect but i wasnt asking you. im sure he can speak for himself and his company

You clearly know nothing about him or his blueberry. He has spoken himself about this a fair few times.. it is even mentioned in his own book. (you read it?, I doubt it) It comes from the chocolate Thai side of the blueberry..(Thai is renowned for hermaphrodites). Also the DP blueberry has the exact same Thai parentage. I have grown DP and DJs blueberry. They are both hermie prone.

i didnt say it did or didnt hermie i just said i hadnt seen it hermie. but i wouldnt keep hermie prone phenos tbh. as for the book,no i havent read it, and to be honest i have no desire to, im not a fan of dj short.

good luck with your cupboard grows im sure you know much more than me:(

my questions were directed to the dp representatives, not you.

Edited by komodod
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Actually you did say just that..

the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

And last time I looked this was an open forum, meaning anyone has a right to answer. If you wanted only comments from certain members, you should make that clear or use the private message system. The above statement you made, was not even a question, so is open to comment as far as I'm concerned.

I also don't see the relevance the size of my grow has. I have done big/medium and small. I have yet to see anything you have grown?? Good Day!

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Guest komodod

Actually you did say just that..

the dj short bb never used to hermie so i dont think its a bb trait.

And last time I looked this was an open forum, meaning anyone has a right to answer. If you wanted only comments from certain members, you should make that clear or use the private message system. The above statement you made, was not even a question, so is open to comment as far as I'm concerned.

I also don't see the relevance the size of my grow has. I have done big/medium and small. I have yet to see anything you have grown?? Good Day!

i stand corrected i did say that. however, what i ment was the ones i have seen have not hermied.

i dont understand why it was necessary for your first post to me to be so harsh, ive never claimed to be an expert on dj short at all. far from it infact, and im sure ive read literature you havent, who cares? we all have our own experience to bring to the table.

ive been on about 7 different canna forums for years and never found the attitude i have found here. i dont see why i should use the messaging system, when this thread has been started for the purpose of this actual conversation, and yes it is an open forum, but when i direct a comment at the vendor, and people like you keep responding your just throwing answers at me which im not interested in. if you wish to keep posting at my questions and wasting your time, be my guest.

as for you or cupboard grows, no offence, im sure your grows are fantastic but id rather take some advice from more experienced users.

if you want to see my grows il post up some pics if you want?

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