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.::~ Hell's Sugar - Sweet Seeds Comp. Diary 2011-'12~::.

Guest hell9

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Hey all...not a whole lot happening apart from some nice vegetative growth over the last few days, and now all Cream Caramels are germinated - 1 did not make it unfortunately, so i'll have 9 autos on the go in the run up to Christmas.

The Autos:


  • Min Temp: 19
  • Max Temp: 25
  • Min RH: 37
  • Max RH: 55



  • Days Veg: 31

These girls are coming along nicely and are just about to flower it seems. Good side branching on each makes what I hope to be good yielding plants. Both are very healthy, with no signs of under/overfeeding.

FastBud2 - #1 - 6L - Coco


FastBud2 - #2 - 11L - Coco




Pre-flowers abundant and on the cusp of womanhood:



Black Jack

These girls are quite columnar, with one main growing tip up to now, but they are slowly starting to branch out, some more than others, but each very similar at the same time. Much less side branching than the FastBud2. One of the girls has some yellowing/necrotic bottom leaves from being underwatered in the days after potting up. Subsequently 2 of the girls are now displaying very minor signs of overferting. I have switched over from Canna Coco to Fishmix in the last 2 days. They have had one feed of Fishmix yesterday, EC 1.33, PH6.1. I am unsure if the over fert appeared before of after the fishmix feed, but I believe it to have occured beforehand. Again as I said it is very minor, but I will keep an eye to see if it progresses and take action if necessary.

  • Days Veg: 23

Black Jack - #1 - 6L - Coco


Black Jack - #2 - 6L - Coco


Black Jack - #3 - 6L - Coco


Cream Caramel

OK, so as I said above one of the Cream Caramel seeds did not germ for me. When I soaked the 5 beans overnight in a glass of water, one of the beans was particularly stubborn and would not sink to the bottom, so I left her there for another 12 hours and eventually she sank to the bottom after a bit of persuasion. I have a strong feeling thats the one that didnt make it :) Next time, considering I lost a FastBud2 also, it will be paper towels for germing.

Here they are after being potted into, eh, small size pots (not sure what size they are...anyone?).

  • Days Veg: 4



  • Water (EC/PH): .02/7.7
  • EC: 1.3
  • PH: 6.1
  • Base: BioBizz FishMix
  • Addittives: Rhizotonic, Superthrive


Thanks for tuning in all, hopefully it will get a bit more interesting once these ladies start budding. Shouldnt be long now! Im cleaning out my fowering tent this weekend so not long now before I get the competition strains underway. Cant wait!

See y'ez on the forums :yep:

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^^^nice update dude..

man you've taken on a lot..not only 9 plants..but an informative journal tracking the progress of them all..

fair play dude..best of luck again.. :yep:

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^^^nice update dude..

man you've taken on a lot..not only 9 plants..but an informative journal tracking the progress of them all..

fair play dude..best of luck again.. :yep:

hey Tums, thanks for stoppin in...I kind of like doing the proper diary updates so its not too much of a chore. I have decided to keep it kind of easy on myself by restricting the level of detail, not watermarking images etc, there comes a point and it really does become a chore and I dont want to hit that point. Its really the same as what I was doing with the other diaries, just it has more structure and formatting! Hope its easier to read at least!...

I should of said man that once I germ the competition strains and they grow bigger the updates on the autos will prob become more condensed, and the focus will shift onto the 3 GreenPoison and 3 DoubleWhite I plan to put down next week sometime... :)

I will still record their progress up to the end, but prob not on an individual basis, until harvest time at least.

No commitments ok!

Edited by hell9
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Looking good my friend!

Hope this babies can get as good as the big plants you got there. Keep it sweet,

cheers! :yep:


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A nice happy grow you got going on here hell9, lovely diary and well laid out. Those autos are certainly big girls for their age and look fantastic too.

All the best, nice work. :yep:

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Thanks SweetSeeds, Amnesia and PauloLx for stopping by n for your comments. :)

The competition beans (DoubleWhite and Green Poison) will be germed tomorrow via paper towel method. Im sure soaking them til cracked and planting would be fine but after losing 2 of my auto beans I dont want to take any chances as I need the 6 of them to fill the bloom space. And I want to do SS proud too of course and show 100% germination success :) In the event that some dont make it I will get some substitute beans from my local bean merchant, so shouldnt be a problem either way :yep:

Catch ye during the week with an update.. the BlackJack are some stretchy little ladies! :smokin:

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thanks d'n'b, RegLlama, thanks for stoppin' in and for your poz comments.

I was due an update yesterday but due to a problem with my camera (I lost the charger!) I was unable to take any flicks and so no update. I have since remedied the issue (I found the charger!) and plan to get an update posted either tomorrow or Sat, hopefully tomorrow evening if im not too zonked after work and numerous post work doobage. I plan to make more BHO tomorrow so I don't want to commit!

I will start posting updates on the first of the competition strains over the weekend, Green Poison and Double White. They are currently germinating in 500ml pots of compost after soaking until their seed shells cracked. I had actually put them into paper towels as I planned to use that method for the first time, but I chickened out of it this evening and went the usual route. Hope I don't regret it! I didnt even use root-riots as I was feeling so confident! I reckon they'll be fine.

The 4 Cream Caramel autos are doing well with their first set of true leaves getting bigger.

The 3 BlackJack autos are stretchy little girls but doing well also,

And the 2 FastBud#2 are the oldest and largest of the lot, with some nice buds beginning to develop.

All will be revealed soon! Stay tuned.


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OK a quick update on how things are going. I very nearly flaked out of doing this tonight as I made some BHO and eh, sampled the goods :spliff: then however I flicked the TV onto some show about that Susan Boyle and it sobered me right up :headpain: .. So here I am..

The Autos:

These are really starting to beef up since the last update, and have been moved in under the 600w(dual spec) in a 1.2M tent, 5" cool tube and extraction, passive intake. While there has been no serious bud production each of the girls have started to flower, with the exception of the 4 Cream Caramel who are only babies still :)

Hers a shot of them altogether in their new home:



  • Days Veg: 40

These are the oldest and most developed of the lot, with the girl in the 11L pot being the biggest. Bud formation is at its early stage and things will kick up a bit before I will give them a slight bloom boost.

FastBud2 - #1 - 6L - Coco




FastBud2 - #2 - 11L - Coco

The Big Mama



This girl has been the victim of some scorching due to sweating or moisture build up on some fan leaves (moisture gathers where some of the leaves were touching against each other) so this indicates to me that I need to increase my air movement a little. I do have a fan but its action could be more evenly dispersed so I will work on that.

Here is an example of some of the most serious scorching:


Black Jack

Very happy with how these have come on in the last 10 days. From lanky and awkward to beautiful and bushy.

  • Days Veg: 32

Black Jack - #1 - 6L - Coco


Black Jack - #2 - 6L - Coco


Black Jack - #3 - 6L - Coco


Cream Caramel

So these are still only young pups, and are currently residing in a makeshift veg space under a 150w Ecolight as my veg tent is being used as a drying space. Once it is freed up this weekend they will be put under the 250w MH with the competition strains which I am germinating. More on that in a sec.

  • Days Veg: 12



  • Min Temp: 19°
  • Max Temp: 26°
  • Min RH: 45%
  • Max RH: 68%


  • Water (EC/PH): .02/7.7
  • EC: 1.4-1.5
  • PH: 6.2
  • Base: BioBizz FishMix, Canna Coco A+B
  • Addittives: Rhizotonic, Superthrive

N.B. - I either feed base nutes or additives, and never usually both at once unless something desperate has happened and I need to remedy. e.g. Wed nite all were fed base nutes; Fri (tonight) they all got 10L of water/rhizo/superthrive between them.

If I was doing these again I would take it easier on the Fishmix as the two FastBud are a little darker and shinier than I would like them to be, and I believe their bloom stretch is over so they dont need that anymore, so it will be a PK dominant feed for them from now on.

From this I know to hang back on doing the same to the Black Jack and Cream Caramel, so lessons learned and all that. All the girls except the Cream Caramel will be back on Canna Coco A+B from next feed. They will get a slight bloom boost if/when they need it. If anyone has any input/advice on bloom/PK boosters with autos do please jump in.

Cream Caramel will be on Fishmix until they are at bloom stage, so another 10-15 days.


Now...the bit you've all been waiting for.....

[drum roll...........]

The Competition Strains:

Unfortunately theres nothing much to see at this stage, but 3 Green Poison and 3 DoubleWhite are currently sitting in 500ml pots waiting to rear their little heads. Except one which is in a root-riot but will be potted into a 500ml pot tomorrow morning. :) I ran out of pots.

I soaked the seeds for 24hrs until the seed shell cracked, and then placed them just under the surface of some premixed compost (lite mix) to germinate. I had set out to try the paper towel method as I had lost 2 of the autos during germination. However, I soon chickened out (or got cocky?) and went for the straight-forward approach. I really dont like handling beans after they germ even though I did were latex gloves (i have boxes of them..dont ask) when moving them after soaking.. So I really hope they all come up! Theyre in a nice warm humid environment and theyre fresh stock so it should all be good :yep:


Sorry its not exciting but this is the boring phase isnt it :) Not long now all going to plan :yep:

Edited by hell9
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