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most definately the excruciatingly longest title for a sweet seeds gro

vince noir rock n roll star

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Maybe it's because the other day I forgot to say ..by jove there seems to be a big gust in my undercrackers sir

lol lol

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Henyaaaw!! Vince, mudda fuka!

shit to hear you havent got em yet,

maybe all that earthy gustyness put postie off, :fart:

hopefully this week :v:

I think now tommys owned up:) they should turn up soon :headbang:

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a week on from the start and both mesh pots have been recieving half a litre of water a day ..today i introduced oldtimer bloom at 1ml per 2 litres ..everything looks healthy so far ,the plastic mesh is looking black and well plasticky..the lights bright ..the soil is going through a wet dry cycle through out the day ..if this carries on then im onto a winner in best watered soil category ..just think what would happen if i planted some beans too ..doesnt bare thinking about


Edited by vince noir rock n roll star
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a week on from the start and both mesh pots have been recieving half a litre of water a day ..today i introduced oldtimer bloom at 1ml per 2 litres ..everything looks healthy so far ,the plastic mesh is looking black and well plasticky..the lights bright ..the soil is going through a wet dry cycle through out the day ..if this carries on then im onto a winner in best watered soil category ..just think what would happen if i planted some beans too ..doesnt bare thinking about


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Hey Vince, just finished reading your last sweet seeds dairy, man that was funny, hope you'll be getting the banana and orange horticulture gods on your side this time again :)

going to stay tuned to this and good luck with your grow mate!

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Nice one Vince glad to see you getting stuck in already atb and good luck dude.

Ps yep your right beans help lol .

Double ps by jove there seems to be a big gust in my undercrackers sir.

Hazy :skin_up:

E2A Hey i got it maybe just maybe they sent you the magic invisible beans and they grow into a giant ganj stalk that you could climb and steal the giants stash tin :g:lol

Edited by hazy harry
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Love the update, that soils looking awesome :rofl:

and I must add, by jove there seems to be a big gust in my undercrackers sir :wassnnme:

Edited by Evertondave
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Congratualtions Vince, this is easily the best grow with no plants at all that I have ever seen! :rofl:

..by jove there seems to be a big gust in my undercrackers sir

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well my soil grow is totally buggered now due to sweet seeds sending me some beans ..how very dare they ..anyway i guess i better get on and do one or two ..ive opened the cc and decided to use up the last s.a.d 1 fem before anything else .

i place 200 names under a friends pet chicken to see if there was a preference to names for these two ..the chicken liked clive and deidre ..so we can in effect rule out chickensm in the naming of plants in general ..i stopped a tramp anbd asked him for two names ..he said `gersha ya feffery shiper ` or at least thats what it sounded like but gersha and feffer it is .


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well i popped a couple of beans and this morning it was all over bar the shouting ..there seems to be someone on the pitch ..guess ill have to pop another bean or two for this diary ..i never expected creme caramel to be so quick finishing

pic one ..4 am

pic 2 .. 4.15am

pic3....5 am

pic4....7 am

pic 5 ...9 am

bloody ader they`re quick buggers ...so thats grow dairy 1 completed ..gotta be the fastest sweet seeds diary ever that ...on to the next one with creme caramel and another sad1.

oo that blew the gusts from the undercrackers alright .






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