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The FastBud#2 Show


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Hi folk's

MrsMonkee said the other day, 'as a man you cannot multitask as us women do'......

After i stopped choking on my coffee and got up from the floor larffing me moobs off, i replied!

'Hold on a miniute sweetcheeks, check this shit out!' lol

Without hesitation I speed dial the seed guys and in a jiffy i have 20 Fastbud#2's in damp kitchen roll.

I've dusted off my nft's, wiped down some 10Ltr pots, bought 2 type's of soil and a topup of coco.

and it's gonna look a bit like this,


All but 3 at the mo are on their journey. They'll be 24hrs cycle for 1st wk under a 200w blue Viro bulb.


S'all for now folks. Wish me luck for 1up on MrsMonkee.

peace :hippy:

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does this mean you are in a competition now, nice plants, so far so good. good luck

After reading sweetseeds post i reckon so grandad. Cheers fella and to you too sir :yep:

looks like a good experiment you got going there monkee :thumsup: best of luck :lucky::D

Hey man, cheers.



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Woo Hoo! Contest starting, nice one BongMonkee! :yep:

I really love the Fast Bud #2, that's what I'm vaporizing right now, simply delicious and not a devastating effect, that's what I like most, one can consume a lot of it without getting devastated, which is good for a lot of daily routine situations.

Hope you can do at least the same kind of quality work you did last year... and did you see the prizes? This year, every month, you can get a prize even better than the final prize you got last year... and you got 2nd place :D

I'll keep an eye on this thread, keep it sweet, good luck for the contest!


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Hey 'sup tommy.

Yeah i've just read up on the compo details and to have monthly winners upon the final prizes is insane man.

'Tis very genorous of SweetSeeds yet again :guitar:

I didn't realise at first that we can have 2/3 diary's running through the comp, which is cool as i've just started these beans off without realising the compo was about to start.

I have to give a shout out to Serpent as this choice of beans was down to seeing his awesome auto grow last year :yep:

Hoping to do a pure Nft grow after these (given time) with my faves, IceCool/CreamCaramel/GaneshSpirit.

Good luck to all as allways :yep:

peace :hippy:

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Good luck with the grow BM mate and nice to see this is now entered in the comp as well, and thanks for the nod about your choice of beans and I'm sure you'll do them plenty of justice :yep:

Keep it green :hippy:

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Sup Serp/Ram/Jerzey, that time of year again eh fella's. Time to dust off the communal bong, get mashed and grow some good shit :guitar: . Have fun guys :spliff:

Hey jerz the final score will defo be (Man 1 - Women 0) lol. Well i hope so or my arse is washing dish's forever and ever :blub:

peace :hippy:

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Guest Nu Jerzey Devil

lol Hope you dont turn into a Human Dish Washer bro, us dude's just cant be doing with that kind of thing

Sure you got her well licked though :yep:

What Sweets you got for us to smoke this year? :smokin:

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Right let's get the stat's rolling.

The beans hatched their shells last Thursday (Day1). 48hrs in damp kitchen roll+bag did the trick.

All were put in 36mm rockwool cubes soaked'n'squeezed in plain ol' council pop.

Day 4 now.


Cubes are a little dry so have been soaked in 1Ltr + 3ml Plant Start + 2ml Rhizotonic. They'll be going into 1Ltr pots/10cm Rockwool soonish, more on that when the time comes like.

The light has been dropped to about 3inch aswell (slight peter crouch).

Temps Av = 20c

peace :hippy:

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Hey BM ! Tops man, propper multi tasking!

Will be good see the results . All the best for the comp :yinyang:

E2a will there be multi diaries for the multi-mediums or is that pushing multi-tasking to the limits??:)

Edited by beanpopper
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