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Hazy's first threesome(the missus likes this kind lol)


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Thanks thedave the weeks are beginig to drag now lol buut every day i look in their a wee bit fatter :yahoo:

Toke it easy man

Hazy :skin_up:

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Nooooooaaarghh i am kicking myself today then when im done kicking myself the missus takes a turn.

Im a clumsy feckin eejit.

tripped last night in my grow room an killed my poor Sweet Tai.



Not a happy :bunny: today like :censored:

Will get some pics of the Psico up later.

Hazy :skin_up:

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Hiya all not been having much luck lately in addition to killing the Sweet Tai i have broken the screen on my camera so phone pics till i get it fixed/a new one im afraid.

Anyhoo the Psico is looking awsome full of nice chunky buds and a couple of main cola'sthat look good enough to eat the smell is getting stronger every day and its changed its not spicey and hashy anymore its sweeter with a sour hint behind it smells lovely and looking well frosty.

She had a two day flush and fresh nutes at the weekend(with a sneaky taster bud snipped off :wink: )

I reckon this will be its last week of nutes as she is showing quite a lot of orange pistils now so this weekend i am going to start flushing it out tho i think it will be a two stage harvest with the top buds getting the :execute: first and the rest getting maybe another week to finish.

Looks like Sweet Seeds times are pretty accurate like as the first chop will be at 9 weeks on the nose almost lol with the rest getting up to a week longer we will see how she goes anyway heres a couple of pics.




Sorry about the quality of the pics reduced to using phone :doh:

So thats about it for the moment the next couple o weeks are gonna be soooo slow but worth it in the end methinks.

Toke it easy folks.

Hazy :skin_up:

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Sorry to hear about your accident with the Sweet Thai Hazy - if it's any consolation, when I had a grow tent I fell in that a couple of times, whilst watering the plants whilst stoned - managed to kill 4 on one occasion. It's a hard lesson learned.

It's good to hear Sweet Seeds flowering times are accurate, as I'm pushing my luck as it is to get finished in time.

Good luck with the rest of your grow and harvest buddy and look forward to your smoke report.



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Thanks chilli nice to know im not the only one to do it lol and if the taster bud is anything to go by its going to be a very nice smoke when its finished

Toke it easy man


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The fucking landlord has decided to have his houses all rewired starting with yep you guessed it mine TOMMORROW.

Apparently when the wiring was last checked he was told it would need doing along with a new fuse box fucking wiring aint been checked as long as i been here an thats about 4 years now.

However having had ...disagreements in the past with him am now not wanting to rock the proverbial boat as they say so my beautiful Psico is getting an early chop.

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Mixed emotions tonight folks.

pissed because i had to chop it early(bout a week and a half doh)but by the same note pretty chuffed with my crop end result about 20 oz or so of wet sticky bud and roughly the same in trim and airbud(if my scales are accurate)




got it hung at my brothers for the moment till the sparkys are done here then il get it hung in my drying room proper.

So thats about it for my Sweet Seeds Diary im afraid it did not go according to plan at any stage lol but it has been fun.

My next grow will hopefully be a bit better as tent should be here in the next couple o weeks so my two new Psicos will get moved back from my brothers and should hopefully be ready to go straight on to 12/12 by then.

I will be back with a smoke report when its properly dry and let you all know how it is.

Toke it easy folks.

Hazy :skin_up:

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Congrats on the harvest Harry, shame you had to chop a few days early, but when its a case of needs must and all that, sometimes you've just gotta grab those sisscors!

Enjoy your fruits :hippy:

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Congrats on the harvest Harry, shame you had to chop a few days early, but when its a case of needs must and all that, sometimes you've just gotta grab those sisscors!

Enjoy your fruits :hippy:

Thanks man like i say a bit pissed that i had to but chuffed at the same time its a bit like watching your inlaws drive your new car off a cliff lol mixed feelings.

just need to wait til their dry now and then happy daze.

Hazy :skin_up:

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A wee update folks i reckon my drying area must be too warm as all my bud is now nicely dried a wee bit quick at 7 days but il know better next time so final trim and into jars tonight methinks will post pics and a wee smoke report later on.

Toke it easy folks.

Hazy :skin_up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finaly The Smoke Report

Hiya folks i Know its been a wee while since i posted but i wanted it all to be properly dried and in jars for a week or so before the final verdict.

So this weekend me and mrs hazy packed the kids off to their uncles and proceeded to get absofeckinlutely wrecked.

This is what the fruits of my labour looks like


And the smoke wow the Psico starts off slow it takes a whiles before you realise that you are in fact very stoned it's a creeper i love that.

Whilst it was in bloom it had a spicy almost hashy smell and then on chop night the whole room honked like pine dettol or something it was stinking and now that its dry and in jars curing it smells really quite fruity it's almost but not quite citrusy and sweet.

And the high :russian: WOW i love this smoke its a really up high kinda stone with very little couchlock about it(indeed i quite often find myself pacing up and down with it a good one for active stoners lol )a really energetic high unless you overindulge and even then its quite forgiving if you go too far give it an hour of talking shite and you'll be looking for more.

As a side note this would be a good weed for anyone on a diet as me and mrs hazy have found that you dont really get the munchies with this weed so :yep: for calorie counters.

So thats it i guess thats the end of the diary and the smoke report on the one that made it and i now have a new :wub: in my life so much so that my next grow has two Psicos and the wild rose i saved from stem rot the two Psicos are in nft and the rose is in mud.

Heres a pic.


That pic was taken a week ago i have just been awaiting the arrival of my new tent before starting my new diary i will be starting the new diary as the plants go 12/12 so hopefully see you there.

Finaly a big thankyou to everyone at sweet seeds and withnail and jools i loved this grow and enjoyed keeping my diary it let me see quite often where i was going wrong and hopefully i have learned a lot from doing it heres to many more happy happy grows.

Toke it easy folks.

Hazy :skin_up::skin_up::naughty::stoned::upside:

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As an afterthought i should add that while this is a very up and racy high there is no real paranoia along with it its unlike just about anything i have smoked before an i have smoked for a fair few years.

Earlier on this evening me an mrs hazy shared a megachong made with BHO jelly hash and pure Psico no baccy it took about 4 hours to come down from the weird rambling plateau i found myself upon a very sociable weed 9/10.

Hazy :skin_up:

E2A Very bad cotton mouth tho but even that cant dent the buzz from this stuff it's :bangin:

Edited by hazy harry
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Almost forgot final dry weight from the Psico was 6 1/2oz of sticky green goodness very happy with that for one plant consider me a Sweet Seeds fan lol.

Hazy :skin_up:

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So this weekend me and mrs hazy packed the kids off to their uncles and proceeded to get absofeckinlutely wrecked.

Now that's what I call dedication :lol:

Good smoke report there Hazy.

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So this weekend me and mrs hazy packed the kids off to their uncles and proceeded to get absofeckinlutely wrecked.

Now that's what I call dedication :lol:

Good smoke report there Hazy.

Thanks Chilli it was a good weekend like unfortunately however real life intrudes as it must of a monday morn i suppose good smokes an no kids do make for a very hazy weekend tho well worth it once in a while.

Must check in an see how your diary is coming along been busy of late so im falling behind im afraid atb dude.

Hazy :skin_up:

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