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Opinions on best Vaporizer for around £160


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Hi chaps, can I muscle in?

I'd ideally like a digi readout so I can experiment with individual cannabinoids but the volc etc is way out of my price range.

Weeds - is there any way roughly to know what temps the dial position on the Da Buddha or the SS corresponds to? like a chart in the manual?

or to judge it to be able to burn off just the THC ? or is it guesswork

I like the look/price of the Da Buddha.

whats the cheapest digi-vape?

Anyone try the Life Saber?

burnoff temps chart attatched for anyone whos interested

No chance mate, the surfer and da buddha are both very very simple vapes. Basically a heat element in glass that you conect your whip to. There is a dial that cranks the heat up and down BUT it depends how slow or fast you draw air to how hot it is, hence why it takes a while to get used to using it without burning your weed.

I have seen that chart before mate but I think there is so much more to cannabis than what we understand. I have played around with volcano a lot to test out different temps and to be honest 190c is perfect, go too heavy with the vape and although its stonger it hurts my lungs.

Life saber looks damn expensive for what it is TBH! But I cant say to much as I have spent over £700 on vapes in 2 years! Still cheaper than when I was buying fags all the time!


thanks Weeds mate. so they just heat up the glass lightbulb-style is that it? no hot air pushed through like with the volc?

In that case I'm half tempted to go for a Steinel digi heatgun - heads over at fuckcombustion reccon its pukka and safe if a bit loud 200 odd quid. anyone use one or similar?

Would you say Weeds that with practice you can find the right place for the dial and if you get you're inhalation technique down with the Da Buddah it could deliver hits as decent as a volc?

You suck the whip which pulls the air throught the glass cover which has the heating element in it, that goes through the bud down the whip into your lungs. So you pull the hot air through rather than the machine doing it (like a voclano)

Check my surfer review mate :http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=238150

I think I get a better hit with the surfer (same as da buddha) than my volcano, it has certainly got me higher. i was going to sell my volcano after getting the surfer but I do like both units so Im keeping both!

Digi heatgun sounds like fun!


ta mate, very kind.

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