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The Borg


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I move a tubbler of clones from my gr to windowsill during lights out (To make the hours of light up to 24 as I have 7 ladies on 12/12). Anyway, it,s a hot day so I had'em by the open door, where they partake of a little fresh air and sunshine.

Then I saw a little brown slug attempting to make an exit across the threshold. A couple of days ago I noticed small yellow dots on upperside of leaves. I left it 'cos I thought it was somekind of deficiency as I was still waiting for EC tester to arrive. On underside of leaves I can see small yellowy turds or egg casings. Any idea what it is ? There's one with a lt and another with just a couple of specks on one leaf. I don't fancy sticking them back in gr later so I need to find out soonish.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

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I think I've got mites. I'll have to wait till later to check my ladies but pale spots on upperside and on underside nestled in along centre of leaves are orangey/yellow sacs. Advice anyone. :stoned:

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hey m8,

can u see any little black or dark reddish flea lookin things on your plants....... is there ne mature pests.........besides the eggs.


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Nothing moving around and no webs but I can see a couple of reddish bastards nestled next to centre vein. That's on the ones I can see ie. clones 'cos lights still out in gr.

I first noticed the spots about 4 days ago though. Leaves are healthy otherwise and I can only really see a couple of animals but lots of spots on lower leaves, more visible from above. I,ve got 6 small plants in one tubbler. 3 are unnaffected. I'm trying to find magnifier still. I was about to select the best and chuck the rest when I noticed.

Thx for response. :headpain:

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I guess this post should be moved over to pest control. Providing they're not crawling all over the place I guess I'd best put some form of counter attack together. Anyone else with similar past experience plz let me know how to go about this.

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Preds can only be used in the veg light cycle for full effect - 12/12 is no good.

Also, you don't wanna be spraying plants whilst in flower!

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Good point MrBishie. I'm going to see what I can find out about this "SpidermiteControl" then get me some Buzz Off 'cos Bio Bizz is the bollox.

Cheers all.

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I,ve just been reading that leaving them out in cold for the night will kill live 'uns and shock eggs into not hatching. Anyone tried this ?

or this ,Silicone Dioxide? ;)

mmmmmmmmmm Buzz Off it is then. :notworthy:

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Well, I can't actually see any infestation in gr. What's the chances of my clones picking the buggers up from cat or another house plant while getting some sunshine outside gr?

He says, hopefully. Maybe they hadn't made it up steep sides of pots as clones were low down. Bollox to this speculation. Whatever happens I'm ordering some Buzz Off tomorrow and next time I start off using it.

I've introduced a little extra cooling and will keep things cold and dry as possible.

Anyway, I'll you informed on forthcoming events ! It could get nasty - but, there can be only one final outcome.

Bugger the Borg!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I first spotted the 'Borg' I was horrified ... ... .. my whole growroom down the drain. At my disosal was an out-door garden area (my small back yard) which is healthy and had many preditors so I jumped at the chance timed it for about 3 days carting my 12/12 down for some fresh air & bugs under the stars.

If you have a yard with some plats in t they may have prditors . . rather than gather preditors & take them to your plants take your plants to the natural 'Borg Distroyers' "they R out there"

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ub I don’t think spidend is on the DEFRA approved list yet. To check ring KOPPERT and ask them.

I’m in the process of writing a FAQ on spider mites.

To be truthful there is no effective method of eradicating mites available to non professionals in the uk. And thats what needs doing is to eradicate them entirely.

Nitramkram what you are saying may work in aus where the the climate may support natural predators, but here in the uk its not the case, while the two spot mite has adapted to surviving outside here, none of the predators have. So putting the plants outdoors will probably get your plants infested with other things like thrips, scale, aphids etc etc increasing your problems.

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