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Recommended Spyware/adware/anti-virus Software


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Zone alarm plus those two plus firefox as your browser at the bare minimum, I'd say (and disable the XP firewall, in fact the whole XP security centre, it just eats system resources).

Yep, that would be my exact advice too.

I like to have a firewall sitting on my router too :P

Edited by eri
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fair play mate,

But I just don't see the point in installing something I just don't need.

Thanks all the same,

Toke :P

I know what you mean, but need is a strong word, heh.

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fair play mate,

But I just don't see the point in installing something I just don't need.

Thanks all the same,

Toke :rofl:

Dude thats like saying you don't need seat-belts in your car cos you don't have accidents!

It's the easiest thing in the world to run a port-scanner find a machine like yours with no firewall & hack into it in seconds.

Then you can say ta-ta to all your passwords & log-ins, i could get into your bank accounts, & if i fancy a laugh i could send obscene e-mails to everyone you know, that appear as if you sent them, & then i might just re-format your hard drive as a finale!

Also with out a firewall asking you if its ok to let a certain program access then net, how would you know if you had a Trojan or downloader or other back-door?

I sorted a guys machine out the other week, over 35,000 infected files, including trojans,downloaders, he'd never donw a windows update, virus killer never updated, only thing to do was wipe it & start again.

He was gutted but he admitted he'd been a fool!

If you don't make your own pc as safe as poss you are just asking for trouble, most hackers etc will move if it means work to get into your system but you leave it wide open they'll be into you in no time!

You're right about system restore, turn it off & install yourself Nortons Ghost (9 is best imo) much better way to restore a whole drive in about 10 mins! Superb software! Saved me on many occaisions!

System restore also backs up virii etc making it very difficult to remove many viruses, so switch off & get ghost!

My favourite anti-virus is AVG Anti-Virus, its free & works a treat, does all you should need.

Edited by Gnu Boy
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Ooops, my mistake I actually have E-Trust anti-virus running away in the background.

But this aint my pc anyway. Although when I had a laptop I never bothered with firewalls and I never had any problems, I honestly found that when trying the so called spyware removers all they seemed to do was put $#!t on my machine that wasnt there prior to running the actual programme that was alledgedly cleaning up my machine.

To be blunt, just don't download porn and be careful what sites you look on.

Toke :yinyang:

lol Those ones that say you have x number of viruses and should buy their product are actually part of a piece oo spyware themselves - give em your credit card details and they've got you! It's a bugger to remove the entries to your registry and hidden programs it uses too.

Surprise, your lack of firewall/spyware has already resulted in infection.


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  • 1 month later...

Yes, guys there *are* dodgy 'anti-spyware' programs that are basically fake, and generate false reports, and ask you to pay, blah, blah, blah - but these are just tupp'enny-ha'penny fly-by-night software vendors who jkust rip/off/lisense someone else's shitty code, and put their own branding on it, and try and fool you into parting with hard-earned cash.

By using recommended, well-known apps to sort your machine out will spare you the indignity of falling prey to one of these shady progs. As has been mentioned on this thread before, the *real*, *proper* anti-spyware apps to use are mainly:


Spybot S&D

HiJack This (Use with caution - ask someone who knows what they're on about to help you understand what's safe to delete)

And my advice would be to stay away from Norton, McAfee, DrSolomon and other 'famous', 'well-known' 'security' packages of this ilk, as they are badly-written, expensive pieces of crap that slow your machine down to a crawl, and don't do a particularly good job.

My choices of Anti-Virus and Firewall apps are:

F-PROT Anti-Virus

BlackICE Firewall

They're not free, as such, but they *are* available if you already have the ability to 'aquire' software. As for P2P apps, stay away from Limewire, Kazaa, Bearshare and all those lamo, infection-spreadind pieces of shite. The best P2P apps/networks to use are:


BitTorrent (I like the Azureus client, myself)

If you can't find what you want using these, chances are it doensn't probably exist.

One of the best things you can do with a Window$ box is to have a look at what programs are running on startup - many, many apps/games/spyware/virii add uneccasary shite to your PC's startup sequence, and as a result slow your PC down to an absolute crawl, making it run loads of tasks that it doesn't need to be running every time you boot your PC. HiJack This is probably the best app to be looking at what you're running, and by analysing it's log, you can see what's what, and what to do.

Also, if anyone is *still* using Win98 - ditch it now. It's not supported anymore, and no more Udates are coming out for it, so any hacks that come out will not be patched anymore. Plus, 98 is *incerdibly* unsafe to use, anyway (yes, even more that MS's *other* Win products). IMHO, the best Window$ to use is none at all, if you can help it (get Linux instead! It's *free*, and very very good!) - use Windows 2000, it's basically the same as XP, code-wise, but myself, and all computer pros I know of, use Win2000 in preference to XP or any other Win, if you *have* to be using Win, at all.

If anyone needs any help with their HiJack This logs, give me a shout, and I can take you through what's safe to get rid of.

Oh, and as someone else has already pointed out in this thread, I think - you can visit www.grc.com and use their 'Shield's Up' web-app to check their firewall. It's been around for years, and so has Steve Gibson, the guy who maintains it - it's safe to use, and will 'probe' the ports on your PC, and tell you what's what, and whether you have any 'open' ports or not, that you should maybe think about closing.

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Just stick to AdAware and Spybot S&D - if they don't catch it between them, then that would be one *rare* mf'kng piece of spyware/malware, indeed! :yinyang:

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Just stick to AdAware and Spybot S&D - if they don't catch it between them, then that would be one *rare* mf'kng piece of spyware/malware, indeed! :yinyang:

Trueish-I got myself infected badly and spywaredoctor was the only prog that worked. It is really good-i don't work for em I will send the thing to anyone who wants.

I should say that i used spybot, nod32 and webroot spysweeper and they all registered the prob but didn't fix it.

Edited by conky
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If anyone needs any help with their HiJack This logs, give me a shout, and I can take you through what's safe to get rid of.

could you look at my log if i post it :yinyang: no idea what to get rid off

have an ad pop up virus or thingy .. what do i know ;) pleas any help would be pukka

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I should say that i used spybot, nod32 and webroot spysweeper and they all registered the prob but didn't fix it.

Sometimes, quite often, you have to reboot your PC in Safe mode for some of these apps to be able to strut their stuff. :yinyang:

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could you look at my log if i post it no idea what to get rid off ??

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< remember that desperate voice

well SCRIBBLE sorted it :yahoo::smoke:

so a big thank you goes to you m8 :D

p.s added you to buddy list :yinyang:

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No worries, mate - I'm glad to help out! :yinyang:

I *mean* what I said about ditching IE, though (& Outlook (&/or Express)) while you're at it! Get Firefox and Thunderbird, instead - (s)miles better! Just as easy to use for everyone in the family, and you can import all your bookmarks etc., too.

And later on down the road, think about ditching Window$ altogether, and moving to Linux, instead. For day-to-day web-browing and stuff, it's unbeatable!

And, *yes*, you can keep Winblow$ for your Games, Photoshop, Cubase whatever and dual-boot (have *both* Windoze & Linux, and choose between them at start-up) , if you have to.


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