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A Letter To People Without Chronic Pain

Farmer C

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Guest weirdofmouth

chronic pain. yes believe it or not I understand. About 17 years is chronic. Last few days I've been crawlin round wailing like a baby (back in almost constant spasm). Your mind can only do so much. Your medicines can only do so much. I try to laugh at it and even curse my body but it's all futile. There's wisdom to be had from it, I'm sure, but I don't wanna be wise at this price!!

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ive been in chronic pain for three years, no one understands who hasnt been through it, its tough, both of the above posts look like they could have been written by me...

lets hope medical science keeps advvancing at a high rate....

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thanks mintball. it says much of what i would like to tell people, or have tried to tell people.

nearly 15 years for me of living with constant pain and chronic ill health. it does leave one feeling incredibly isolated and alone and oh so very fed up with it all.

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My husband looked over from his computer and saw me getting teary eyed.. those are all thoughts that circle my head when I have to leave the house and co-exist with other people. I only go out a few times a month, that includes grocery shopping. Besides that, I hardly even go downstairs to the kitchen. My husband does nearly all the house work, and I cook dinner, it's about all I can do besides work in the grow room which I do at the cost of my body and my abilities elsewhere in the house. But when friends, relatives and others see me, they'd hardly know anything was wrong.

Pride and the internal anguish it causes is almost as bad as the chronic pain itself, it's isolated me from everyone I knew growing up, including my direct family. No one seems to understand, they seem to think it's a matter of exercise, or being more sociable. I have a hard time conveying to them that it's not, I want to be 'normal' around them, so for years I hid what was going on and, sadly, instead of making me appear strong, it's just degraded my credibility in their eyes. When we're together, I gather all the strength in my being to do the things they do, and even outperform them if I can. "Why could you do it yesterday/last week, but not now" is something I've heard, and my seeming unreliable by promising things when feeling well, just to decline on the day because I'm sick... I can relate to it all.

This was a good read.

Edited by BadKittySmiles
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Topic pinned.

Bravo! ',;~}~

I'm not a chronic pain sufferer, and still all that was said in the OP makes perfect sense to me - dare I say 'I understand' ?..

However, I'm not exactly a stranger to protracted periods of pain - I almost lost a leg in a MC accident (shattered femur, central 3 inches - nothing but crumbs). I was in constant, often excruciating pain for about 6 months (although I was active almost the whole time) and now © 10 years later, only occasional trouble, but at least *everyone* I interacted with understood what I was going through - *it was obvious*.

Now I also suffer from occasionally crippling lower back problems that can start after just making a meal, washing up, shaving - any kind of slight stooping, or from lifting or riding my bicycle, ven raching into the fridge for a bottle, but when my back is not bad, I am 'wick' way beneath my years. Now this a lot of folk don't understand, and so many people I meet or know make me feel awful for refusing to help with a heavy task, whilst apparently weaker/less able people get stuck in. I figure on a comparative scale with the attitudes many chronic pain sufferers face, a scale of 1 to 100, my experiences rate maybe an ambitious *1*.

Take care.

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wow that's spot on i have suffered chronic pain for last six years

an all that to has gone through my head not all at once you understand but

on different occasions chronic pain sucks an more than likely to make you an addict of

prescribed medicine unfortunately when in chronic pain things like that don't matter

JUST GET ME OUT OF PAIN sorry to shout but that's how i feel i just thank the green gods

for me ganja so i don't have to take as much prescribed drugs

to all the peeps with chronic pain my thoughts are with you my friends :B):

sorry if this makes no sense took my morphine half hour before i attempted to reply

Edited by chiliman
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I have been in denial about the seriousness of my pain levels. I was cry-laughing bubbles out of my nose and over my keyboard while reading that. Laughing because of the precise similarities between the writing and my experience, crying with relief :B): I didn't think I deserved to call it Chronic pain, seeing what some folk on these boards and in the hospital beds next to me have to put up with..... I'm starting to realise how wrong I was

When this was posted yesterday, I (looking back) purposefully didn't read it. My sub-concious avoidance of my disease kicking in :smoke: I'm glad I read it this morning. It explains so much frustration and upset that has occurred from seemingly nowhere, from what others would see as benign, meaningless conversations, encounters and experiences.

Does anyone think it is wrong to print this into a nice card and send it to a few close friends and family that struggle to understand my situation? I'm not sure. Mrs C says yes.

Many thanks to the writer and to mintball. Understanding is such a comfort and a step forward :unsure:

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I have been in denial about the seriousness of my pain levels. I was cry-laughing bubbles out of my nose and over my keyboard while reading that. Laughing because of the precise similarities between the writing and my experience, crying with relief :B): I didn't think I deserved to call it Chronic pain, seeing what some folk on these boards and in the hospital beds next to me have to put up with..... I'm starting to realise how wrong I was

When this was posted yesterday, I (looking back) purposefully didn't read it. My sub-concious avoidance of my disease kicking in :smoke: I'm glad I read it this morning. It explains so much frustration and upset that has occurred from seemingly nowhere, from what others would see as benign, meaningless conversations, encounters and experiences.

Does anyone think it is wrong to print this into a nice card and send it to a few close friends and family that struggle to understand my situation? I'm not sure. Mrs C says yes.

Many thanks to the writer and to mintball. Understanding is such a comfort and a step forward :unsure:

Hey Cambium and everyone else. Glad you liked this letter. I found it online in a support group about 5 years ago, and I have searched and searched to find it. The support group doesnt exist any more, however I used the Wayback Machine that takes snap shots of the internet and allows you to go back and look at sites as they where a number of years ago. I managed to find it and thought I would post it.

I don't think there is anything wrong with printing it and giving it to close friends and family. I think it helps people understand and it is very accurate to how chronic pain affects you.

I think its wonderful that it is written by Author Unknown, as it surely could have been written by anyone who suffers with Chronic Pain.


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an excellent find, i just showed it to my wife who has put up with my issues for the last 6 years and she commented on how reading it has made more sense of my problems for her, top stuff and oh so true to life, i am gonna print it for a few people i know and also send a copy to the pain clinician at my local hospital, chronic pain is so dfficult to get your head around if you have never experienced it first hand and even more so for medical professionals but that is the best explanation i have ever come across

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Wow this really verbalised alotta of things which i find difficult to express without embaressment really. Ive had chronic stomach pain fr 6 years know. Including all the of the way through my secondary school. I really struggled with getting in to school as i had little stanima and movements makes my pain alot worse. Alotta of my classmates didnt believe me, nor did many teachers making it very hard to cope really. Im defiantalty going to use this to help people understand my condition.

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