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Dewd... Sweet.... Dewd... Seeds

Guest podgy

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Some nice looking plants there mate .

Thanks for that vato (I do think they're starting to get a bit hungry for nitrogen) :yep: been running my tail off trying to keep'em under HID's for 12 hours outta each day :rofl: I still haven't potted them up, and I haven't gotten the air flow sorted for their new home but in the next few days I should pull a "hat trick" for these ladies and have'em sorted in their own special place... my cloner will be in there too provided I get to putting in some shelves :ninja: If my Ebb and Flood dosen't give me anymore attitude I may have one of each in their too :yep: (just got to clean some rocks :B): )

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MM GG , sorry I missed ya'll when the page split :B): But thanks for coming in ... Yah they ready for some bigger pots I sometimes get my head set on doing things a certain way and then procrastinate what I wanted to get done before the critical stuff is due... and here I am :rofl: Sometimes i gotta paint myself into a corner to actually get stuff done :yep:

It's nice to know that these ladies are looking good to others, competition and all I've kinda been hard on myself ... Still a bit upset with myself for losing that one moham ram... :ninja:

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Evolution complete... well sorta.. it runs a bit hot, but "it'll do pig"....

Bit of redneckgenuity with the extraction... std cloest space a fex shelves and I could drop the cloner in for a bit of the action too :yahoo:




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Tha plants... grouped and labeled by strain... :rofl: each pot is top dressed with sand and hydroton :yahoo: and they got their water after the pics... had to crank this one out, as I'm not used to working outta my bedroom , and folks were coming over :rofl:



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And the Cream Caramel's and incase anyone's wondering what I'm using to pot up with :yahoo: The cheapest :rofl: $$ can buy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: compost vermiculite, and perlite... then the top dress...


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  • 2 weeks later...

My camera may be dead, but my plants are good... They were needing a bit of N, and are getting it now... Unfortunately, I had that problem in my other room too and have lost a few leaves because of it... but press on... May end up going ahead and moving these pots back into the other cabinet, as I have discovered I cant really get my resi out of my grow room , and since the barrel will be in there "Come Hell or High water" may as well bust out the cloner & get ready to swap'em out promptly :) ... have had some problems with this ebb & flood (pump failures, relay failures)... so I'll be swapping out everything (short of the reservoir :rofl: ) controller box pots and lines will be fresh ... so back to scrubbing some rocks I guess.. :yahoo: ... will do five pots in hydro gonna go 2 Moham Rams, and do one Cream Caramel, and one Green Poison... (everything still looks pretty much consistent with each strain as far as growth,pattern, & structure goes .... This includes the cream caramel that was lagging behind the rest for an extra 5 days... I suspect it's growth had slowed cause of me and transplanting from the napkin to the medium...

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Here they be ... and they are getting a bit more N now... just a bit timid about I guess (then the light cycle changes and I have a tendency become the wolfman with fertilizer abuse :unsure: )...

Green Poison's , Moham Rams, and Cream Caramels




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  • 2 weeks later...

They still seem to want a bit more N in their mix :wassnnme: Cream Caramel is on the row to the left, and the other two strains (Green Poison and Moham Ram) are a bit mixed up in the other two rows... Gonna drop the cloner in here this weekend and move these ladies abck into the other veg cabinet... That bowl in the pic has two of DJ Shorts Cocoa Kush init... Sorry to sneak competition into the mix but I'm litterally running out of room over here and really needed to get these cracking :unsure:


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Tonight's the big move, gonna move these ladies back into the main room's veg cabinet, and then drop the cloner in here... take cuts and get them ready... Gonna let the cuts soak in the cloner for a bit while I get my Ebb and flood sorted for these new ladies... I can see a forced error coming to life here in all the foggy chaos (it better be foggy or I'm gonna be pissed) I go and plug the pumps in backwards :(

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Here's the ladies...1st Cream Caramel 3 the last to pot up prior to the current pot, and now talllest of the three...Pretty sure the next one's a Green Poison... :yes::ouch::yep:





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