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Dewd... Sweet.... Dewd... Seeds

Guest podgy

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Guest podgy

Well I had these for about 24 hours now.... lol That didn't take long.... Briefly and lightly agitated in Gh Flora shield and now saoking... By tomorrow they'll hopefully be cracked and into paper towels then we're off to the races.... The plants will be fed on GH Flora Micro, Flora Grow, Flora bloom, and add Floralicious to the mix... I intend to stick with their mixing schedule, but plan on running a few ml shy on their directions, until I see how the plants go... I got a few old times :unsure: in recovery for getting a bit bold with'em ... just don't want anymore hiccups...


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Wow a front row seat?

I'm totally interested in how this one turns out, and I know that you Podgy -good sir- will do them quite well. Personally.. I'm most intersted in the Moham Ram.. kinda after that one myself. So if you dont mind.. I'm going to pull up a cushy chair to sit back and watch how these turn out.

I'm impressed with their packaging... really cool! Looks like you've got everything together for a good start.. here's hoping for a good ending! :unsure:

Nice selection too mate. This will be a good one.


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Good luck to you podgy! :) Doing green poison myself... letting them grow in hydro and compost. I just need to wait another week before i start. How long do you plan to veg your girls?

AT :v:

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good luck mate you have some nice i mean sweet sounding seeds,

got my eyes on this if ya dont mind, have fun I.P

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Guest podgy

WOW full house... How bout yah Iggled, RFB Austrian Toker, and Mr. Mullen...

Personally the cream caramel got my attention, but it's tha name :unsure: can't walk away from it.... I gotta admit RFB when I saw the Moham Ram pack a tuning fork went off in my gut... Dunno anything about any of'em but the more I read The more I like :woot: I plan on veging these and potting them up as I have been doing with the othe rpots in my room, but they'll be vegging mostly in my cabinet starting out, cause I'm about to hit flower... but I'm considering extending flower in that room and just running with these when their ready to go 12/12... after checking the seeds everything is sunk but the moham ram (they are the biggest ones outta the bunch) and here's a shot of the veg space I'm planning on kicking'em off in... ya'll keep showing up I'm gonna have to put a pork shoulder on tha grill :yep:



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Guest podgy

Green Poison ANd Cream Caramel Have been moved from the dunk tank and into wet papertowels... got solid taps on all of'em... Moham Ram has got one that's cracked and looking good and white, and I suspect by tonight it'll be into papertowels... then 24 hrs from now they should be in a medium :censored:

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Another diary into the fray :rofl:

Good luck squire :smug:

I've moved your diary so it can live with all the other sweet seeds diaries...don't want it feeling lonely :censored:

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Right on Podgy, got my seeds on Monday too and will be popping them in the very near future. Looking forward to your talents giving these the growing they deserve man and best of luck. Maybe Ill let ya tag along to Spain with me in my luggage, :censored:.

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Guest podgy
Another diary into the fray lol

Good luck squire :rofl:

I've moved your diary so it can live with all the other sweet seeds diaries...don't want it feeling lonely :rofl:

Thanks for that Cap'n was a bit foggy when I kicked this one off ;)

Right on Podgy, got my seeds on Monday too and will be popping them in the very near future. Looking forward to your talents giving these the growing they deserve man and best of luck. Maybe Ill let ya tag along to Spain with me in my luggage, lol.

[ With bowl lighter and mason jar in hand ] Wraps self in bubble tape... I'll take a change of scenery any way I can get it vato.... Hope you and yours are doing well :rofl:

Got taps on all the Moham Rams... that's 9 out of 9 so far :yep: Mission accomplished on their side of the fence and all that... Now I just don't need to screw'em up cause the balls in my court now... way things are looking now I'll be in flower for the better part of the rest of this year :yahoo::v:

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Guest podgy
Good luck with the comp lol

i too am going to do moham ram and green poison

How bout yah weedmonsta??? lol Hope all is well vato...

there's one other person up doing this one, I think It's Austrian Toker got my eye out on this one I think it could be the leader of the pack, for me, on this set:yes:




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Guest podgy

And were off to tha races ... should be kinda slow from here on out but I'll stay on top of this until they settle in and I for sure what my numbers for veg are gonna be... 9-9 viable beans in the medium... used the cheapest lol (seedling mix) mixed with two parts vermiculite and one part perlite... added GH Great White (not much but was the last I had) and GH Subculture to the mix.... They are now tucked back on to the mat with the floro turned on... Grow Damn it GROW!!!!


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Its on now.

Go Moham Ram! I'm pretty curious what that cream caramel is going to taste like though. lol

Off to a damn fine start. 100% germination.. lets hear it for Sweet Seeds! lol

Edited by ReverendRFB
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Guest podgy

buzz'n tha tower.... B) :D Green poison's looking good for sprouts, 2 Moham Rams looking good, and one Cream Caramel looking good...

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