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Petition To Legalise Cannabis And Other Similar Petitions


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thought this might be relevant to a couple of posts:


So they can debate it if they want and if some MP is prepared to make the case

Now tell me why it isn't a complete waste of time

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Is it 100,000 signatures that's needed before it is then debated??


In theory. Although if they don't want to talk about something they don't bother. Almost 400,000 people petitioned Iain Duncan Smith to make good on his boast, and live on 53 quid a week. He dismissed it as a 'stunt'.

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Guest hello

So they can debate it if they want and if some MP is prepared to make the case

Now tell me why it isn't a complete waste of time

that wasn't particularly in reference to you!, it was more so for people asking about the number required etc,.

i dunno, i suppose it is being "productive" and is better then nothing, although i agree regarding the potential outcome.

they must have considered potential tourist revenue etc already i suppose.

...i can't even remember why they re-classified it back up tbh which obviously wasn't a good sign.


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i dunno, i suppose it is being "productive" and is better then nothing, although i agree regarding the potential outcome.

It's the same as doing nothing, but it takes more time. :ouch:

Edited by Eddiesilence
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In theory. Although if they don't want to talk about something they don't bother. Almost 400,000 people petitioned Iain Duncan Smith to make good on his boast, and live on 53 quid a week. He dismissed it as a 'stunt'.

Eddie, he has been found misusing statistics and has been summoned to explain his department's misuse of these statistics. He is in deep shit, I think. But we'll see. Me, I sign petitions by the dozen. Surprising how many have a real impact. Avaaz, IF, WOW ~ I get them all, sign most of them!

The internet is making itself felt on the political front. Use it, people!

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I doubt these petitions have any effect at all - the cannabis ones are hopeless anyway IMO

Edited by sunshine band
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I sign my own petition every fucking day, well I say sign, I sort of lick the gummy bit and then roll it into a cylinder, then light the fucker.

Edited by Lake Palmer
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  • 2 years later...

Morning folks,

Looks like the Government reopened their petitions site. Empty promises.com they should call it. But if any of y'all fancy wasting your time, and giving some fake details, then be my guest :) maybe we will get the wheels of change moving by 2020 lol!


I tested, it will take any details as long as the postcode is "legit" (ie search for a postcode and crack on). So an alternate email and Tor could provide privacy for those of us with our tin foil hats strapped on tightly lol


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Does any one actually believe Dave and co give a flying fuck what the rabble think or want?

agreed mate they will legalize it when it suits them not us

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They won't legalise it... They have shares in GW Pharmaceutical who at the moment have quite a sickening monopoly on cultivation (over 30,000 plants I heard) and supply through the gradually ever-more privatised NHS and export to Holland, U.S. And some other international markets...

Edited by Bubs Smoosh
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They cant "legalise it" because "it" (cannabis) is not illegal, the offence is possession without a licence not the cannabis itself.

They cant "legalise" cannabis because they are specifically forbidden from doing so by the UN single convention,

They can decriminalise possession without breaching the convention but they very cleverly allow cannabis activists to carry on demanding something they can not do, are forbidden from doing, have the perfect excuse not to do and actually don't want to do regardless of the evidence which they have ignored for over 50 years,

the only way anything will change if all the people concerned with cannabis all sing from the same hymn sheet and demand parity with European countries that have decriminalised, the government has no excuses left as decriminalisation is not covered by the single convention.

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