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Petition To Legalise Cannabis And Other Similar Petitions


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you might want to sign this one too https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/104412

Recall Parliament if a Petition reaches 100,000 signatures - its what we pay for

There is currently a Petition about a vote of no confidence in Jeremy Hunt gaining momentum. Parliament now breaks up for 7 weeks of Summer Recess. September is too late to consider it (or any other urgent issue). We need the matters looked at NOW. We pay for a 24/7 government - it must deliver.

only has 8,827 votes so far though!

Edited by RuddersGreen
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@@Bubs Smoosh

The power elite are connected by the shared interest of finance and money, the needs of profit causes a single unified voice without the need for the power elite to necessarily know each other.

sure I see what you are saying... there isn't much need for them to know each other as all focus on profit - the end game - but I think you'd be pretty mad not to think there's some connections...

I always liked this map of 10 food companies who own most of what is on the shelves at the supermarket.http://mentalfloss.com/article/57742/these-companies-own-all-food-brands

It's similar in other industries. Mergers and acquisitions are just further evidence. You can't merge two companies without communication, or acquire a company/group without the same...

Just a little food for thought.

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The petition has over 100000 thousand signatures now

but nobody to see it as all the mp's are on their super long summer holday

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Here the link again so people don't have to go trawling through this huge thread.. petition. parliament .uk/ petitions/ 104349

I understand the idea of merging these petition threads into one, but perhaps a mod could edit the most recent one into the nearly 9 year old OP to save confusion..

Edited by iBMe
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Here the link again so people don't have to go trawling through this huge thread.. petition.parliament.uk/petitions/104349

I understand the idea of merging these petition threads into one, but perhaps a mod could edit the most recent one into the nearly 9 year old OP to save confusion..

unfortunately petitions are a waste of time and energy as this thread that contains most of those started over the last 10 years clearly demonstrates

out of interest, how many, if any of the petitions started on /petition.parliament.uk about anything have been success ?

I'd really appreciate if people would stop posting live links to a governbent owned webshite too lol

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but nobody to see it as all the mp's are on their super long summer holday

Just looked this up and mps are getting 7 weeks summer holidays! I get 4 for the whole year!

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Just looked this up and mps are getting 7 weeks summer holidays! I get 4 for the whole year!

They need that time to fill in their expense forms.

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They need that time to fill in their expense forms.

nope they are going to drop whatever they are doing and rush back to parliament to consider this for debate

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Sorry I have edited and broken the link now..

I see your point joolz but like I said before not many of them get so much attention or are so directly related to cannabis. Why not just update the OP with the latest link? Especially when this particular one is doing so well.

The petition deadline is in January so surely they will have to have to debate it after their summer hols?

I don't know seems like some of you are being overly pessimistic to me.

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The petition deadline is in January so surely they will have to have to debate it after their summer hols?

it will be forgotten about by the time they get back and they don't have to debate it at all, they just have to consider debating it

given their recent ruling on banning all psychoactive substances its a fairly safe bet that after considering to debate it they will refuse on the grounds that it goes against current policy

I don't know seems like some of you are being overly pessimistic to me.

i''m just being realistic based on the results from previous attempts over the years and the fact that the petition calls for cannabis to be legalised which the government couldn't do even if they wanted to

I actually find it a bit insulting to be told that I'm being pessimistic, it's not the first time this week that my personal opinion has been written off just because i'm not doing cartwheels about the latest petition or because a civil servant in charge of one police force promises his police wont be doing something that they were never doing anyway

believe me I'd love to be able to grow a few plants without hassle

Edited by Joolz
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Sorry I have edited and broken the link now..

I see your point joolz but like I said before not many of them get so much attention or are so directly related to cannabis. Why not just update the OP with the latest link? Especially when this particular one is doing so well.

The petition deadline is in January so surely they will have to have to debate it after their summer hols?

I don't know seems like some of you are being overly pessimistic to me.

Not really , if you get 100,000 people to sign it they have to CONSIDER debating it in parliament

It's just a way of saying " Oh look we actually listen to people " without doing anything about it at all . An illusion of democracy

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Democracy is shit BTW, a good system would involve voting for people to be on benefits (MPS and whoever) every 5 years like now but they choose what the whole of the country gets to vote on every 6 months or so. When they decide what the country votes on, we go to the polling station and vote what you want to happen in this country....I'd rather live under a dictatorship that lets everyone in the country vote on issues that effect them, instead of making the decision for everyone.

Edited by brendog
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