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Is 'Soap Bar' dangerous ?


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I was just starting to smoke around 1991/1992 and I saw the difference in a matter of months. There used to be a selection of hashes on the market that seemed at worst "OK" and at best pretty fucking good. Then soap started coming in and I actually thought it was OK, I just wanted to score some smoke so anything seemed like a good idea as a young boy wanting to score some smoke. I realised as I got older that it was shit and since joining here I can really see just how shit it actually was/is. I make it my business to educate anybody I see with it, I have a guy up the road who offered me "A smoke" of soap and its taken me a good few months of repeating the same shit to him to make him realise it isn't cannabis resin he is smoking, in the same way if I piss into an old milk bottle and write "Dom Perignon" it does not mean its high end Champagne.

Its not soap smokers fault, its the fault of prohibition and a lack of education.

Personally I would love to see a regulated (Ish) industry whereby the provenance of product has traceability and proper explanations about the differences between strains, hashes etc is available to consumers. A case in point is myself, I discovered a particular strain (Purely by chance) that works wonders for me, both mentally and physically, its almost like it was designed to make me feel good, clear minded, energetic etc. It happens to be a hybrid 70% Sat / 30% Indica so thanks to UK420 I can now make a better informed judgement on what I smoke and what works for me, up until I joined here I pretty much considered all grass to be similar and it simply isn't.

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I was just starting to smoke around 1991/1992 and I saw the difference in a matter of months. There used to be a selection of hashes on the market that seemed at worst "OK" and at best pretty fucking good. Then soap started coming in and I actually thought it was OK, I just wanted to score some smoke so anything seemed like a good idea as a young boy wanting to score some smoke. I realised as I got older that it was shit and since joining here I can really see just how shit it actually was/is. I make it my business to educate anybody I see with it, I have a guy up the road who offered me "A smoke" of soap and its taken me a good few months of repeating the same shit to him to make him realise it isn't cannabis resin he is smoking, in the same way if I piss into an old milk bottle and write "Dom Perignon" it does not mean its high end Champagne.

Its not soap smokers fault, its the fault of prohibition and a lack of education.

Personally I would love to see a regulated (Ish) industry whereby the provenance of product has traceability and proper explanations about the differences between strains, hashes etc is available to consumers. A case in point is myself, I discovered a particular strain (Purely by chance) that works wonders for me, both mentally and physically, its almost like it was designed to make me feel good, clear minded, energetic etc. It happens to be a hybrid 70% Sat / 30% Indica so thanks to UK420 I can now make a better informed judgement on what I smoke and what works for me, up until I joined here I pretty much considered all grass to be similar and it simply isn't.

What is the name of strain?

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I was just starting to smoke around 1991/1992 and I saw the difference in a matter of months. There used to be a selection of hashes on the market that seemed at worst "OK" and at best pretty fucking good. Then soap started coming in and I actually thought it was OK, I just wanted to score some smoke so anything seemed like a good idea as a young boy wanting to score some smoke. I realised as I got older that it was shit and since joining here I can really see just how shit it actually was/is. I make it my business to educate anybody I see with it, I have a guy up the road who offered me "A smoke" of soap and its taken me a good few months of repeating the same shit to him to make him realise it isn't cannabis resin he is smoking, in the same way if I piss into an old milk bottle and write "Dom Perignon" it does not mean its high end Champagne.

Its not soap smokers fault, its the fault of prohibition and a lack of education.

Personally I would love to see a regulated (Ish) industry whereby the provenance of product has traceability and proper explanations about the differences between strains, hashes etc is available to consumers. A case in point is myself, I discovered a particular strain (Purely by chance) that works wonders for me, both mentally and physically, its almost like it was designed to make me feel good, clear minded, energetic etc. It happens to be a hybrid 70% Sat / 30% Indica so thanks to UK420 I can now make a better informed judgement on what I smoke and what works for me, up until I joined here I pretty much considered all grass to be similar and it simply isn't.

That is the best summary of this that I have ever seen :yep:

Nice one Lake, classic man - 'piss in a milk bottle' :rofl:

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Its Jacky White dude. It works for me, others who have smoked it say its "OK". Its horses for courses really isn't it? I had some smoke that somebody else tried, I thought it was reasonable but not great, they thought it was the best thing in the world. Personally, I believe that particular strain (Jacky White) helped me immensely a year or two ago, helped me through a very tough time, realigned by thoughts, tidied up my brain if you like, it was like it ignited my very own inner councillor and advisor to navigate me through a tough time.

Edited by Lake Palmer
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  • 3 weeks later...

so this is the last bit of soap i bought and the last i ever will .It is easily the worst i have ever came across and i would be heavily surprised if it contained any goodness. Needless to say i bought it and never touched it then just left it sittin in the board where it remains to this day. I would love to have it tested to see exactly what it is cos it aint dope lol

e2a - the pic does it justice :D if that is possible


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  • 1 month later...


having read the forums on making hash and polm i was amazed at the number of different ways and means off making/pressing etc.

i then came across an article on another forum linking to the following article about making soapbar (rocky, solid, gak etc).

im sure everyone can remember smoking this shite years ago and actually wandering what is in it.

i can still remember peeling the plastic off the bars. and pulling bits of plastic bags out my halfs and thinking wtf was actually init??? (being about 13 at the time!) hahaha :skin_up:

well heres a how to by somebody who has :rofl: :

"While reading Robert Connell Clarke’s excellent book, Hashish, we came across a section on low grade export quality Moroccan hash, known in the UK as Soap Bar.

It seems that soap is made of only a small percentage of resin glands (referred to as pollen), and up to 90% non-resin cannabis plant material which is bound together with bee’s wax or pine resin and condensed milk as the mixture is too dry and powdery to be bound any other way. As this mixture is very green due to the high percentage of plant material, it is then coloured with instant coffee powder or henna to give it that sandy brown colour. In order to give it a slightly resinous look, turpentine is added, which also disguises the taste!

Well, as growers with an abundance of leaf material left over from a crop, we couldn’t help ourselves. We had to give it a try!

We sieved off 10 grams of resin glands (pollen), crushed up 200 grams of dried leaf and ran it through a sieve to reduce it to a very fine powder. We then heated this mixture in a bowl over boiling water and added 5 grams of bees wax, 5 teaspoons of condensed milk powder, one teaspoon of turpentine, and a couple of pinches of instant coffee powder for colour.

We continued to knead the heated mixture into a dough-like form, then pressed it under pressure and allowed it to cool. It bonded well into rock hard lumps, just like soap bar! To our delight, when we tested it with a flame, immediately we were greeted with that old familiar smell of grade A genuine soap bar! Crumbled like it too! Although there was virtually no resin glands in this so-called hash, we gave some to a friend and he had no complaints!!!

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you forgot to add some old tyre rubber, brass filings for weight and a bit of something to get you stoned, a lot of eighties :soap:bar that was tested was only about two percent resin

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I hope this is the last soap bar thread posted on this site.... The people I know who smoke it now call very similar shit 'POLLEN?' Fucking uneducated cunts who don't know Cannabis pollen contains ZERO THC. The correct term is POLM and that's a product which involves dry sieving the entire plant.. Not adding lino floor tiles, henna, dog shit, terpentine, beeswax, semen, plastic, etc. They can smoke their gack, soap, pollen (It's POLM u cunt), dirty tinged wank filled shit while I do a pipe of homemade bubble, bho or iso and laugh at their ignorance. If you buy and smoke soap or imitation polm then you're a cunt imo.


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I hope this is the last soap bar thread posted on this site.... The people I know who smoke it now call very similar shit 'POLLEN?' Fucking uneducated cunts who don't know Cannabis pollen contains ZERO THC. The correct term is POLM and that's a product which involves dry sieving the entire plant.. Not adding lino floor tiles, henna, dog shit, terpentine, beeswax, semen, plastic, etc. They can smoke their gack, soap, pollen (It's POLM u cunt), dirty tinged wank filled shit while I do a pipe of homemade bubble, bho or iso and laugh at their ignorance. If you buy and smoke soap or imitation polm then you're a cunt imo.


lol agree totally saddam :yep: it does my nut hearing of 'a good bit pollen' somebody smoked the other night :wallbash: chances are it aint even polm anyway, just low grade hash without plastic bits in it lol

theres a soap thread in the green room and i reckon thats where talk of soap should stay :)

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that articcle was in red eye magazine a few years bacck ...i made some ..yeep its soap alright

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apolgies owderb i forgot about the water stamps :headpain:

I hope this is the last soap bar thread posted on this site.... The people I know who smoke it now call very similar shit 'POLLEN?' Fucking uneducated cunts who don't know Cannabis pollen contains ZERO THC. The correct term is POLM and that's a product which involves dry sieving the entire plant.. Not adding lino floor tiles, henna, dog shit, terpentine, beeswax, semen, plastic, etc. They can smoke their gack, soap, pollen (It's POLM u cunt), dirty tinged wank filled shit while I do a pipe of homemade bubble, bho or iso and laugh at their ignorance. If you buy and smoke soap or imitation polm then you're a cunt imo.


i wasnt posting it advising people to try it i was merely questioning its truth and amazed at the recipe.

F**K doin that id rather bubble it :smokin:

that articcle was in red eye magazine a few years bacck ...i made some ..yeep its soap alright

yep thats exactly were its from! haha.

did it actually taste/look & burn like rocky?

i have years of apologising to my lungs after reading this article :russian:

im also quite interested in how all bars were made into the same shape/size but with different stamps?

does anyone know how they were pressed into the legendary :hi: "9bar" as it was known?

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Hi Matty

Sorry, my 'vent' wasn't aimed at you. Just the arseholes who peddle and smoke that shit, I get fucking angry that this stuff even exists in these enlightened times and truly disappointed that's there's still a market for this Death Bar. The fact that you've posted this recipe in the hash & oil section just gives somebody the opportunity to make their own and continue the horrorshow. Soon the NHS will be overburdened with emphysema and lung cancer cases due to people smoking this filth. I doubt there's been much research into how smoking floor tiles, henna, etc damages the lungs. Just my opinion.



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You have to wonder how many people are still smoking this shite? :soap:

Given that the press are always banging on about how much of the "evil super strength skunk" is being kept off the streets by our brave law enforcement officers. Saying that i know of 2 mates who say they would prefer to get it :wallbash: rather than quality bud

Takes all sorts as they say

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@matty yep tastes and looks exactly the same ...fuckin dire!

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