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Light Leak/darkness Period

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Why does it matter so much that when your plants are in complete darkness that they stay that way without any light penatrating?

and when I give the plant its night time, does it have to be a pattern? like 2 hours a day (im in sprout stage) say from 6:00 to 8:00 and the next day I give them darkness at 2:00 to 4:00

Will that affect the plant in any way?


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12/12 is the most important part

if u get light penetration during the light off period, anything could happen

ur plants will spiral out of control, not grow at all or just turn hermy

u need the total darkness

all the best jgs

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Marijuana obviously still flowers outside when there is a moon but indoors you will definitely have problems with hermies etc, also plants Need a pattern or else you will confuse the f##k out of them!! BBB

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right can ya exsplain why flowering under moon light which is the way god wanted it is bad surly a plant will be able to take alittle light or maybe with pure original strains ?? i mean if its getting moon light and ur dark period indoors is similar time why will a little light fuck it up whats the diffrence can anyone exsplain in detail to me i mean not that my grow room is light leaking but im curious cuase everyone goes on about it soo much i just want to hear a good rwason for total darkness as u dont get that outside like you do in a grow room u usually have moonlight is it cuase some guy decided to write a book and make money or is it just the way it is ?? im not meaning to offend ppl speacially the vetran growers knoledge im just curious is it myth that some grower just made up that sticks or is it a realy serious issue ??? cheers guys

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Indoor and outdoor are different environments and give different results.

If you wanted to reproduce and outdoor grow indoors then a bit of light leak would probably be in order.

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i am having problems with light during the dark period. my set up is at the top of my house so get well hot in the room during the day in summer, so i went for the light period to be during the night to avoid high temps. my last grow was in winter so i was happy to have the 12hrs of light to be on in the day and it all went good. this grow is now 2 weeks into flower and the plants have streched so much, im gonna have to chop em back :smoke: or bend em over.

about the moon light issue... my plants getting stray light in the dark period are getting roughly the same intensity of light from the sun coming through the window and blind. moon light varies alot from day to day as it goes through its cycle but also from hour to hour with clouds passing over and blocking the weak light. threrfor i reckon outdoor plants dont get much light from the moon, unless its full with a clear sky.

i dont reckon it has to be pitch black in your grow room but the darker the better.

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exclellent guys cheers for the speedy reply i just personally thought alittle light isnt that bad i mean i know the darker the beter but they way some peeps go on about it its like ur plant will die or fuck up bigtime if u dont get 12 hours complete darkness just wanted to have it verafied i mean i have had light leak in the past hasnt done a bit of difrence to my grow when it hapened hence why i was questioning the total darkness thing cheers for ur input guys ohh ive never had a hermie either through it must have been a tiny bit of light not enough to annoy my bitches anyway ill stop typing before i ramble on

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I don't think what I'm about to say has anything to do with this topic but I think Sunlight is so much better then MH or HPS lights. Last night my plants were under a 400w MH and I didn't see their leaves going up like they really liked it and then when I put them under the sun their leaves grow faster in a few hours than a whole night under MH. And they seem to be loving it too, though I think the sun is a it hot..


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ull prolly find that if ur plants are not getting enough light they will search for it by growing up to the light that is there or maybe am wrong depends on where ya live tho i suppose but sun is good as it costs ya fook all i could be wrong tho

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ahhh nice one sun must be good i wish i had a good scource of light like that im in scotland so its kinda shit for sun its ok i got a nice 600w hps to do the job :innocent:

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It's got to be about 90-100 degrees outside and they are doing okay. I try to cover the pots on the sides because they are black and I don't want the roots to get too stuffy and humid in there.

Another thing I'm noticing is that the second set of leaves at the place where they started comming out of the first set, there is a little light brown splot there. I'm thinking that it is either the sun too hot or it can't take up it's little supply of micro nutes because I have no pH tester and I don't know what the pH level is when I first watered them. I used filtered tap water with some h202 and some driking water (crystal geyser) with some h202 and some aquafina water too. so for all I know the pH could be at 3 or 13 :innocent:

Gotta get myself a pH meter and some mineral nutes like iron, magnese, and stuff like that. lol


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seriously ive losdt whole grows to wrong ph water honestly m8 get even a cheap tester kit soil has the tendancy to go acidic after time usdually when in flowering damn im jelous as fook were lucky if we get 20c here also it might just be a bit of nuetes spilled onto foilage cuases spots on mine aswell not many only on where it touches if ya get more of it its ur ph mines went from healthy to dead in 1 week total bumer only saved 1 plant and a few clones i was well gutted problem solved with dolomite lime solves acidic soil problem but i use ph up and down to sort water now my tap water is about 7.3 way too high should be about 5.5 to 6.5 i think is best ph but ph down is awsome :innocent: now i have a ph of about 6.3 ya got any pic of yer plants i got one of my largest seed plant the olny survivor :yep:

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