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Thanks man.

I got a leathbound sketchbook a while back. Tried to draw in it but the paper isn't good enough for it. Here's a couple of pictures to demonstrate. Can't use a rubber on the paper. Any friction destroys this paper.

Page one


Comparison of nice paper and the paper in this book.


... but I like this one. I might finish this one.


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  • 4 weeks later...

blayz'd, you have got serious talent, fuckin wicked drawings, i used to doodle abit when i was young, obviously not on the scale yours are, but used to just fill pages with stuff, and i used to do them match stick men on a massive scale :) used to draw big citys of em, ha, ya pics took me back abit when i seen em.

the other day i had abit of a wake and bake and had this urge to draw and its still with me, so been drawing a week or 2 now, bought mysell a pack of different pencils, not sure which do which but got em anyway with some sketch books, feel like im having some sort of breakdown but im loving it :smug:

your pics have give me alot of inspiration, specially the fonts you can draw, do you have like a book on em or you just draw em off top of ya head. i can do bits an pieces off the top of my head but i seem to do better when i have a pic or image of summet i wanna draw, but when ive drew it a few times i can remember it and do it off top of me head the next time. gonna take years to be able to draw like i want but thats the beauty of it, i love learning new things. so you got any advice for a new drawer??

ill put some pics up of ma efforts at some point

keep the pics coming, loving em

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Thanks Seed, appreciate it man.

Yo Danku, that's good to hear mate. Glad to hear you've been inspired.

Everything in this thread is from my mind mate. All of it freehand too. I never use any reference material. Since I started drawing I've never drawn what I could see in a room. It was always my name.. and I always drew that from my mind. The only thing I look at when I'm drawing is the paper. I used to draw my name every time in different ways. That's how I have loads of different styles with fonts. I've practised plenty with fonts now, to a point where I think I have an unlimited range of fonts. I can fill a page with the same letter over and over, using different fonts every time. It's just practice though. I have copied things a few times in the past. Like I learned how to draw eagles by copying pictures but now I can only draw them from those angles. What I want is to be able to draw a thing from any perspective. Which I find hard work when anatomy of animals is involved. So copying doesn't work for me. I've naturally drawn from my mind instead of from the world outside. Copying a thing means I can only draw that one thing. What I want is to draw what I want from any angle I need. I rarely draw the same things twice either. I think that's why there are loads of different styles. The styles evolve fast. I like to draw new stuff all the time. Loads of things evolve though... but yeah, I don't use any references to draw. I'm painting a big picture right now, which has the sky and scenery in it. All of that is coming from my mind. I'm stuck with a sunset. I have loads of sunset pictures for my desktop but I won't go and look at them to figure out how I do this sky :yinyang: I think when you do things from your mind you develop more of a unique style. I think the difference is in the fact it comes from inside, instead of outside. If that makes any sense...

Don't really have any advice man. This is like all those other things they talk about where practice makes perfect. Well, in this drawing game there's no such thing as perfect.. and it could be argued that the perfection is in the imperfection... but it's certainly true that the more you do it the better you get. It's like learning to play an instrument. You just gotta carry on doing it until you get good. Also, try to say something. Skill with a pen impresses me, knowing how light behaves and drawing some random object is all well and good... but for me, those pieces of art are beaten hands down by a stick man drawing which has a good point. I think when you get messages into a drawing and convey your thoughts.. then your a better artist than the guy who's technically perfect but has nothing to say. At least in my mind. That's the only half decent advice I have :wink:

I heard the trick with pencils is to start light. Then get darker as the drawing progresses. I can't draw like that though. I use the rubber to much, always ends up looking bad. Check out a couple of the threads in this section. There's a few people much better than me with a pencil man. They'll be able to guide you on how to use that set of pencils you've got. I used to like drawing door frames and windows with pencil. Figuring out where the light was coming from and where the shadows would be. Just gotta play with it man. Hope you have fun with it mate. :yep:

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  • 4 weeks later...

When my time is up

When my soul leaves this body

I shall be free so no need to worry

I'll sour with eagles in eternal state

For us all, death is ultimate fate

Don't be sad when I am gone

A piece of me is here, in this song

I am with you, with you always

Even though your memory of me fades

My time here is almost done

Fuck, I've had so much fun

I've lived many lives this time

My last time here with you all

A little rhyme for all I love

Is what I leave from heaven above

Hear these words from an eternal soul

And here my message

thats amazing omgshhh

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I had a friend at school, he used to draw pictures all day, i liked sitting next to him :stoned: watching him draw! They where like cartoons, characters he thought up, i used to collect his drawing as he would just throw them away, i couldnt understand how he could create something like that and not want to keep it or see it like i did. He never carried on drawing after school, his creativity instead spent on getting girls into bed (he was no-where near as good at that)... i always thought he could do something with his gift, but he didnt see it as that, i thought that a shame but admire his modesty all the same. Anywayz keep it up man, keep expanding and keep sharing. Inspiring stuff mate, im go get me pencil

Edited by bluawekid
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Mad skills you have there Mr Blayzd! Your lettering is just superb - proper tattoo quality.

If you're not earning already from it, you should seriously think about it.....if not directly, indirectly from t-shirt sales. Your style reminds me of a more street Roger...fuck...whatshisname....the dude who did the 60s stuff....Dean? Umm...no...shit...the guy who did the flaming eye and all the Dead posters. Anyhow, you get my drift :stoned:

And I definitely nominate you for a UK420 t-shirt design. If you're not up for it I'll beg or try to bribe you somehow ;)


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And I definitely nominate you for a UK420 t-shirt design. If you're not up for it I'll beg or try to bribe you somehow smile.gif

I'd defo be up for a 420 t-shirt designed by our Blayzd.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright lads. Long time no see. Been away while I got something sorted. Nearly back now though, thought I'd stop in and see what's going on.

Got loads more new things that aren't in here. This year I've done more than I have the past 2 years I think. Started doing this painting on a wall that's about 8ft wide. Probably about 40% done now. Ended up getting that tattoo machine in the end too. To many people kept telling me it was a good idea so I listened. I love it to be honest. I did one on my own leg :) . Practised on a load of grapefruit before touching skin tho. Compared my outline to a few of my mates who had theirs done in a shop and mine seems to have equal or better lines. Even I'm impressed with my first one on skin.... and I don't impress myself very often. Well happy. Got all these people lining up asking me to do this and that. We'll see how that progresses.

Money? Naaa, I haven't made a single penny. Anything decent in this thread I've given away to friends and family. For me to be happy with swapping this stuff for cash, I'd want 4 figures for a finished A3. I don't know anyone with that sort of cash to burn. Having said that, I probably feel happier giving them to people I like. It's better for my soul. In the same way giving money away to people who appreciate it is more fulfilling than spending it on yourself. It's a better kind of happiness, longer lasting. Eternal happiness I'd call that kind. I'll probably end up doing shop quality tattoos at cost for the same reason.

Tshirt? Hmm, not a bad idea. I'll keep it in my mind and with some luck I'll express it into reality. At the moment I'm learning how to draw 3D. Like those tattoos where it looks like the skin is ripped open and there's mechanical components in the body. Muscles and internal anatomy too. I'm gonna master that. Saw a proper one the other day where a fella had a chain and cogs in his arm. The components and stuff I can do. I just have to learn how to draw the ripped skin. That style might be good on a Tshirt. So it looks like you can see through the tshirt, into it. Anyway, we're on our way to writing a full on book here. So I'll give you all a break from my rambling for now. I'll post some new things up when I'm back proper.

Take it easy. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Alright lads. Long time no see. Been away while I got something sorted. Nearly back now though, thought I'd stop in and see what's going on.

Got loads more new things that aren't in here. This year I've done more than I have the past 2 years I think. Started doing this painting on a wall that's about 8ft wide. Probably about 40% done now. Ended up getting that tattoo machine in the end too. To many people kept telling me it was a good idea so I listened. I love it to be honest. I did one on my own leg :stoned: . Practised on a load of grapefruit before touching skin tho. Compared my outline to a few of my mates who had theirs done in a shop and mine seems to have equal or better lines. Even I'm impressed with my first one on skin.... and I don't impress myself very often. Well happy. Got all these people lining up asking me to do this and that. We'll see how that progresses.

Money? Naaa, I haven't made a single penny. Anything decent in this thread I've given away to friends and family. For me to be happy with swapping this stuff for cash, I'd want 4 figures for a finished A3. I don't know anyone with that sort of cash to burn. Having said that, I probably feel happier giving them to people I like. It's better for my soul. In the same way giving money away to people who appreciate it is more fulfilling than spending it on yourself. It's a better kind of happiness, longer lasting. Eternal happiness I'd call that kind. I'll probably end up doing shop quality tattoos at cost for the same reason.

Tshirt? Hmm, not a bad idea. I'll keep it in my mind and with some luck I'll express it into reality. At the moment I'm learning how to draw 3D. Like those tattoos where it looks like the skin is ripped open and there's mechanical components in the body. Muscles and internal anatomy too. I'm gonna master that. Saw a proper one the other day where a fella had a chain and cogs in his arm. The components and stuff I can do. I just have to learn how to draw the ripped skin. That style might be good on a Tshirt. So it looks like you can see through the tshirt, into it. Anyway, we're on our way to writing a full on book here. So I'll give you all a break from my rambling for now. I'll post some new things up when I'm back proper.

Take it easy. lol

get the pics up of your tattoo's please blayz'd and lets see this 8 ft painting sounds frekin class

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  • 2 months later...

Last one.

Don't think i have the patience I need to draw nice with pencil.


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