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Actively Aerated Compost Tea

I Zimbra

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Ot, I hear what your saying but I fear you do not hear what I'm saying, I'm not sugesting that people should start brewing up compost teas to replace the essence, piranha, tarantula or any similar products and I accept that there have been dissapointing results for people who have tried AACTs, I was Reading a trial last night where the results were terrible, however that trial was conducted badly and the plants in question suffered as a result of having no protective applications of anything really. But that was in 2000 and things have moved on, for a brew to contain things such as ecoli they must be present in the compost in detectable amounts, this amounts to bad compost to start with. Brews are tempermental and can spoil easily while flicking through various sites I've picked up loads of things that I've done wrong with my brew but still it has a possitive effect for me. It seems it's not just if a tea is bacteria dominated or fungal but also what was used to feed the bacteria/fungi also. It's fascinating stuff! A brew made with molasses had no effect with damping off, however a brew made with fish something (sorry it was yesterday) was found to have great effect. Yes it needs research but not writing off.

I don't really see the study put up as independant as the lady has a book out on the myth about this and that, and by the same token it was also hard to find good reviews that weren't selling brewers or teas! How can I infect a plant with leaf spot so I can try myself and then I can rest!!

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Is professor Chalker-Scott a pleasant person, No! I don’t like the way she is so scathing about the organic movement, but one thing is for sure, what she does is review peer studies! I don’t for one second think the people doing horticultural research fudge or fix things in anyway. They can’t if only once their integrity was put in doubt, it would be gone forever, the same goes for professor Chalker-Scott, if she missed out one paper that gave favorable results, she would be slated.

All university teaching staff publish, its part of the way things work.

Independent university research to date says it is not effective as a protection with a wide range of crops. So telling people here it works is wrong.

If you had had problems and found it had helped or cured the problem, then it would be worth saying it cured or it helped suppress the problem for me.

I think you will find that the big companies in the states that make brews for farm scale also combine the brew with the addition of inoculant spores, in other words they make brews like you do but with the addition of spoor cultures, it gets delivered in aerated tankers, some even do the crop spraying contracts. Now these certainly give protection, its become a big industry.

For sure I have not given up, I can say for certain that brews made with my own mature worm post are very good, in addition I do use fish fertiliser seaweed extract and my own comfrey extract as an aerated blend, the tomatoes taste like you would not believe, I have one plant out doors that is over 8 ft tall with 7 trusses set.

But I also spray with essence my hope is that when the plants are composted that it will introduce the strains to the finished compost product given a few years.

Given the right soil and a plantation of hazel trees, the chance of finding a truffle is one in billions, but introduce one inoculated tree to the plantation given time the truffles will spread through all the plantation.

I don’t think anyone would suggest introducing a plant infected with a pathogenic fungus to your grow room, that is madness.

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do i have cause for concern, is this leaf fungus? its hard to see on the pics but around the edge of the patch its going black and what look like white spoors are on there, the plants effected are in the stream of my fan which was the cause of the bud rot i had a few years back, so im thinking the same again


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The pictures are not clear enough, yes you have some necrotic spots, why is not clear, at this moment it does not look like the typical rust coloured spots seen at the start of the most virulent type we see most of.

There are many other leaf funguses that infest cannabis, lets hope this is not fungus related.

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Personally I think if thats not nute splash its LSF,in fact Im pretty sure its LSF. 908

gutted!! well i had it coming i suppose, not just by tempting fate but by not learning from previous mistakes, my room has not had a deep clean for ages!

just thought id pipe in on the bio bizz thing, if it does not have a fungal or bacterial population then its crap! and should not be considered as an organic soil of choice. Felix is right, mycorrhyzal fungi would be added to the rhizosphere for a more predictable outcome. as for the air pump, i would buy the best you can afford, as Felix says you can turn them down which would be better than a cheaper single outlet with no control, especially if you intend to raise fungi with it.

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I'd not be in too much hurry to identify it as fungal, it's defo a necrotic spot. Here's a picture of a fungal infection on a leaf of some geezer :wink:


Bigger picture here.

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thankyou Felix, that is some infection! some leaves have this but not quite so bad, thankfully! how quickly will this happen?

em2, can you tell me how an organic soil feeds a plant please

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thankyou Felix, that is some infection! some leaves have this but not quite so bad, thankfully! how quickly will this happen?

That would rip through a leaf in 2 - 3 days, stripping several leaves off each plant per day, left untreated would probably have done the whole plant within a week to 10 days.

You could fortify one of your AACT's with canna's AKTrivator if you wanted to add some T. Harzianum to the mix, Biosevia's/GHE's T. Harzianum is cheaper at £7 for 10 grammes and if you need half kilo quantities try Koppert.

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nice one Felix!

after my claims i feel it only right i use the methods that support them, im a bit gutted that it/I can decimate my crop in such a short time tho!

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nice one Felix!

after my claims i feel it only right i use the methods that support them, im a bit gutted that it/I can decimate my crop in such a short time tho!

Have I got this straight? You have been spraying an unkown mix of bacteria and fungi in a tea onto your plants in the belief that it would protect them and now you have what you suspect to be lsf or some other unidentified infection?

If it is an infection of any sort then at best the tea didn't work at worst it was the cause. Why don't you stop the tea spraying, remove the dead leaves and spray a Canna AKTrivator (t harzianum) solution on your plants and in all likelihood things will sort themselves out in a week or so.


Edited by chickenlipsr4
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nice one Felix!

after my claims i feel it only right i use the methods that support them, im a bit gutted that it/I can decimate my crop in such a short time tho!

Have I got this straight? You have been spraying an unkown mix of bacteria and fungi in a tea onto your plants in the belief that it would protect them and now you have what you suspect to be lsf or some other unidentified infection?

If it is an infection of any sort then at best the tea didn't work at worst it was the cause. Why don't you stop the tea spraying, remove the dead leaves and spray a Canna AKTrivator (t harzianum) solution on your plants and in all likelihood things will sort themselves out in a week or so.


no you havent got it right but thats my fault as i neglected to say that as of yet i havent sprayed the plants with a tea, but i do feed them with teas. i have a brew going and when its ready i will introduce it to the infection, if it fails and i cant sort it in time.....i lose my crop :rofl: i do not want that to happen!!

i am confident in the tea

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What makes you think its an infection???????

To be sure you have some sort of nutrient imbalance that needs dealing with [nothing to do with the necrotic areas] Its early days and the pics are very bad, making it hard to see, but this too will develop if not corrected.

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What makes you think its an infection???????

To be sure you have some sort of nutrient imbalance that needs dealing with [nothing to do with the necrotic areas] Its early days and the pics are very bad, making it hard to see, but this too will develop if not corrected.

if my nutrient imbalance has nothing to do with it.....and its not an infection..then is it an alien?

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