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Actively Aerated Compost Tea

I Zimbra

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A fishy brew,

Can of fish like makerel,sardines, sild etc

Mix it in with couple of handfulls of compost, leave for a few days and add it to a brew at your usual rate, lovely!

Add seaweed aswell if you wish for complete package.

You can use a fresh fish but you need to compost it down a bit first.

Better than anything you can buy in some hydro store!

I was going to put this in fish mix alternative thread but it is a tea so it belongs here.


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Having had my memory jogged I made another brew with the tinned fish and had to post how amazing it is! I can't believe I used to buy nutrients!

Edited by O.G.
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  • 10 months later...

What sort of power pump do you need when making EWC tea? I have a 2.1L/min pump but I fear it is too weak.

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I got a 1.6l/min for my tea's AE, seems to work ok for my 5 litre aact brews and its recomended for 30-90 litre fish tanks on the box.

btw whats an EWC tea?

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Earth worm casting tea. I would just like to clarify, from my subsequent reading, for any appreciable volume of liquid (e.g. 25L), normal aquarium pumps are insufficient for making AACT properly. I should think, as suggested, that smaller volumes i.e. less than 5L, it would be fine.

Interesting read:

Chloramine is removed from water with essentially the same strategies that are used to remove chlorine. This means that carbon filtration is very effective, but the problem is that it takes more carbon and more contact time to do the job. That presents a challenge for shower and bath filters because there is not enough carbon or contact time, plus hot water causes carbon to expand, causing the sloughing off of chemicals and compounds which had been adsorbed.

A better solution is a Vitamin C shower filter. Vitamin-C de-chlorination has a lengthy history in the treatment of water and has been used by:

* The EPA and APHA as a method for the de-chlorination of lab samples.

* The medical industry, which uses Vitamin-C de-chlorination as the standard for critical applications such as dialysis, where the introduction of chlorinated water or toxic chemicals would be catastrophic.

* Breeders of rare fish. Even trace amounts of chlorine can kill a fish.

Current research by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin-C) reacts rapidly with chlorine molecules. This reaction occurs instantly while the water passes through your shower filter. This reaction also occurs when the Vitamin-C molecules contact chlorine molecules in your bath water.

A handy tip is to get 100% pure vitamin C for free from needle exchanges for free! I did this today.

Edited by Artificial Emotion
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