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and on the RHS of the GR,

we have the 4" RVK ducting, pulling fresh air from the loft (cheers Saldo baby!), into the veg room (ducting on the right, and ait to the flowering room on the right! the lamp is just for taken pics!

, and that is attached to mylar which i put on a blind! (cheers OT1 ma man!).


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and finally,

a pic of the air intake alongside the 9" fan, with the air intake to the veg seen too.

ran a 3 hr temp test with new didital therm from growell at a bargain £15, and got 26.2C!!....temps ok, room ok, BB IS NOW OK!!!!.....

FDM 50/50 going in this week.......another donation along soon.....get wearing them T shirts, promote the cause!

repsect to all.....it wouldnt have got this far if UK420 wasnt here...sure i check OG and others but UK420 is where my heart is,

love and respect.



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Sweet as Sugar BB :wassnnme:

I ll look forward to seeing your plants grow ;)

Watch out for my photos in the next edition of ww :P ( hopefully if they print them)

Edited by saldo1
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you the man :wassnnme:

i studied your 2 chamber closet hard....and i am well happy with the results. competely stealthy, no visible intakes etc, and perfect temps! (in flower room anyway), many many thanks fella!

as soon as i get sprouted ill get new pics....end of this week.....YEE HAW!!!!

cheers and respect ma man!


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I've been following this post for a while now but untill now have been silent.

Well BB it seems you have gained a lot of experience during the past few weeks, your grow room also seems good and I'm sure your plants will thrive.

Is stealth a big issue for you? You have mentioned certain points which led me to ask that question.

Also are you using any nutrients or growth enhancers?

Well good look with the grow, all the best.


Peace, love and empathy.

blacKdeath :wassnnme:

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easy BD,

glad you have broken the curtain of silence, pleased to meet ya geez!

stealth/security is something i take really seriously. prior to this GR being built i installed 2 cctv cams outside and an alarm rigged to the GR too! i have also installed a remote control unit to the mains so if i get any unexpected visits...i can remotely shut the whole thing down!!

plus, being in a 1 bed house, everyone passes the bedroom to go to the loo.....so yeah.....i have taken as many measures poss to conceal the fact i am growing.

the g/friend is already briefed on what to do in an emergency too....so she can get the plants out and to a safe place in 15 mins, and replace the plants with 'tomato' plants (no joking i bought seeds, books etc!)...so if the GR IS discovered by anyone i can honestly say i love tomatoes!! the fridge is always stocked with em...and books on the subject available to back up my claim!!!

paranoid? ha ha .......

as for nutes, the whole light was a kit from growell, and includes ionic bloom and grow....ive read mixed reviews about this product and will try as my growing skills improve, other such as cann pk i think!

thanks for your kind comments,

this wouldnt have got this far if it wasnt for this site and good folk like yerself!

peace & respect.



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'you say tomatoe, i say tomarto' ha ha...i love em maz,...bath in em every so often ha ha...no seriously, although they do come in handy for cooking, there main purpose is cover.

come to think of it, i could have lettuces or something?



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  • 3 weeks later...

easy all,

well, after months and months of DIY, research and more research, i have finally started mt FIRST grow.

4 x C99 beanz were germinated in the aiing cupboard using the ol paper towel method, 2 outta 4 popped last night, so they went inot the growing cubes, and under a fluro on 18/6......

1 of the other 2 beanz has split, and i am just waiting for th tap root to pop before i plant it. number 4 however, shows no signs of life. ill give it another day and germ another if i dont see any results.

so....thats it really....thought id keep this thread as my grow diary, keep your eyes peeled....pics will be up VERY soon (as soon as there is somethin worth taking a pic of).

MANY MANY THANKS TO UK420....for helping this dream become reality.




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good luck bb, I hope it goes well. Theres nowt quite like watching 'em grow, I'll look forward to seeing your pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

time for an update methinks.

well, its been an exciting, and traumatic time. i had it in my head not to make the 'classic' noobie mistake of overwatering my babies. and i didnt...................i just underwatered them!!!! lives and learns dont ya!

following on from above, that last bean i germinated, whihc split, didnt do a dam thing, so in went another 5 beanz, 3/5 popped HUGE tap roots, and into the oven they went!

so, crappy lespion digi cam in hand, off i toddled to the GR!

1 - melissa, born on 31st july 2003, head n shoulders above ALL the rest, heres a wonderfull top shot


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and here she is again,

posing for the cameras......'stop it you tart!'......if this lil beaut is male, it will break my heart.......


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here is lydia, mels twin, and she suffered the most from underwatering! she seems to be ok though, she did wilt, right over, till the point she was growing down, but i sorted it.

at the mo, lydia and mel are now on 1/4 strength ionic grow every 2nd day....temps have been fine through this heat wave and i havent seen em go over 29C...humidity not gone above 65% so im happy!

sorry bout the crap pics!


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i discovered a small prob woth my GR design, this NRG bulb is on the far left hand side.....the plug sockets are on the right hand side....and as such it doesnt reach all the way down......hence trusty tupperware box!!

she doesnt seem to be growing straight!


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