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should be ok as long as uv given it some support!!..my NL were falling about all over the shop broken branches n all sorts..all came good tho,sure yours will.

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Late comer here aswell Joby, but am glad I read it all, fantastic diary, and looks like your first one under your belt has been a good one.

Has been a pleasure and will stick around.

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Guest dr rockster

Hi joby k,

almost missed this one,did'nt think I'd see plant pics in a room advice thread :D

Coming along nicely there indeed and nice to hear your buds are so heavy they need propping up,enjoyable hassle eh?

About time for a lil update maybe,must have come on a bit?

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sorry not been around people... had a relationship breakdown... and his family threatened to grass me up so it all had to be cut down early... gutted 2 nore weeks and it would have been done.. still got 18oz of it though... sorry was unable to finish the dairy off people... but there will be a next time...

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fuckin hell joby...you take what ya can from it girl n keep your chin up ok.

shit happens n you will slide thru no sweat..yeh!

......ER...n 18 ounce ya say!!!...:bangin:...nice!

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fuckin hell joby...you take what ya can from it girl n keep your chin up ok.

shit happens n you will slide thru no sweat..yeh!

......ER...n 18 ounce ya say!!!...:naughty:...nice!

thanks bizzaro not to worry sweet... what goes around comes around... there a bunch of wankers...

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the bigger pots helped yes?

sorry missed rest of thread, been workin away so av just had chance to read rest of diary. you done well for a noob, fuck, you done well for a seasoned grower, I just had shite result wiv some hashberry, first time :rofl:

ah well live an' learn.

Is proper pisser that you had to cut cos of the influence other people, fuck them off, if they didn't want you to grow they should have said so in the first place, not when you are coming to the end of a crop and it is starting to stink and take up more time. that 18oz could'v been 30...I seen plants triple in size that last few wk.

get that lot of grassing wankers out yer life and set up new room with no fucker telling you where and what you can do.

18oz, you'll be gettin 1.8kg next year :rofl:

just dont tell any-one.

as for your cloning problems, I use rockwool presoaked in ph'd (5.5) water and have been using a dutch product called cellmax instead of rhizotonic, can get it on ebay. looks like the same stuff to me, even have to use 4ml/ltr same as rhizo.

for first 2 days then add small amount of formulex 1-2ml per ltr and I also add hygrozym because it promotes quick root growth.

I have used a few of the various rooting agents, they all work pretty much the same if you use them properly, but my mate who is a bit of a noob swears by those gel4plugs and swears by them. damned expensive tho when you consider clonex is only a few quid and it is more or less the same stuff...

you have to keep the rockwool damp, not soaked but wet, never let it dry out.

after 5ish days (and all the cuts are still stood to attention) open the vents in the prop.

as soon as roots appear on enough cutting get em in to pots, the earlier they put in to final pot the better for root building (if you got the space and light).

then again, you could root straight into muck, there is specialist compost for it. there are a few different methods for cloning, aero etc, you find the one which works best for you. those roor riot are supposed to be good but I thought they were crap too, dried out too quick. thats the best thing with rockwool, it will hold a quantity of water giving a type of buffer I suppose... works for me anyway...

i started a grow so took 28 cuts from mother plant, I need 18 but took 10 extra to make sure. I got ten quality Lui cutting rooted and growing now that I do not need. might plant them outside some where....?

if you cant make sense of this explanation, contact me and I'll try again (when am less stoned and not waffling...)

keep up with the growing, you deserve quality green

take care


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