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Heaven Or Hell?


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put it this way I think that

My point in a nutchell :yinyang: These are your thoughts, your perceptions, your..... belief.

everything you are is inextricably linked to your physical body, when that dies so do you, look at people with things like alzheimers the person they are dies long before their body goes - what would be left to survive after death ? the soul ? what's that ? it's not you're conscious thoughts or your memories because as I've already stated they can be destroyed, so what would be left ? nothing from what I can see.

The "soul" is not a "thing" that can be observed, or located in some part of the body. I do not believe we "have a soul", rather I believe we "are soul", "soul" is the summary of you, it is the "you" that you say "dies". But that is your faith. I belive the soul passes through death, death being a natural part of existence and soul pertaining more to 'being' than 'existing'.

it all seems perfectly simple, natural and explainable to me, I see no loose ends or unanswered questions here, nothing that leads me to believe in the existence of anything other .

I'm sure it does, and in fact I'd be worried if it didn't. Your belief system gives comfortable definitions and perceptions which make your existence more enjoyable, less disturbing or painful. This is life, existence. But from my point of view I only disagree only in one minor phrase....

it all seems perfectly simple, natural and explainable to me, I see no loose ends or unanswered questions here, nothing that leads me to believe in question the existence of anything other

So little disagreement bewteen us, so much excitement! Is it worth it?

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Ok true, I can't prove it, but neither can you ;)

The purpose of life, is a life with purpose?

it seems to me that the purpose of life is to reproduce then die, anything else is vanity and ego.

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Cor! So many views! Thanks for replies.

Firstly: I was referring to "natural justice" with regard to humanity and human concience - not necessarily the universal order. I guess others would call it karma or what goes round, comes round etc. i.e. we all get what we derserve - good or bad.

Hate the idea of reincarnation - what if I come back an an ant - one of millions - pure hell for a drama queen and attention seeker!! :blub:lol

Ahem...I digress...an additional thought about if there was nothing - no great wrongs being put right "in the end" etc then what is the reasoning of our concience for? What is the drive in ourselves to better ourselves and behave honourably?

I don't think they come from some sort of deity ( yes, I'm afraid I'm "locked" into western thoecracy - can't seem to break free) but I do hope there is some sort of natural justice that our conciences are built from.

I'm babbling...time for another spliff........

Scar x

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Actually the Bible does not speak of 'Heaven and Hell'. It does mention Heaven, where God lives, but there's no 'Hell' in there. Hell comes from a largely Catholic interpretation of the eternally burning rubbish pits outside of Sodom and Gomorrah into which God cast the citizens of those cities to burn for eternity for their sins. this fate was strictly limited to them however. According to the Bible, when you die you return to the dust until Judgement Day, at which point you are resurrected to stand before God who will judge you. If you pass, you get to live forever in paradise, but if you fail, you simply return to the dust and are gone for good. No Hell, no burning fork up your arse for eternity, no demons and no Satan to organise it all.

It is, like a lot of the interpretations the clergy have given the Bible, a myth. The incentive to do good comes from the chance of eternal paradise, not eternal damnation.

Edited by Baba Ku
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Heaven and Hell........the bible......god.....all man made crap..........

why are we here, don't know and don't think we ever will...

oh and when your gone your gone......

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Some say " The devils greatest trick was to convince the world that he didn't exist. " I don't know how true it is though. :ninja:

Sometimes things happen in life that truely make you question beliefs, their existance or their non-existance. Personally I feel that there is far to much suffering and sadness in the world and if there really was any type of God then why all of the shit that people have to endure ?

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According to the Bible, when you die you return to the dust until Judgement Day, at which point you are resurrected to stand before God who will judge you. If you pass, you get to live forever in paradise, but if you fail, you simply return to the dust and are gone for good.

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:13-15 (KJV)

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Thanks for your replies :D


Have to admit the last few have scared me silly :rofl:

Very interesting, certainly food for thought.


Scar x

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Natural justice :rofl: dunno about that?, looking at the modern(or even ancient) world I see no evidence for natural justice? or any man made justice either.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" Athenian proverb.

As for death why worry? if you believe in an afterlife and then die and there is absolute nothingness, you will not know,

you are dead. if you do not believe in an afterlife and you find that there is!, well thats a bonus innit.

50/50 chance, not bad odds :D

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I think 'hell' was invented by governments to keep the masses in order....

Also, due to the fact I've actually had a 'near death experience' (long story)... I believe that living here,

on earth,

as a spiritual stroke soulful being

... is the hell.

I think we are all a bunch of monkeys who got genetically altered by aliens. That's why we face such a head fuck.

Our instincts are animal but our thoughts are extraterrestrial... or, our thoughts are from an non-earth bound source...

So, heaven is where we belong, ie: a thoughtful being that is composed purely of non-material matter, ie soul, and hell is this, stuck locked in a dumb ass monkey's genetic meat...


ps: time and motion are 'devil' and 'hell'... in the spirit world there is no 'time' and because 10000000 years ago and 1000000 years hence are all the same thing, heaven is without motion... nothing moves before everything just is.

If I not had 4 litres of snakebite mix cheap larger mix even cheaper mic cider with a dash of bluecurrent maybe I could make my thoughts more clear...

And if I had a fucking smoke I'd be too stoned to bother to reply...

Oh God, grant me some weed to fall from your abundance!

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Reincarnation for moi, im coming back :wassnnme:.

It always amazes me how people under hypnosis without having past experiances can be exact in detail in relation to previous lives, one girl for instance who was six went on to explain her name, location, who she was which was the othe side of the world.

The little girl had never been abroad and after flying her to the states she went to key locations from memory and afte they arrived at the house and street she mentioned she described in such detail things which she had done as a child, inscribing a tree which she found after going abroad.

Other details which she could not of possibly knew including people ancestors who used to live in that time period, vast amounts of data, how could she know, one example of thousands undertaken.

I say we die and then come back if we choose to, however have no memory except what is stored in the subconscious mind which during hypnosis can be tapped and expressed almost like looking at your past life through a book, pictures, lifestyle, memories of previous life's.

Each to there own though. :wink:

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