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Heaven Or Hell?


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A bit of a long winded one this but I'm currently studying law and criminology with OU. My friend came round, and during a discussion (stoned and drunk style) about natural justice, we started to think about the Christian concept of heaven and hell, perceived by many to be the ultimate justice.

I realised what a hypocrite I am lol

Neighbours giving me hassle so I says: " Wish they'd just go to hell" and she looked at me and said but you don't believe in hell. She's right, I don't. But I somehow believe in some sort of heaven or peace.... But then, if there is no hell, no fire and brimstone etc...there can only be a heaven. But you can't have one without the other, can you?

And if u don't have either, where is the natural justice?

And if u do have 'em....then someone's in charge somewhere, making decisions and I'm in deep shit ;)

I'm scaring mesself here...I'll just put the spliff down and make a cuppa...........

Scar x

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no you cant have one without the other.... because you need the other to realise how good the first is. aka you cant have god without satan. ying without yang etc...

but neither exist so dont worry about it.

just chill out....enjoy the life...and the spliff!

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when you die that's it, there is nothing more.

you may aswell believe in santa or the tooth fairy .

eternal suffering or eternal bliss based on your actions in this life ? the whole concept is patently ridiculous, the fact that anybody at all believes this nonsense is proof of just how primitive we really are.

the whole concept of right and wrong is just and abstraction created by humans and has no place in the world outside of our imaginations.

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......Neighbours giving me hassle so I says: " Wish they'd just go to hell" and she looked at me and said but you don't believe in hell.

It's only a figure of speech, you know. lol

...But then, if there is no hell, no fire and brimstone etc...there can only be a heaven.

¿Why is that? ¿Why can't their be neither, or Limbo then reincarnation, just as an example?

...I realised what a hypocrite I am :ninja:

I don't see how that's the case.

...But you can't have one without the other, can you?...And if u don't have either, where is the natural justice?

Again, ¿why not? ¿Who says that they always have to exist as complete packages or not at all?

¿And what's all this about 'natural justice' - are you saying that you think that the universe has an innate sense of 'justice'? Coz I don't. :D


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Guest scarface

hate to sound like a miserable git ;) but,

i think, when them 'lights go out' then thats it, nothing else happens, no heaven or hell just fleshflies and maggotts

the whole 'heaven and hell story' was probably put out there to help people get over their losses (grieve) and also to help people die, as i know many find all that stuff comforting at them times

i cant really see myself speaking to god in my final hour though tbh lol

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But you can't have one without the other, can you?

Yes, you can. You can have both, half and half, all at once. Whatever you like. Unless you are locking yourself into Christian beliefs.

There's no reason to not believe anything you want about heaven and hell.

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when you die that's it, there is nothing more.

Not true mate, I wonder how you came to that conclusion.

Birth and death are beautiful, they are like two sides of the same coin, we are all part of nature. From the dust, and back to it.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.


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Not true mate, I wonder how you came to that conclusion.

:yinyang: I wonder how you came to yours. Both statements are equally true/untrue.

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when you die that's it, there is nothing more.

Not true mate, I wonder how you came to that conclusion.

I wonder how you didn't, offer me solid factual proof that there is something more ......


thought not. :yinyang:

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I wonder how you didn't, offer me solid factual proof that there is something more ......

He can't and you can't. There is no such thing.

Everything you think you "know" is mere faith. There is only faith. "Facts" just don't exist - the nearest you'll get is vague concensus, sort of group faith, I suppose.

But even that is only what I believe.

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what even makes folks even think there should be something after death ?

.... I mean apart from fear that is .

death is death it's the end why should there be anything more than that ?

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put it this way I think that everything you are is inextricably linked to your physical body, when that dies so do you, look at people with things like alzheimers the person they are dies long before their body goes - what would be left to survive after death ? the soul ? what's that ? it's not you're conscious thoughts or your memories because as I've already stated they can be destroyed, so what would be left ? nothing from what I can see.

infact everything about you can be described in purely physical terms even your spirituality which is just a product of brain function, so when your physical form dies so does all of that.

it all seems perfectly simple, natural and explainable to me, I see no loose ends or unanswered questions here, nothing that leads me to believe in the existence of anything other .

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