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Greetings From The Heart Of Babylon


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high, uk. im a sixity yo medical smoker wake and bake the day. i have, dm, hbp, malabsorption, bipolar, ibs, djd with neuritis/opathy. page one.\

i collect beans and sometimes make bean sprouts. tasty. but best put in dirt.

i like long walks on the beach, romantic deeners, chick flicks and bruce willis. hated brigadoon but love camelot. my pet peeves me sometimes and turn ons are wimen that dont wear panties and men that do. just joking about the men or am i. im separated from my wife. we have separate bathrooms; its a long white trailer.

ive been a doctor, a pastor, a used and new car salesman of the month, a dishwasher, a waiter, a busboy, a bricklayer apprentice, a run naked thru the jungle, a 91b20 (combat medic), a carpenter, a machinist, a bible salesman, a rec.vehicle salesman, a career university student, a preacher, a teacher, a toker since 1965, a computer salesman, a nuclear surity officer page two

have owned two tr3s and a spitfire british racing green. would call british auto parts just to hear the english bap here.

well enough already, who has the joint.\



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man thats some intro :D welcome to the site

ya worked as everything aside from the butcher baker and candlestick maker :rofl:

hehe a bible salling paster with combat medic experiance and nuke security clearances ya couldnt write that stuff ..........semper fi

come to scotland no one wears panties :rofl:

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you guys are funny. thanks for the warm welcome. dont know why i haved posted here before. i do but im here now.

man i love to visit scotland. my mom my rock passed two years ago, drunk driver and more. she was proud of the fact that she was scot, irish, english and dutch.

listening to 3dog night and joss stone. hir you are such a gentleman. we have earl grey in walmart. is there walmart in earl grayville. hope not.

asst. brigadoon is my wifes favorite musical. the first time i mocked it the whole time and ruined it for her. im such a insensitive asshole sometime. a fan of dennis leary. ha

whoo, im tired. refreshment brain, refeshment.


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Hi gen welcome m8

You've been a member for 2 years, posted 6 times and then you come out with

high, uk. im a sixity yo medical smoker wake and bake the day. i have, dm, hbp, malabsorption, bipolar, ibs, djd with neuritis/opathy. page one.\

i collect beans and sometimes make bean sprouts. tasty. but best put in dirt.

i like long walks on the beach, romantic deeners, chick flicks and bruce willis. hated brigadoon but love camelot. my pet peeves me sometimes and turn ons are wimen that dont wear panties and men that do. just joking about the men or am i. im separated from my wife. we have separate bathrooms; its a long white trailer.

ive been a doctor, a pastor, a used and new car salesman of the month, a dishwasher, a waiter, a busboy, a bricklayer apprentice, a run naked thru the jungle, a 91b20 (combat medic), a carpenter, a machinist, a bible salesman, a rec.vehicle salesman, a career university student, a preacher, a teacher, a toker since 1965, a computer salesman, a nuclear surity officer page two

have owned two tr3s and a spitfire british racing green. would call british auto parts just to hear the english bap here.

well enough already, who has the joint.\





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well im old and sick, leroy. havent really been lurking for two years; just signedup at a bunch of sites and uk420 got lost in the blur of the net until found my handle and pw for this site a few days ago. thanks for the warm greeting.

great cars, mj. they were all wrecks that i fixed with junk-yard parts. couldnt affort new parts, but would call bap for small items that only they had. hell, thats back to 1965. went from midlife crisis to male menopause. i have only been a medical smoker the last ten years. hey, mary thanks for sharing those fond memories with me.

forgot to mention, juan pronounced jewan grows my shit; he says hes from israel and a jew. i think that he is cuban without a green card. then he admits that hes is from panama and has been walking to the us for years. his gf made him tear down juans grow room because shes paranoid. she smoke cigs and only mj when her ibs flairs. does the whole world have ibs. one hit and shes good. succinct post, although good for the reader is a much longer write time wise.

so thanks for the memories and will see you all around the uk420.\

gen131 :)

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veteran day salvo;

ok, so fri. i went to see my psychiatrist at the va. in his office, no windows and the big impregnable solid wood door closed shut. a sound of a well made door. need to get a transcript of the next hour and a half. anyway, capt. m.d. grilled me about personal finances and other personal shit until i had a full blown panic attack and asked him if i could go. the shocker i guess was wwhen i asked him how looking at the ccomputer screen could be a possible hendrance to theray and he replyed instantly that this our sessions was not, yes, not therapy. wtf i said. yes, its a med check and he was just asking the questions that i had already mailed back to the va.



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so it shaping up to a trip to the home of the slugger. got kin there and iv burned out my welcome at my daughters house here. couple weeks smokin blue grass, my six ft pro wrestler girl. six daughters. well, she is a mmj user too and was looking forward to having soneone to smoke wiht. now that she is a pro she needs to be drug tested for the license. shit. oh well she says she has me hooked up anyway.

so thats two weeks, but maybe can use her computer.

by the by, the apa american psychiatric assoc. vote on mmj was mostly trying to give back to doctors the power to treat their patients as the docs feel. too back they get no respect in the medical community. psychiatrists are the only docs that can lock anybody up for two weeks on only their word. anybody. at least in america. word.


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