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New Build - Stage One Complete


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So there I was about to start doing the outside shed for my bloom room and I am looking at the walls thinking I am gonna need to dampcourse and seal and then line the walls and it will still prolly be damp and danky as fuck..

So I come inside and the missus can see I am a bit disheartened and low because of how damp and shitty it is out there and how cold its gonna also be in the winter and that its gonna have bugs, lots of bugs..

she is defiant that she does not want the weed blooming in the house rooms because of the kids and just all the equip (water and elecy + kids = )

she says "I dont mind them veging in the spare room" So me trying to wangle my way into growing in the spare room I say to her "I am gonna tidy up all your crap and all the old bags of baby clothes, toys, teddy bears"

while I am tidying up I think where the fuck am I gonna put all this shit - two mins later the missus comes and says "why not put that in the loft" I am like oohhhh yeeaa, totally oblivious that we even had one of those fuckers.. So there I was torch in hand and teetering on the end of some pos makeshift ladders.. I go up and too my surprise the loft is fucking huge, so I take a pic and go downstairs to show her bacause she aint going up there.. I was so exited to show her the pic.. It was as if I had just discovered atlantis.. she was laughing her ass off because I was all exited and eager - then out of the blue she just tured arround and said. "You should grow up there!! It looks like a nice space and it would be safe" - it was almost like she had just offered me the option to bang her up the ass because that never happens - :wink:

So theres me now with tape measure in hand still thinking if I was dreaming or not... till I stood on a big fucking nail and nearly went into my foot.. (note to self dont go up there with no shoes"

so now I have the measurements I goto my local timber supplier and show them my wonderfully shit sketch of my loft and they are like you need some plasterboard 12m squared and some loft chipboard 9m squared - I could not believe how cheap it was and all in it was £84 - delivered. the cool thing is there is cold water pipe running to the bathroom that I can tap into and there is eleccy also -

Sorry but I thought I should just share my exitement

Pic attached -


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okay so maybe I cant use a tape measure - I thought it was 9M squared and I actually think its only 3m squared because all the shit came today and I went up and laid two of the 10 packs and it does half the one side of the loft

so that aside I got cracking when I got home from work and started laying the floor -

so here is an updated few pics of the work so far.. the insulation on the left is gonna be used to line the roof and then plasterboard will be placed over that to create a nice enclosed room



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okay ... so today I finished work and cracked on with the rest of the build - It was 9M squared in the end :wassnnme:..

Flooring is finished - I am stoked with the way it ended up... just need to get the insulation up next and the plasterboard and then I can get the rest of the equipment up there..

what would everyone do with this space if they could put some equip up there?

I am gonna have a think about whats gonna be the best layout but am still a bit unsure..



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thnx for reply's dudes ..

the floorspace is 9m squared - its 3M x 3M

on the right side I am going to use for veg I think because clearance is not too high - but then on the right its a whole load better so should be cool for flowering..

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well done mate,nifty bit of neat diy there,bet you're itching to get it finished.

just chill :unsure: and take the time to plan it right,so that you only have to position equipment once,you've certainly got the space,skills and potential to come up with the perfect perpetual grow space :yep:

Edited by andyr1rider
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Guest Healthystealthy

Looking great so far m8 :D keep the pics of its progress coming, love threads like this ;)

Healthy :yahoo:

e2a: Welcome to uk420 Cytrax

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Thanks for all the replys dudes

yes there is a chimney but I would not have a clue about tapping into it - Would it be safe to just remove 4 or five bricks with a hammer and 4" brick bolster? If anyone has any tips with dissecting a chimney then I would appreciate it :unsure: - I will google to see if I can find any tips

Once that was done I reckon would put my extraction duct lip/flange through it and fill the gaps with expanding foam so when I eventually do get the pipework/flexible ducting I can just stick it right on to the flange?

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Im lovin that,at more the one time my wife gave me that same grin. Myself I would get a masonry drill bit and cut a circle pattern and then chisel inbetween the drilled holes.It may take some time but its alot safer(no shock waves to the structure)keep us posted. :ninja:

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