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Is Thought A Dimension?


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but thought is a physical thing so surly its just a little part of this dimension?

also to me it is only logical that there is an infinate ammount of dimensions if there is more than one

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also to me it is only logical that there is an infinate ammount of dimensions if there is more than one

I think you must be thinking of Parallel Universes :puke:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure thought is a dimension. I think it exists as a thing though. Maybe some type of unknown electricity or something of that sort.

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  • 9 months later...
if you cant imagine other dimensions where are they going to come from?

Over there.

lol lol lol

resuscitating thread!

imo every thought resonates with a particular dimension, hence why its so important to be in control of thought when out of body, its hard work. i think (lol) theres a dimension or somewhere (like giant astral hard drive) where all thought and experience is held aswell..an akashic records type flex..

care to expound uk420?


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Fuck, I hope there isn't anywhere that holds my thoughts (or if there is I hope to fuck that nobody ever gets access to it)

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Guest dr rockster

My dad was a bit of a boffin and he used to teach me physics in his underclothes in his study.

Man,never could get my head around string vest theory. :ouch:

It was all quantum Y-fronts to me?

I'd get me coat but I left it in the 11th dimension. :rofl:

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My dad was a bit of a boffin and he used to teach me physics in his underclothes in his study.

Man,never could get my head around string vest theory. :wassnnme:

It was all quantum Y-fronts to me?

I'd get me coat but I left it in the 11th dimension. :wink:

haha blinding thread . thought is an action,with infinate consequences,time and space are limitless ,everything starts from energy,and everything is 1/connected( does that make god energy)?and...i am rather shitfaced,need food :pimp:

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Interesting topic!

When I first read the question, I thought to myself no, how can thought be a dimension since all the dimensions that we know of (3 of them) are all physical!. But then when thinking on it, it is entirely possible, in fact its actually more than likely.

Here's why. Look around you right now. For every object you see how many dimension do you think you can see? 3 right?.... wrong! You can actually only see 2! I'll try to explain. When you look at something you can see height & width, If you're looking at it from an angle you think you can see depth as well, but in reality you are still seeing height & width.

A good example of this when you look at a 3d image on your computer screen. You computer screen is only able to show you images in 2d... yet, when you play a first person shooter type game for example, you can see depth as well as height & width right? Wrong, I'll say it again... the screen can only display in 2d, therefore it is impossible to see depth! For some examples look at these images,





All of the above images look like they have depth but that (as you know) is impossible because you're looking at them on a flat 2d (height & width) screen!

So, thinking logically... how is it possible to see depth on a two 2d image? Clearly your mind is capable of knowing that an object it is seeing has depth... so it fools you into thinking you can actually see it! So, if you can't even (really) see the third dimension, but your mind is smart enough to know its there, then what of the 4th, 5th, 6th etc? Why can't we also perceive those as well?

I think the answer is simple our minds as yet, simply do not know how to perceive them> It's almost like our brains have evolved in such a way that it has no need for them (if they do actually exist). Since your mind cannot perceive or understand them you cannot see them! (Remember you don't actually see with your eyes at all, you see with your mind, the eyeballs are just like lenses on a telescope that our brains use to bring things into focus.

So as far as I'm concerned, the answer is yes, thought is a dimensional perception requirement!

Edited by Major Lee Mashed
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