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Is Thought A Dimension?


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i wondered this one morning some years back and asked a then work mate about it. well call him fernandrew (haha - he wouldnt like that)

me - here, fernandrew, is thought a dimension?

fernandrew - no, dimensions are the physical constrictions of our universe. thought is the result of chemical and electrical impulses in the brain. thoughts feel special, but theyre not. no more so than burps or farts.

me - hmm, that maybe so, but the way i see it, dimensions are a result of thought, innit? its us who have named the dimensions of length breadth depth height and time. dimensional perceptions a pretty different affair for fish. but our construct of dimension is only perceivable through some kind of thought, so would that promote thought as a meta-dimension, a dimension that must first be in place before the others can be realised? like reading glasses?

fernandrew (staring into his coffee) - tsk its ten to nine in the morning and i dont think im in the best state to furnish you with the kind of cognitive action you seek.

me - fair enough like...

and so the question remains. is thought a dimension, or a dimensional perception requirement?


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I think therefore I am. Yes. I would say individual thought can be considered a 'dimension'. When cut off from outside stimulus, human imagination is a 'reality' in it's own right.

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Do dimensions exist outside our perception, or does a dimension need to be perceived in order to exist ? I'd say the former, just like before Everest was discovered the highest mountain in the world (no smart comments regarding the shape of the earth & how Everest isn't really the highest please, you know what I mean) was still Everest. Thought is something (at least as far as we are currently aware) totally outside the idea of measurement (OK, I know they can analyse electrical impulses in the brain, see which parts of the brain are active etc, but that's not the same as analysing the actual thoughts in someone's head). I don't think it's a dimension or has any relationship with dimensions, it's a different order of things. How much does thought weigh ? What colour is thought ? What does thought smell like ? I think they are of a similar nature of question to whether thought is or has any bearing on dimensions, it's a different order of being, it doesn't exist as a physical thing. The neurotransmitters and chemical signals that create thought do, but thought itself is, for want of a better word, ethereal. Least that's how I see it having given it about ten seconds consideration & typing as I go along.

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Carlos Castaneda, was taught by Don Juan that many, it not all, hallucinogenic 'trips' caused by peyote are not figments of imagination, but are actually realities. As far as I understood it, he was saying that the world is like an onion, it has many, many layers. Even though we would class some 'trips' as just imagination, or thought, Don Juan was adamant these 'places' are real. With that in mind, I'd feel that yes, thought is indeed another dimension.

I suppose one could then say one has to define 'dimension'...

Nice thread but maybe it's too late at night or I'm too dumb to reply intellectually as me brain is getting all frazzzzelled... :wink:

e2a: not even I could understand me spelling mistake!

Edited by zadtop
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Only my opinion but i would say thought is dimensional in a subjective sense,as for quantum mechanics those dimensions are more about dimensions that exist in external universal reality.It really depends what is meant by dimension i guess, i like quantum mechanics though because it goes against logical positivism and the mathematical formula underpinning it is one of the most perfect mathematical formulas ever produced.They think they will have the first quantum computer within 10 years and i just hope im around then because if they do it our understanding will have no bounds :)

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I'm drunk 'n' confused.

Carl Sagan (god that he is) couldn't penetrate this poor ol' brain ov mine.

I've deffo gotta get some drobe togevva pronto as it's been too long since I've been properly stoned!

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"There is a fifth dimension. Beyond that which is known to Man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of Man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call...the Twilight Zone." Rod Serling - dundun-dundun dundun-dundun...

e2a: you people have far too much time on your hands :fear:

Edited by Nettle-Grower
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That's probably just the LSD still in your system Chrystal :smoke: care to name them? Height, width, depth, time, imagination, John, Paul, George, Ringo, Bob and Betty...?

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That's probably just the LSD still in your system Chrystal :) care to name them? Height, width, depth, time, imagination, John, Paul, George, Ringo, Bob and Betty...?

lol It must be the LSD left in the system of those studying string theory, they say string theory predicts 11 dimensions with extreme mathematical precision.

I'm inclined to go with them on it, until I hear anything to the contrary :rofl:

No, I can't name them, but they are the 11 extra dimensions outside of the time & spacial location dimensions ;)

What is your fifth dimension then, is that my first? lol

I'm sure I slipped back a dimension once when I was tripping, I was using a remote controller to move my body about :smoke:

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Heard a bit about that string theory - something to do with particles in the sub -atomic level not conforming to the "normal" rules of physics or something, isn't it? Everything is chaos underneath? Correct me if I'm wrong please. I've had time slow down on acid once, but only round me - kinda matrixy at the time (no pun intended and I hadn't seen the films then btw).

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thoughts exist in the dimension of time, they need time to exist.

dimensions are what objects exist within, thoughts are objects which exist within the dimension of time, and i expect the spatial dimensions may be pretty essential for them, too

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